Reducing fruit drop by altering hormonal responses within the tree through nutritional and hormonal therapies: a mechanistic affordable approach

Reducing fruit drop by altering hormonal responses within the tree through nutritional and hormonal therapies: a mechanistic affordable approach

Report Date: 08/12/2022
Project: 21-007   Year: 2022
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Fernando Alferez
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Specific objectives are:1) To determine the right timing for Zn and K treatments to minimize fruit drop. 2) To determine effects of GA3 and 2,4D applications on fruit retention when applied at different times during fruit development. 3) To develop a strong and proactive outreach program. For objective 1 we did the first set of treatments on the first week of June, and the second set of treatments, by the end of July. Every set of treatments is performed in an independent block, so treatments are applied only once, to assess the best timing to achieve the best results. We have observed and recorded that trees under Zn and Zn+K treatments have greener canopies. We have sampled leaves for chlorophyll analysis, after noticing this clear difference. Control trees are presenting some off-blooms in August. These off-blooms have not been observed in the treated trees. Off bloom trees have been marked to record fruit drop.In objective 2, GA3 and 2,4D treatments have continued as planned.Objective 3: Outreach. -Boakye, D, Alferez, F. The interplay between Zn, K, and IAA biosynthesis and signalling during the abscission process on Huanglongbing (HLB)-affected Hamlin trees. ASHS 2022 Annual Conference. July, 2022.  Chicago. Oral presentation. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: In next quarter,  we will continue treatments for both objectives and we will start assesing fruit drop in Hamlin, we do not anticipate any fruit drop in Valencia. We are starting also analysis of samples collected to date. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Underspending on student salary and tuition is still happening as the student Divya Aryal did not join yet. We expect this to be corrected during this month, as she is already accepted in the HOS doctoral program  and visa gets finally approved.  

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