Reducing fruit drop by altering hormonal responses within the tree through nutritional and hormonal therapies: a mechanistic affordable approach

Reducing fruit drop by altering hormonal responses within the tree through nutritional and hormonal therapies: a mechanistic affordable approach

Report Date: 05/19/2022
Project: 21-007   Year: 2022
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Fernando Alferez
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Specific objectives are:1) To determine the right timing for Zn and K treatments to minimize fruit drop. 2) To determine effects of GA3 and 2,4D applications on fruit retention when applied at different times during fruit development. 3) To develop a strong and proactive outreach program. During this initial quarter, for objectives 1 and 2 we have identified the trees from Hamlin and Valencia in Central and Southwest Florida that we will be using in our studies,  flagged them and organized them in a completely randomized block design. We have also taken baseline initial data on HLB severity ratings, tree height, canopy volume, leaf area index, and scion and rootstock diameters. Also, leaf samples for nutrient analysis and determination of initial Ct values for HLB have been taken.For objective 2, GA3 and 2,4D treatments have already started. For objective 1, we are starting first set of treatments by the end of May.Objective 3: Outreach-F. Alferez, Foliar applications of Zinc and Potassium to increase yield by reducing fruit drop in Hamlin oranges. 2022 Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute, Avom Park April 5, 2022.-T. Vashisth, Update on Gibberellic acid studies.2022 Florida Citrus Growers’ Institute, Avom Park April 5, 2022.-T, Vashisth and F. Alferez., wokshop by zoom on “gibberellic acid research update and other PGRs for Florida citrus”. 217 registered participants. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: In the second quarter, we will perform first set of treatments for objective 1 in both Valencia and Hamlin trees and continue with data collection. Treatments for objective 2 will continue as planned (applications every 45 days). Importantly, a new PhD student, Dyvia Aryal, Ms graduated from University of Hannover, Germany, will join the project in June-July, to conduct studies on this project under Dr Alferez supervision   3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): There has been underspending on student salary and tuition, because student could not join in January as expected, due to a delay in proposal approval. As stated above, Dyvia will join in Summer, as soon as she gets her visa approved (in process).  

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