1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: To determine how many leaf nutrient sampling per year are required to effectively capture the tree nutritional statusand adjust fertilizer accordingly.2. To establish the relationship of leaf nutrient concentration with yield, fruit drop, and canopy density3. To determine how the leaf nutrient (all 14 nutrient) levels change in the tree throughout the year.4. To evaluate how the leaf age affects the leaf nutrient status. In this quarter we were able to fertilize the trees for spring based on spring and summer flush nutrient analysis. In addition we have tageed newly emereged spring flush for nutrient analysis for this year. We were able to perform another set of nutriet analysis in this quarter as well. In addition we have been collecting leaf samples from fruiting an non fruting branches for comparison. The prelimnary analysis shows that spring flush are deficient in immobile nutrients as compared to random leaves therefore, suggesting that method of sampling can sway the results signifcantly. In addition we are seeing that fruting branches show low levels of consistent acculumation of micronutrients in the leaves wherease the non fruiting branch decrease in micronutrients from summer to fall thus the suggesting a higher metabolism of nutrients. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: 1. Data analysis and interpretation2. Collecting samples for nutrient analysis3. Applying fertilizer treatments based on leaf nutrient analysis results 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): The budget is being spent as per the plan where major funds have been used for nutrient anlaysis.