Strigolactones types of growth regulator to combat HLB in Florida

Strigolactones types of growth regulator to combat HLB in Florida

Report Date: 08/18/2017
Project: 899   Year: 2017
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Ed Etxeberria
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Strigolactone (SL) applications on HLB-affected trees consistently resulted in vegetative and reproductive flush following foliar treatment. Fruit set and retention were both enhanced by SL treatments. No effect was noted when SL were applied to healthy HLB- trees. SL-enhanced vegetative growth was accompanied by substantial increases in vascular tissue as evidenced by the growth in thickness and health of phloem elements. In addition, SL can regulate root architecture by increased formation of primary roots, lateral roots, and elongation of root hairs. Accompanying each burst in vegetative growth, there is a substantial decline in starch content, and to a lesser extent soluble sugars. The decline in starch likely fuels the establishment of new phloem and corresponding flush. Thus, foliar and/or soil drench applications of SL may induce new phloem, roots in and regulate shoot architecture of HLB trees resulting in restored tree health. Presently SL are relatively expensive, yet costs have declined substantially (reduced in half) during the experimental period. Although effective in improving health to HLB-affected trees, the cost remains prohibited at the moment. Further decline in costs may offer an opportunity to integrate SL with present grove care practices.

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