Strigolactones types of growth regulator to combat HLB in Florida

Strigolactones types of growth regulator to combat HLB in Florida

Report Date: 01/02/2016
Project: 899   Year: 2015
Category: Other
Author: Ed Etxeberria
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The last quarter of 2015 was dedicated to microscopy with additional time allotted to starting the second year experiments and to write manuscripts. There was a great deal of time dedicated to data analysis and field plus greenhouse preparation. In November, we began with the planned treatments both in the greenhouse and field. We followed the proposed plan of work with the following experiments. I: Effect of drenching application of SL on HLB-infected trees. Soil in potted Valencia trees was drenched with SL at the predetermined concentration. Tree characteristics were noted and changes recorded on a bi-weekly basis. II: Effect of spray application of SL on HLB-infected trees (Repeat experiment). This is a repeat of the experiments involving spraying SL on Valencia potted trees in the greenhouse. Tree characteristics were noted and changes recorded on a bi-weekly basis. III: Effect of SL + Fungicides on Phytophthora growth in HLB-infected trees. This treatment has been postponed. IV: Effect of spray application of SL on other varieties of citrus in groves. ‘Midsweet’ was selected as a second variety to be tested for SL effect on tree health. Tree physical characteristics and fruit drop are being monitored. V: Effect of spray application of SL + other promising compounds on citrus in groves. Additional natural organic compounds, successfully used in other crops, are being tested for the potential effectiveness in citrus trees. So far, diluted sucrose solutions have been effective in enhancing new flush in trees with advanced stages of HLB. For all trees, data is being collected on the appearance of new growth, flowering, fruit drop and vegetative growth in general.

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