Support role of the Citrus Core Transformation Facility remains crucial for research leading to production of Citrus plants that may be tolerant or resistant to diseases

Support role of the Citrus Core Transformation Facility remains crucial for research leading to production of Citrus plants that may be tolerant or resistant to diseases

Report Date: 10/11/2016
Project: 15-033C   Year: 2016
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Vladimir Orbovic
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF) moved to temporary location in the last week of July. The staff tried to minimize the impact of moving on the operation of the lab. We ended up canceling only half week worth of experiments. However, the location of the lab itself presented a challenge and has negatively affected productivity. Within the last two months, the death rate of micro-grafted positive transgenic shoots more than doubled. Some of previously grafted and established plants also exhibited signs of poor growth and few of them died. I have instructed the staff to do grafting in lab in different building and keep grafted shoots out of CCTF. We also consulted with the member of Mature Tissue Transformation who does grafting and got some advice from him. The orders continued to come to CCTF in high numbers. Within this quarter we have received 12 more orders. Altogether, we received 50 orders since the beginning of the year. Resistance to canker and HLB continue to dominate the orders placed at CCTF. CCTF produced 60 plants within the last quarter. Out of those plants, five were Carrizo citranges, three Swingle citrumelos, two Pineapple sweet orange, and 50 Duncan grapefruits. Transgenic rootstock plants carrying NPR1 produced in our facility are still in our greenhouse. Those plants are very tall now and will require additional care soon. If they are supposed to be propagated by cuttings, that should be done very soon, since this type of propagation is not very successful when done during the months of November, December, and January.

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