In the second quarter of 2016 Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF) continued to operate without interruption although prospective moving date for the lab was June 17th. Eventually the date was pushed back to July 21st so facility is still in its old location. Due to the very high number of orders placed in the last quarter and increased work load, I have hired one more employee who was trained in the lab during the month of April. This new employee is working full time. However, another employee was taken back from 1.0 FTE to 0.4 FTE at her own request. The number of orders placed at the CCTF remained high. We have received 12 orders within the last 3 months. Seven of those orders were paid in advance although no material associated with transformation was received. Customer just wanted to secure the place in our work schedule for time when they are ready to send us plasmid constructs. The plants produced within the last quarter are almost all from the experiments associated with orders placed within last 9-12 months. We produced 67 plants: nine Carrizo citranges, six Swingle citrumelos, and 52 Duncan grapefruits. Transgenic rootstock plants carrying NPR1 produced in our facility are still in our greenhouse. They are at the stage when they could easily be propagated by cuttings. I am awaiting further instructions on what to do with these plants.