Support role of the Citrus Core Transformation Facility remains crucial for research leading to production of Citrus plants that may be tolerant or resistant to diseases

Support role of the Citrus Core Transformation Facility remains crucial for research leading to production of Citrus plants that may be tolerant or resistant to diseases

Report Date: 01/08/2016
Project: 15-033C   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Vladimir Orbovic
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

During the last quarter of 2015 Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF) continued to operate as planned and produced transgenic Citrus plants. The number of orders received for the last three months jumped to nine. Two of those orders were for transgenic Duncan grapefruit and the rest are the set of seven orders for production of genetically modified Pineapple orange. CCTF still has not received two groups of orders announced by prospective clients about 5-6 months ago. Also, one set of orders that included the use of three different vectors was withdrawn and the client is working on re-cloning of all vectors. CCTF produced 51 plants within last quarter. These plant belong to multitude of orders, altogether nine of them, some of which are old and some newer. Six of the produced plants were Valencia oranges, 11 were Duncan grapefruit, and the rest were Carrizo citrange. As I have previously reported to Dr. H. Browning, the analysis of transgenic plants carrying NPR1 gene was successfully completed by Yosvanis Acanda from Mature tissue transformation facility. Out of 67 tested transgenic rootstock plants produced by the CCTF, 23 were shown to be high expressers of NPR1. These plants are being kept in the CCTF�s greenhouse until they reach the size at which they can be propagated so that they can serve as rootstocks for both transgenic and WT scion plants.

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