T-SOL� antimicrobial for the management of citrus canker and HLB

T-SOL� antimicrobial for the management of citrus canker and HLB

Report Date: 07/18/2016
Project: 15-037C   Year: 2016
Category: Other
Author: Swadeshmukul Santra
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

In this reporting period, nine different T-SOL variants made with agriculture-grade chemicals were included for plant uptake studies. Citrus seedlings (Cleopatra sp.) were used as model plants. The T-SOL variants involved three different Zn chelating agents and three different concentrations of a plant surface permeability enhancer (1, 0.5 and 1M with respect to metallic Zn). Citrus seedlings were treated for 24hours with 800ppm dose of different T-SOL variants. After 24hours of treatment whole seedlings were washed thoroughly with 5L of deionized water to clean the additional materials sticking to plant surface. Whole plant samples were then oven dried for 5days at 60�C. The treated plant samples were then ground to fine powder in a dry blender (Cuisinart, Model SG-10). 0.5gms of the dried samples were then digested in 20mLs of aqua regia solution to find out the zinc uptake by plants. Zinc uptake varied from 0-0.8mg/gram dry weight for different treatments compared to untreated control samples (0.09mg Zn/ gram dry weight). Maximum uptake of up to 0.8mg Zn/gram dry weight of plant sample was observed. It was observed that plant micronutrient based Zn chelating agent exhibited maximum uptake. In the coming reporting period, plant uptake studies will be conducted to determine the uptake and translocation of T-SOL inside different plant tissue which can help further to select the most effective T-SOL variant prepared with agri-grade chemicals that can be later used in green house and field trial studies.

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