The Texas Citrus Budwood Certification Program 2014-2015 – FINAL REPORT

The Texas Citrus Budwood Certification Program 2014-2015 - FINAL REPORT

Report Date: 09/13/2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: John da Graca
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The Budwood Certification Program provided over 246,000 buds from 67 different varieties to the industry in FY 2014-2015. This was the largest amount of budwood provided in the last 10 years. All structures are certified by TDA and USDA with monthly inspections. All trees were tested every 6 months for HLB and annually for CTV in accordance with the USDA-APHIS regulations for intrastate movement of quarantined plant material. In addition, the Texas Germplasm Introduction Program is starting up, with a shoot-tip grafting and quarantine facility for introducing clean, pathogen free varieties specific to the Texas Industry. Increase Screenhouses 3 and 4 have over 4,000 potted increase trees. Screenhouse 3 contains newly budded Increase and Foundation trees awaiting transplanting. All trees were tested for HLB in October, 2014 and April, 2015 for HLB and CTV. A total 106,659 buds were cut from Screenhouses 3 and 4. Intensive inspections, pest and fertility management continue to be in place. A total of 117,001 buds were cut from Increase screen structures I, II, and III. As the trees in Screenhouses 3 and 4 develop, the number of buds cut from the screen structures has decreased. All trees were tested in October, 2014 for HLB and in April, 2015 for CTV and HLB. An intensive fertilization, health and pest management program continues to be in place. Screenhouse 1 and 2 are filled to 70% capacity with certified Foundation trees. Additional trees will be added in the fall and winter. All trees were sampled and tested for HLB in October, 2014 and again in April, 2015 for HLB and CTV. All trees have tested negative. All trees are currently undergoing PCR testing for Viruses and Viroids. There are currently 147 Foundation trees in Screenhouse 5. All trees were sampled and tested for HLB in October, 2014 and again in April, 2015 for HLB and CTV. All trees are currently undergoing PCR testing for Viruses and Viroids. The Foundation greenhouse in Stephenville, Texas is the remote site location for reserve Foundation varieties. Currently there are 70 Foundation trees at Stephenville. The greenhouse was certified by TDA in August. Mark VanNess and Sonia del Rio traveled to California�s Rubidoux Citrus Quarantine Facility in Riverside California in August for shoot-tip grafting training and also to learn the procedures for establishing a germplasm introduction program in Texas. The TajMahal building has been designated as the facility for growing and indexing the quarantined varieties until they are approved for release by the USDA and TDA. The program will be approved and certified by USDA prior to the start of any shoot-tip grafting. Budwood sales for FY 2014-2015 were 246,075. This exceeds last year�s total of 196,080. Rio Red buds totaled 144,139, (59%), down from last year�s number of 155,521 Rio Red buds (79%). The number of Olinda Valencia buds cut was 43,200 (18%), the largest number of Olinda�s ever cut. More Olinda Increase trees have been budded in anticipation of higher numbers in the future.

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