Report for period ending 6/30/14 During the period of 4/1/14 to 6/30/14 we finished the analysis of nectar samples collected during the bloom of 2014. More than 300 samples were collected, albeit not all were able to be analyzed due to variation in quantity of nectar collected. It was observed that trees diseased with HLB produced far less nectar than healthier trees whcih complicated the standardization of samples. Samples were collected from 110 plots treated with different soil applied insecticides on varying dates up to 4 months prior to bloom. For each of the plots, bloom samples were collected on 3 separate dates to ensure rigourous sampling. The analysis of nectar from one date was reported in a previous reporting cycle. During the current reporting period, we completed the nectar analysis from the remaining samples. The remaining samples provided results similar to those rpeviously reported. Samples collected from trees treated more than 2 months (or more) prior to actual bloom did not contain appreciable levels of inseciticide in the plant nectar.These results support the hypothesis that soil-applied insecticide applications made 2 months or more prior to bloom will result in residue levels in nectar belwo the level of concern for pollinators. Work will now shift to focusing on analysis of insecticide residue levels in leaf tissues.