1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:Project objectives:Objective 1: Determine the effect of systemic acquired resistance (SAR) in enhanced tolerance to HLB Objective 2: Monitor tree health and HLB levels Objective 3: Conduct Juice analysis and evaluate quality parameters from selected Parson Brown trees. We have identified and collected leaf samples in the spring from 8 Parson Brown groves. Groves are spread all around the major citrus growing regions. We have evaluated the samples collected from the first quarter. All trees are HLB positive with Parson Brown Ct values comparable to the Hamlins. Parson Brown trees in most samples had elevated PR1 and PR2 . DNA and RNA analysis in this quarter will allow us to see if the trend continues through the summer. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:In the next quarter, we will again sample the same groves and collect similar leaf samples. HLB levels will be evaluated using qPCR and we will evaluate the genetic differences between the samples. We will also collect data on some physiological parameters. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):We are on target with the spending for this project.