The first steps in this project have taken place. As we are using the very latest DNA sequencing technologies, and we are attempting to produce nearly full-length genome sequences, it is important to begin with the highest quality DNA preparation as starting material for library construction for sequencing. We collected young leaves and young flush from the five cultivars selected for sequencing. This required multiple samplings because we were not always able to get the ideal tissue types; just slightly more mature vegetative tissue than the optimum did not give us the purity and the quantity of high-molecular weight (HMW) DNA required. We also optimized previous protocols we have used to be able to produce quantity and quality required. Finally, we were successful and samples have been sent to UC Berkeley Genome Sequencing Laboratory, and sequencing libraries have been constructed. Contractual issues between UF and UCB, based on language in the UF-CRDF contract, delayed the start of actual sequencing, while relevant officals at UF and UCB have worked toward resolution of the legalities. Sequencing runs are scheduled to begin in mid-September, once contractual issues are resolved. Plant materials are being prepared for RNA isolations, to enable annotation of assembed sequences.