1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective. To determine the influence of compost during the first three years of tree establishment on growth, productivity, and root and soil health of citrus trees on rootstocks with different vigor-inducing capacity. Annother round of compost was applied in May at the usual rate.Leaf flush ratings were conducted in May, June, and July.Soil moisture was measured in May, June, and July.Fibrous root respiration was measured in June.Fibrous root length and weight were determined to calculate the specific root length. We continue to organize and analyze the data. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:We will collect soil samples for macro and micro nutrient analysis and determination of other soil traits (organic matter, CEC, pH, etc.). We will collect leaves for micro and macro nutrient analysis.We will continue with flush ratings and soil moisture determination.We will continue with data analysis. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Approximately 45% of funds have been spent, which is mostly in accordance with the timeline.