Vismax(R):A novel peptide-based therapeutic for mitigation of citrus diseases, including HLB

Vismax(R):A novel peptide-based therapeutic for mitigation of citrus diseases, including HLB

Report Date: 09/25/2023
Project: 20-015   Year: 2023
Category: Other
Author: Michelle Leslie
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective: Determine whether Vismax treatment promotes resistance to other [than HLB] major citrusdiseases, specifically Phytophthora root rot and citrus canker. Demonstrate that Vismax treatment of greenhouse-inoculated trees reduces disease severity and/or incidence. Work: Dr. Megan Dewdney (U. Florida IFAS CREC) and her team have initiated Phytophthora root rot greenhouse cone-tainer and Rhizotron trials, in order to evaluate rates of drench-applied Vismax in combination with and comparison to Foliar-applied Vismax for their ability to promote resistance to phytophthora root rot in susceptible orange seedlings by comparing dry structural and fibrous root masses, scoring roots and foliage for visible evidence of Phytophthora infection, and measuring Phytophthora incidence at root tips. Good root growth has been observed with the Rhizotron imaging, and weekly imaging will continue through mid-October. Also with Dr. Dewdney, a series of citrus canker trials were intiatied to further explore the effects of Vismax application timing, rate, and method (root drench vs. foliar) on canker disease progression in a susceptible orange vareity. Data has been collected and is currently being analyzed.   2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: In Q4 2023, the Phytophthora trials and data anlaysis will run through the end of October.  The Rhizotron trial is a more detailed and labor-intensive trial that enables root observaton throughout the duration of the trial, giving more data about the timing and level of protection provided throughout disease progression. Pending data analysis, additional Phytophthora cone-tainer trial(s) will be intiatied to confirm results obtained in the initial trials. For citrus canker trials, the number and severity of lesions are being analyzed. Together with field trials results, this data will inform grower recommendations for applying Vismax as a preventative treatment for citrus canker in susceptible oranges. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): The project is currently under budget; however, the continuity of collaborator in the past year has allowed us to plan farther in advance, and enabled our collaborator to plan more experiments to a tighter timeline. This has allowed us to progress the project at a faster rate in Year 3 and progress in objectives for assessing Vismax efficacy for control of citrus canker and Phytophthora root rot.

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