Vismax technology contains a peptide that directly activates the plant’s immune system, providing broad-spectrum prevention and suppression of a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases, including Citrus Greening/Huanglongbing (HLB). The objective of the 2-year project is to determine whether Vismax treatment promotes resistance to other major citrus diseases, specifically citrus canker and phytophthora root rot in greenhouse assays in collaboration with Dr. Evan Johnson (University of Florida, IFAS CREC). In Year 1(Q2), Canker trial #2 was completed. The trial included foliar and soil application methods for Vismax, 7 days prior to inoculation of sweet orange with X. citri. Rate testing of foliar applications (1X, 2X, and 4X concentration) was performed. Trial was successful with controls performing as expected, and results were consistent with Canker Trial #1. Vismax reduced canker symptoms at all rates tested, with statistical significance (p-value <0.05) for the 2X and 4X foliar applications, and soil drench application. Raw data and report were received, and results were shared with key stakeholders (CRDF Board of Directors in August 2021, Growers partnering in field trials). Within the next quarter, the initial Phytophthora trials will be completed, with generation of reports. The trials utilize both traditional and Rhizotron imaging, and include foliar and soil applications of Vismax, as well as a Ridomil Gold (mefenoxam) control. In addition, Canker Trial #3 will be established on sweet orange, with expanded soil drench applications to include rate testing. Future trials will test application timing/length of protective effect of Vismax applications against canker.