VismaxTM: A novel peptide-based therapeutic for mitigation of citrus diseases, including HLB

VismaxTM: A novel peptide-based therapeutic for mitigation of citrus diseases, including HLB

Report Date: 09/15/2022
Project: 20-015   Year: 2022
Category: Other
Author: Michelle Leslie
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Vismax technology contains a peptide that directly activates the plant’s immune system, providing broad-spectrum prevention and suppression of a wide range of fungal and bacterial diseases, including Citrus Greening/Huanglongbing (HLB). The objective of the 2-year project is to determine whether Vismax treatment promotes resistance to other major citrus diseases, specifically citrus canker and phytophthora root rot in greenhouse assays. In year 1 of the project, Vismax treated orange trees were significantly more resistant to citrus canker, caustive agent Xanthomonas citri, when the formulated peptide was applied as a dilute foliar spray or soil drench, 7 days prior to leaf inoculation. In year 2 of the project, inoculated greenhouse assays are being established to further probe Vismax-activated defenses, with greenhouse testing conducted by Dr. Megan Dewdney (U. Florida IFAS CREC).  In Year 2 Q2 (June 16  2022 – Sept 15 2022), Canker trial #5 was completed on susceptible sweet orange saplings.  The saplings were sprayed with Vismax foliar applications with four different surfactants with varied properties (pH, spread index), in an effort to identify compatible adjuvants that enhance Vismax plant protection activity. The results from this greenhouse trial indicated that Vismax foliar applications reduced canker severity both in the presence and absence of surfactant, and that commercially available surfactants were compatible with Vismax. Statistically significant reduction in canker disease severity were observed for Vismax applied with non-ionic blend surfactants within a pH range of  6 – 8.5. Currently, protocols are being prepared for phytophthora root rot trials.  Canker trial results were communicated to the agronomic research and grower communities through several forums, including 3 annual conferences: Florida Citrus Mutual (Bonita Springs, FL; June 15-17, 2022), American Society of Plant Biologists (Portland, WA; July 9-13, 2022), and American Phytopathological Society (Pittsburgh, PA; Aug 6-10, 2022). 

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