Continuation of diagnostic service for growers for detection of Huanglongbing in citrus and psyllids to aid in management decisions, April 2015. The lab has been in operation for more than 8 years, and as of April 2015, we have processed more than 34,500 grower samples. Additionally, more than 40,900 samples have been received for research for the entire period of diagnostic service supported by grant funding of individual researchers, totaling more than 75,500 samples processed. Grower samples are typically processed and reports returned within a two to four week time period. Numbers specific to this report are 1353 samples received from growers. This amount of samples for just the first quarter equals nearly 50% the total number of growers samples received during the entirety of last calendar year, which represents a significant increase from previous years. This was the busiest first quarter for growers samples since 2011. The increased number is likely due to the increased efforts to mitigate the HLB-associated tree stresses. Grower in this area, and most other regions, currently have one or more HLB mitigation program that they are evaluating. These growers are using the HLB lab to evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. During this quarter, there were 2528 research samples processed, bringing the first quarter total to 3881. The HLB Diagnostic Lab webpage was updated to announce the service of detection of CLas in psyllids as funded in this grant.
Citrus blight continues to be a major economic problem in citrus groves in Florida. Thousands of trees each year succumb to citrus blight, with estimated losses at over $60 million per year. The disease can occur on all common citrus cultivars, and Carrizo citrange are especially susceptible. Early symptoms are zinc deficiency in the leaves which may disappear, zinc accumulation in the phloem and eventually high zinc levels in the xylem. Blockage of xylem tissues with amorphous plugs follows with reduced water uptake. The causal agent of citrus blight is unknown. However, symptoms and all of the characteristics associated with citrus blight can be reproduced by root graft inoculations. Therefore in a project previously funded by CRDF we used NGS RNA sequencing protocols to look for novel viruses in roots of sweet orange with blight, but not present in roots of healthy trees, or trees affected by HLB. We identified several related endogenous pararetroviruses related to Petunia Vein Clearing Virus (PVCV) using a collection of 10 RNA libraries prepared from 10 different root samples collected from healthy trees or those with blight or HLB. In the quarter just ending we have completed the correlation studies for the blight related pararetrovirus. For the correlation study leaves and roots were collected from over 50 trees from five geographically distinct locations. The majority of these trees were identified as being blight affected by water uptake testing, but putatively healthy trees were also sampled. In some cases, bark tissue from trunks was also collected for testing. RNA extractions were completed for all samples from all trees, and the presence of active pararetrovirus was assessed using the two primer sets selected in the optimization study from the previous quarter. Every tree that showed diminished water take up using the syringe injection test was positive for citrus blight associated pararetrovirus DNA. In the previous quarter the root samples were tests, and all but 1 tree tested positive for pararetroviral RNA. In this quarter those results were confirmed again using more stringent treatments to eliminate genomic DNA. In addition, leaf samples from all 50 trees (along with healthy controls) were tested for the presence of active pararetrovirus RNA. Active pararetrovirus RNA was found in all blight affected tree leaf samples and none of the healthy control samples. At this stage we consider that we have met the goals of this objective, and there are two important conclusions. First, there is a very strong correlation between the reduced water uptake via the syringe test and the presence of active citrus blight associated pararetrovirus. Secondly, the active pararetrovirus can be found in leaf samples, eliminating the need for laborious root sampling as part of blight surveys. Our efforts now turn towards the remaining project objectives. Progress continues to be made towards generation of a complete genome sequence for the blight associated pararetrovirus. A primer walking strategy is being implemented to extend known sequences in both directions to generate a full genome. Sequencing efforts are being complicated by the need for complete removal of genomic DNA from the template RNA. In addition, the sequence data clearly indicates that there are more than one active citrus blight associated pararetrovirus. The active viruses are more closely related to each other than they are to the non-active endogenous pararetroviruses, and genome sequence has been generated for roughly 50 % of the genome at this point.
Citrus blight continues to be a major economic problem in citrus groves in Florida. Thousands of trees each year succumb to citrus blight, with estimated losses at over $60 million per year. The disease can occur on all common citrus cultivars, and Carrizo citrange are especially susceptible. Early symptoms are zinc deficiency in the leaves which may disappear, zinc accumulation in the phloem and eventually high zinc levels in the xylem. Blockage of xylem tissues with amorphous plugs follows with reduced water uptake. The causal agent of citrus blight is unknown. However, symptoms and all of the characteristics associated with citrus blight can be reproduced by root graft inoculations. Therefore in a project previously funded by CRDF we used NGS RNA sequencing protocols to look for novel viruses in roots of sweet orange with blight, but not present in roots of healthy trees, or trees affected by HLB. We identified several related endogenous pararetroviruses related to Petunia Vein Clearing Virus (PVCV) using a collection of 10 RNA libraries prepared from 10 different root samples collected from healthy trees or those with blight or HLB. In the quarter just ending we have focused our efforts on the remaining objectives: generating complete genome sequences for any and all active blight associated pararetroviruses and developing a active virus specific assay comprehensive enough to detect all blight associated pararetroviruses. Progress towards the generation of a complete genome sequence for the blight associated pararetroviruses was stymied by the discovery of a variable region in the genome. The previously developed primer walking strategy that was implemented to generate a full genome was insufficient to cross this variable region and additional approaches were needed to complete the 5′ and 3′ ends of the sequence. An adapted strategy was employed to generate higher levels of coverage in variable regions of the genome, and an inverted PCR strategy will be developed to complete the 5′ and 3′ ends. As was suspected, the sequence data clearly indicates that there are three different active citrus blight associated pararetroviruses with clear differences in sequence identity. The active viruses are more closely related to each other than they are to the non-active endogenous pararetroviruses, and genome sequence has been generated for roughly 90% of the genome at this point. As we move into the next quarter, we hope to align the active pararetrovirus sequences with the non-active pararetrovirus sequences, to identify regions and PCR primers that will amplify from all active but no inactive pararetroviruses. These primers will then be tested on the 50 tree sample set to determine specificity, sensitivity and inclusivity as a usable blight assay.
Citrus blight continues to be a major economic problem in citrus groves in Florida. Thousands of trees each year succumb to citrus blight, with estimated losses at over $60 million per year. The disease can occur on all common citrus cultivars, and Carrizo citrange are especially susceptible. Early symptoms are zinc deficiency in the leaves which may disappear, zinc accumulation in the phloem and eventually high zinc levels in the xylem. Blockage of xylem tissues with amorphous plugs follows with reduced water uptake. The causal agent of citrus blight is unknown. However, symptoms and all of the characteristics associated with citrus blight can be reproduced by root graft inoculations. Therefore in a project previously funded by CRDF we used NGS RNA sequencing protocols to look for novel viruses in roots of sweet orange with blight, but not present in roots of healthy trees, or trees affected by HLB. We identified several related endogenous pararetroviruses related to Petunia Vein Clearing Virus (PVCV) using a collection of 10 RNA libraries prepared from 10 different root samples collected from healthy trees or those with blight or HLB. In the quarter just ending we have built on this start by using the same ten RNA libraries to compare global gene expression in the roots of trees with blight or HLB as compared to the healthy controls. These analyses were performed using citrus genome coding sequences and mapping the short RNA reads with BowTie to the coding sequences. Each Blight library was compared to the healthy control library separately. The numbers of short RNA reads that mapped to each known citrus coding sequence were tabulated. The differences in expression were determined using Gfold, a program that can identify differentially expressed genes in such datasets without replications, by using the Poisson distribution. We have found large numbers of genes are differentially expressed in blight vs healthy roots. These include genes known to be involved in response of plants to both disease and stress. We also have identified proteins containing NAC domain-2 that are up regulated in roots with blight. These protein are active in the secondary strengthening of cell walls and when they are over expressed polyphenolic compounds accumulate in the lumen of xylem vessels. This could lead to the occlusion of the xylem vessels seen in blight. We have designed primers for qPCR of these genes that appear to be differentially expressed to validate the differences by qPCR using each RNA library as true replicates.
Citrus blight continues to be a major economic problem in citrus groves in Florida. Thousands of trees each year succumb to citrus blight, with estimated losses at over $60 million per year. The disease can occur on all common citrus cultivars, and Carrizo citrange are especially susceptible. Early symptoms are zinc deficiency in the leaves which may disappear, zinc accumulation in the phloem and eventually high zinc levels in the xylem. Blockage of xylem tissues with amorphous plugs follows with reduced water uptake. The causal agent of citrus blight is unknown. However, symptoms and all of the characteristics associated with citrus blight can be reproduced by root graft inoculations. Therefore in a project previously funded by CRDF we used NGS RNA sequencing protocols to look for novel viruses in roots of sweet orange with blight, but not present in roots of healthy trees, or trees affected by HLB. We identified several related endogenous pararetroviruses related to Petunia Vein Clearing Virus (PVCV) using a collection of 10 RNA libraries prepared from 10 different root samples collected from healthy trees or those with blight or HLB. In the quarter just ending we have expanded the correlation studies for the blight related pararetrovirus. Eight sets of primers for reverse transcription-PCR detection of viral RNA (an indicator of virus replication and biological activity) were tested on the original set of blight affected, HLB infected and healthy citrus trees. Two sets of primers were identified that were the most specific to the blight related pararetrovirus. These were applied to an additional 8 samples from two different Florida locations with blight problems. As with the original testing, the blight associated pararetrovirus RNA was only found in blight affected trees, and was present in all trees identified as blight affected via water uptake testing. More significantly, it was determined that the RNA from the blight associated pararetrovirus was present in both the roots and canopy of affected trees, indicating that blight affected trees may be identifiable using a leaf based test. Based on these results, an additional sampling was conducted to complete the correlation objective. Leaves and roots were collected from over 50 trees from five geographically distinct locations. The majority of these trees were identified as being blight affected by water uptake testing, but putatively healthy trees were also sampled. In some cases, bark tissue from trunks was also collected for testing. RNA extractions are underway as a first step to completing the first objective. In addition, progress is being made towards generation of a complete genome sequence for the blight associated pararetrovirus. A primer walking strategy is being implemented to extend known sequences in both directions to generate a full genome.
Citrus blight continues to be a major economic problem in citrus groves in Florida. Thousands of trees each year succumb to citrus blight, with estimated losses at over $60 million per year. The disease can occur on all common citrus cultivars, and Carrizo citrange are especially susceptible. Early symptoms are zinc deficiency in the leaves which may disappear, zinc accumulation in the phloem and eventually high zinc levels in the xylem. Blockage of xylem tissues with amorphous plugs follows with reduced water uptake. The causal agent of citrus blight is unknown. However, symptoms and all of the characteristics associated with citrus blight can be reproduced by root graft inoculations. Therefore in a project previously funded by CRDF we used NGS RNA sequencing protocols to look for novel viruses in roots of sweet orange with blight, but not present in roots of healthy trees, or trees affected by HLB. We identified several related endogenous pararetroviruses related to Petunia Vein Clearing Virus (PVCV) using a collection of 10 RNA libraries prepared from 10 different root samples collected from healthy trees or those with blight or HLB. In the quarter just ending we have expanded the correlation studies for the blight related pararetrovirus. At the end of the last quarter leaves and roots were collected from over 50 trees from five geographically distinct locations. The majority of these trees were identified as being blight affected by water uptake testing, but putatively healthy trees were also sampled. In some cases, bark tissue from trunks was also collected for testing. RNA extractions were completed for all samples from all trees, and the presence of active pararetrovirus was assessed using the two primer sets selected in the optimization study from the previous quarter. Every tree that showed diminished water take up using the syringe injection test was positive for citrus blight associated pararetrovirus DNA. When the RNA extractions were treated with DNAse to eliminate potential genomic DNA sources of citrus blight associated pararetrovirus, all but 1 tree tested positive for pararetroviral RNA. However, no reverse transcription negative controls suggest that some samples still had low levels of genomic DNA, and these results need to be confirmed. Still, in initial analysis, there is a very strong correlation between the reduced water uptake via the syringe test and the presence of active citrus blight associated pararetrovirus. In addition, progress is being made towards generation of a complete genome sequence for the blight associated pararetrovirus. A primer walking strategy is being implemented to extend known sequences in both directions to generate a full genome. Sequencing efforts are being complicated by the need for complete removal of genomic DNA from the template RNA. In addition, the screening of multiple trees has indicated that there may be more than one active citrus blight associated pararetrovirus. The active viruses are more closely related to each other than they are to the non-active endogenous pararetroviruses.
This project provides the infrastructure to support six CRB-funded projects that investigate multiple methods of detection of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), the causal agent of huanglongbing (HLB), in asymptomatic plants or in psyllids. Early detection of CLas in asymptomatic plants uses a systems approach that includes transcriptomics, proteomics, and metabolomics. Detection of CLas using digital drop PCR uses preserved psyllids and CLas-infected plant material from colonies maintained in the Contained Research Facility. Colonies of both CLas-negative and CLas-positive Asian citrus psyllids and a culture of CLas (Hacienda Heights strain) are maintained for use in the above studies. The first set of studies on the early detection of CLas in asymptomatic plants using the systems approach was conducted using Washington navels, Lisbon lemons and Tango mandarins on Carrizo rootstock. The plants were assigned to one of the following treatments: Control-control (no manipulation); graft-control (grafted with clean scion with 3 grafts per plant); and HLB-graft (grafted with scion that tested positive by qPCR for CLas and grafted with 3 grafts per plant). The plants used to get CLas-infected plant material had the following Ct values: Washington navel ‘ 30.17; Lisbon lemon ‘ 24.00; and Tango mandarin ‘ 27.39. The clean scion used for the graft-control all had Ct values of 40. The plants were grafted on the following days ‘ February 25, 2014 ‘ navel graft-control and mandarin graft-control; February 26, 2014 ‘ lemon graft-control, and navel ‘ HLB-graft; and February 27, 2104 ‘ lemon HLB-graft, and mandarin HLB-graft. All plants were housed in the same greenhouse under the same environmental conditions (80’F, 16L: 8D). The plants were sampled regularly by each group, and samples for qPCR analysis were taken at approximately monthly intervals. The qPCR samples were taken such that they did not interfere with sampling by any of the research groups. The plant tissue was held in a -80 freezer until it was sent to the Citrus Research Board Laboratory for qPCR testing using USDA-APHIS standard methods. The number of plants becoming CLas-positive and the time to the first CLas-positive reading by qPCR varied with cultivar. Of the 22 lemons graft-inoculated with CLas, 10 plants became CLas positive after 319 days. For the navels, 15 plants out of 19 inoculated plants became positive after 320 days. Of the 16 mandarins graft inoculated with CLas, only 2 had at least one positive Ct value, and 2 had suspect Ct values. However, the sample immediately following the positive or suspect value gave a negative value. A small number of these plants are still being held and sampled in an attempt to get consistent positive Ct values. The time to the first Ct value that indicated the plant was CLas positive was the shortest for the lemons, followed by the navels, and then the mandarins. The mean days to the first positive Ct value for lemons was 121.1 days (‘17.424); for the navels, 160.93 days (‘ 14.36); and for the mandarins, 267 days (‘ 10.99). A second set of experimental plants has been generated and include 25 Washington navels, 42 Lisbon lemons, and 31 Tango mandarins, all on Carrizo rootstock. These plants will be subjected to one of the following treatments: control-control (no manipulation); CLas-negative psyllid feeding; and CLas-positive psyllid feeding. The psyllids will be caged on the plants and allowed to feed for 10 days, after which the psyllids will be removed. All plants will be treated with insecticides to insure removal of the psyllids. The insect inoculation is expected to occur in April 2015. A third set of experimental plants have been started, and there are 236 Carrizo plants waiting to be grafted with the appropriate scion in September 2015.
Dec 2014 The objectives of this project are to optimize Guignardia citricarpa ascospore extraction procedures and qPCR with automated extraction system, determine if prototype passive ascospore traps will capture a sufficient number of Guignardia citricarpa ascospores to be an effective monitoring tool and monitor for G. citricarpa ascospores in six locations around state. We have continued to deploy the slides in the traps but there are very few spores on the Burkhard and new traps to compare counts. Through out the fall there were nearly no spores with less than 10 per slide. There has been little reason to see if qPCR would work because the limit of detection would likely not be met.
For the time period of October 16, 2014 through January 15, 2015, the Southern Gardens Diagnostic Laboratory has run 6301 samples for a total of 18,410 samples for the funding period. For the period of October 16, 2014 through January 15, 2015, 2466 were grower samples, 188 were psyllid samples and the remaining 3647 samples were research samples from various sources. Cumulative over the funding cycle, of the 18,410 samples, 7500 were sent in as grower samples, 1024 were psyllid samples and the remaining 9886 were research samples from various sources. As has been mentioned previously, virtually all of the samples received by the laboratory are “research” samples of some sort. Very few samples are now diagnostic samples to determine if greening is present or not in a grove. The research samples come from various sources including University, federal, corporate and private suppliers/researchers as well from grove owners who are conducting their own trials.
The objective of this research will 1) characterize Pr-D (FP3) and its role and disease suppression; 2) investigate the dynamics of the prophages/phages in Las bacteria by revealing the variations in gene expression and recombination; and 3) identify critical elements, such as heat and chemical stress that facilitates lytic activities of the prophages. In addition, we will demonstrate whether or not if the ‘cross protection’ using mild strains of Las bacteria will work for the HLB pathosystem along with quantitative detection protocols for prophage-based strain differentiation. We have propagated more Las-infected periwinkle and citrus plants that contain high titers of prophage/phage FP3, which will be used for isolation and characterization of prophage/phage FP3. Different varieties of citrus plants inoculated with a mild strain have been evaluated in greenhouse. Intriguingly, different varieties showed different response to the “mild stains/isolates”. However, in a given variety, the mild stain status was maintained after three consecutive propagation. We are evaluating the factors that affect the symptoms and titers and determining if a mild strain can be maintained in major commercial citrus varieties. We have developed a digital PCR (dPCR) system for early detection of HLB and tracking of lysogenic and lytic activities of the Las prophage/phage. We show that as few as 1 to 2 copies of the targeted DNA molecules per microliter can be detected, with the prophage probe providing the best sensitivity. The copy number measurement of the targeted DNA molecules can be statistically differentiated from the healthy sample and negative water controls. We are optimizing dPCR-based assay for differentiation of Las populations that carry different prophages/phages. New primers were designed to amplify the Las phage region iFP3. These new primers contained a thiophosphate modification between the last two nucleotides at the 3′ end to increase their stability during rolling circle amplification (RCA). Samples from a Las positive citrus plant, a Las positive periwinkle plant, and a Las negative control plant were used for RCA. After several attempts at amplification via commercially available RCA kits, a protocol that amplified the DNA approximately 7 fold was developed. The specificity of the product obtained with the designed primers is currently being tested. In addition, Las-infected plants were subjected to heat stress using the same parameters as those currently used in thermotherapy. Sampling at various durations of time while the plant is enduring this stress will allow for the effects of heat stress on phage-encoded genes to be investigated.
Continuation of diagnostic service for growers for detection of Huanglongbing in citrus and psyllids to aid in management decisions, December The lab has been in operation for more than 7 years, and as of December 2014, we have processed more than 2,800 grower samples. Additionally, more than 34,000 samples have been received for research for the entire period of diagnostic service supported by grant funding of individual researchers for more than 72,500 samples processed. Grower samples are typically processed and reports returned within a two to four week time period. Numbers specific to this report are 1950 samples received from growers. This number represents an increase from the previous two years. The increased number is likely due to the increased efforts to mitigate the HLB-associated tree stresses. Grower in this area, and most other regions, currently have one or more HLB mitigation program that they are evaluating. These growers are using the HLB lab to evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. The HLB Diagnostic Lab webpage was updated to announce the service of detection of CLas in psyllids as funded in this grant.
The search for possible treatments of the citrus greening bacterium Liberibacter asiaticus continues with the antimicrobial screening of the closest culturable relative Liberibacter crescens. Since the last report, 317 additional compounds have been tested, bringing the total tested to date to 769. This quarter resulted with the following compounds being tested: 5 tetracycline derivatives, 15 essential oil microemulsion formulations, 13 alkyl polyamides, 26 essential oil extracts, 5 chemical formulations from Bayer Crop Science, and 253 microbial fermentation products. The essential oil extracts and emulsions were highly effective with almost all samples showing ‘90% inhibition. About half of the tetracyclines, alkyl polyamides, and Bayer compounds were highly effective. Only 86 out of the 253 fermentation products showed ‘90% inhibition. Work also continues with group from the UF Particle Engineering and Research Center. GC-MS headspace analysis was done on citrus and the oils to determine if it may be possible to detect the sprayed oil in the phloem of treated plants. Most of the method development was completed, but the experimental trial has yet to be conducted.
In the Triplett lab work on defining BM7, the growth medium used to cultivate Liberibacter crescens, continues. Another approach to eliminating unessential components of the media is underway. Since L. crescens is highly similar to L. asiaticus (75.5%), we assume that knowing the exact components will eventually contribute to the development of a medium formulation to sustain L. asiaticus growth. In order to achieve this, our approach seeks to break down the main constituents of the BM7 medium to determine which are essential for L. crescens growth. Keeping the basic elements such as buffering conditions and pH, which are already defined, we are simulating BM7 original conditions, but eliminating some of its components, including, mainly, those that are undefined. If L. crescens is able to grow without a specific ingredient, that component will be deemed inessential. Any essential, undefined component will be broken down further into its exact components, if possible, to attempt to understand which portion is truly indispensable. Once defined, these components will be added to the already formulated components established just before. The process will be repeated until we develop a defined medium that supports the growth of L. crescens. BM7 main ingredients include ACES buffer; TMN-FH, which is a Grace’s Insect Medium enriched with yeastolate and lactalbumin hydrolysate; and Fetal Bovine Serum (FBS), the last three being complex undefined nutrients. By now, we are working in evaluating the growth of L. crescens on the BM7 control, as well as removing the TMN-FH, or FBS or both from the BM7, in order to determine which of the components are the most essential for L. crescens growth. We are also breaking down these main components by replacing the TMN-FH component in the BM7 medium by the Grace’s Defined Insect medium with and without enrichment. We believe that breaking down the components of the BM7 one by one will lead us to define a medium for L. crescens. Using transcriptome and proteome data, work continues on uncovering what genes may be essential for growth of L. crescens in culture. This may give clues to why the uncultured Liberibacters remain elusive. We may also be able to use these genes as targets for antimicrobial applications. In the Davis lab, work continues as stated in the previous report. Medium BM752 was selected to test the effects of additional ingredients on the growth of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Addition of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate, uridine monophosphate, CoA, adenine triphosphate, and riboflavin did not significantly enhance growth. Further supplementation with fresh yeast extract had no effect. Riboflavin and zinc sulfate seemed to have a positive effect on growth and further tests are underway. In the Hilf lab, ARS and Galaxy Diagnostics have negotiated a Material Transfer Agreement that will allow ARS to test their proprietary media as a possible growth medium for Liberibacter. Galaxy provides diagnostic capability for the detection of potential Bartonella spp. infections in humans and animals using their proprietary media. Bartonella is phylogenetically and taxonomically related to Liberibacter and historically species of Bartonella were difficult to culture or could not be cultured. This is an issue Galaxy appears to have solved to a certain extent. Galaxy approached ARS in fall 2014 to partner in testing their media formulations to see if any would support in vitro culture of Liberibacter and the two entities have arrived finally to a mutually acceptable agreement which allows this to occur. ARS should receive the first shipment
This research project aims to develop an alternative to Cu biocides using Quaternary Ammonium compound (Quat) as active ingredient. Despite superior antimicrobial properties, direct spray application of Quat for managing citrus canker is not possible due to severe phytotoxicity of Quat. In this project we have developed ‘Fixed-Quat’ nanoparticle/nanogel material which is completely non-phytotoxic but maintains its outstanding antimicrobial properties. In this reporting period, we have successfully synthesized Fixed-Quat Nanoparticles (Fixed-Quat A NPs and Fixed-Quat B NPs) using a modified sol-gel process. This time we used EPA approved Quat compounds for the synthesis. The resulting Fixed-Quat NPs exhibited exceptional colloidal stability with a shelf-life of at least nine months. With further optimization of synthesis protocol, formulation shelf-life can be extended up to two years. In order to confirm the safety of Fixed-Quat nanoparticles, phytotoxicity assays were carried out in a controlled environment using a Panasonic Environmental Test Chamber (Model MLR- 352H). This test chamber allowed for controlled day/night cycling temperatures, light intensity and humidity to simulate natural summer weather conditions. Studies were conducted on Vinca sp, an ornamental plant and Tomato sp. as model plant systems. In a typical procedure, plants were spray-treated with Fixed-Quat materials and were allowed to dry-up. Treated plants were then transferred to the environmental chamber and monitored for 96 hrs. For both Vinca sp and Tomato sp, it was observed as received Quat compounds (Quat A and Quat B) caused phytotoxicity at 500 ppm. As expected, Fixed-Quat A and B NP formulations did not cause any damage when tested in a wide range up to 900 ppm. Previously we reported that Fixed-Quat NPs, A and B exhibited superior antimicrobial efficacy against Xanthamonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis (Citrus Canker Surrogate; MIC as low as 1.1 ppm). Detailed understanding of structure-property relationship of Fixed-Quat is important which we will study in coming months. In future reports, we will discuss additional materials characterization results.
This project is a continuation of a previous project #95 “PREPARATION OF ANTIBODIES AGAINST CANDIDATUS LIBERIBACTER ASIATICUS”. Progress reports for the previous project are on file. The reimbursable agreement with CRDF was established on September 5, 2012. We have obtained the vector, pUSHRL-26, to be used for plant transformation of the scFv constructs from Ed Stover at Fort Pierce and the plasmid has been purified. We have purchased the restriction enzymes and designed primers to be used for PCR to amplify the cloned scFv encoding inserts from vector pKM19. The cloned inserts will be sequenced to confirm that they are correct and then cloned into the transformation vector. The scFv have been modified by the addition of a four amino acid leader sequence (KDEL) and both Sma I and Spe I cloning sites. The KDEL sequence is expected to stabilize the concentration of scFv in phloem cells by facilitating proper folding of the protein in the microtubules and thereby protecting the ScFv from proteolytic digestion. Eleven scFv inserts have been sequenced to be sure that the expected sequences are correct, and five ScFv sequences have been successfully cloned into the recombinant vector pUSHRL-26 for transformation of citrus rootstocks. These inserts include three different scFv that bind to the protein InvA and two that bind to the protein TolC. The protein InvA is produced by CaLas and secreted into the host to prevent the infected host cells from entering into apoptosis, and the protein TolC targeted by the scFv, is in the external membrane and is essential for the removal of antimicrobial substances produced by the plant. The vector is designed to direct expression of the scFv into the phloem cells of citrus, where CaLas grows, and the vector encoding the scFv genes is being introduced into rootstock varieties by Agrobacterium mediated transformation. To date we have purified 19 scFv genes, and cloned them into the plant transformation vector pUSHRL-26 developed by Ed Stover at Fort Pierce. This includes 9 antibodies directed at InvA and 10 directed at the external opening of the TolC protein. Sequencing confirmed the clones were correct. The Stover laboratory has transformed the constructs into Agrobacterium and the Agrobacterium has been used to transform Carrizo seedlings. Nineteen transgenic lines have been established or are in development with between 150-400 epicotyl explants for each line. These explants include scFv for both TolC and InvA, and are being grown at Fort Pierce for subsequent evaluation by inoculation with psyllids infected with CaLas. There are hundreds of independent transformants containing these scFv constructs at Ft. Pierce (Stover). These transformants are being grafted on to high titer root stocks and will be incorporated into the separate NuPsyllid project to determine if they have adverse effect on acquisition or transmission of CaLas by the psyllid. We are making a second recombinant antibody library using ribosomal display technology. This technology is not expected to be encumbered by patent restrictions. Mice have been obtained and have been injected 3 times with psyllid extracts, following the previously successful immunization protocol used to make the scFc library.