Since the last report, a defined media for Liberibacter crescens has been developed. Using the methods previously described, we utilized the literature to break down the undefined the components of the media as best as possible. Changing the ratio of the buffer and alpha-ketoglutarate also made a positive difference. The growth of L. crescens is not 100% comparable to BM7, however the rate of growth is identical up until 5 days, where the defined media cultures begin to die, and BM7 cultures continue to replicate for up to 10 days. Plans to do metabolomics on the two culture conditions is underway; perhaps the defined media is limiting in one or more components, or perhaps an toxic substance is building up. With this new break through, efforts to culture L. asiaticus have continued, integrating information from the other group members. Most prominently, we are using the defined medium as a base for the asiaticus medium, and supplementing with ingredients that the Killiney lab identified in citrus phloem sap. Such ingredients include a significant increase of sucrose and the addition of sugar alcohols such as xylitol and sorbitol, vitamins, and organic acids like ascorbic acid and citric acid. A we suspect a key ingredient in phloem sap to be gamma-aminobutyric acid, as well as cell wall components (lipids and fatty acids). Another vital change is using ferrous chloride instead of ferric chloride, which was discovered in the genome comparison of the Liberibacter species. Las does not have an Iron III transporter, but does contain an Iron II/manganese transporter, therefore we believe adding ferrous chloride will be essential for growth of Las. Although a defined media has been obtained, work to optimize the media formulation is still underway. Plans for optimization include metabolomics, proteomic and trasncriptomic analysis of the ancestral Liberibacter crescens strain BT-0, which we hypothesize to be more similar to Las since it has not been carried in culture at length since its isolation from babaco papaya, unlike the lab strain BT-1, in both the current defined medium as well as in BM7. Clues may be discovered about what nutrients may be missing in the asiaticus medium, or if Las is lacking an essential gene for exogenous culture.New methods for media inoculation and detection have also been explored. Various methods for obtaining cells from infected psyllid guts have been tested. Ideas on how to test for Las growth are also being tested. So far multiple methods are being used in each inoculation attempt, until we can confirm one method is better than any other. These methods include extracting single guts from psyllids and a)pooling multiple in one tube with an amount of the culture media, vortexing, and using the supernatant for inoculation b) using 2 guts per culture tube of 50ul and leaving c) and d) above with the addition of 5ppm cefixime to limit contamination chances. Analysis was done on contaminants that were obtained in one of the culture attempts for antibiotic susceptibility of antibiotics that were shown to not inhibit L. crescens. Cefixime was the only one that inhibited the contaminants of the few antibiotics we decided to test.Direct PCR was investigated to try to assess if Las is present in inoculated cultures. Unfortunately it did not work when taking 2 or 5ul of liquid culture to pcr tube. The use of 16s amplification was used to determine this. Suspicion of the complexity of the media being the inhibitor was then tested by adding known amounts of extracted bacterial DNA to the media and running direct PCR at various dilutions. Results showed amplification at a 1:10 dilution. This needs to be tested again with attempted cultures and 16s to ensure it produces results. If so, this will be an easy first assessment of whether Las is present in culture. More organized meetings would have been beneficial to the group, although there was a lot of great input from all members throughout the project. Work on identifying the components of the hemolymph of the psyllid is underway in the Killiney and Pelz-Stilinski labs. Media formulations still continue with the Davis lab. Hilf had success with isolating viable Las cells and we may still collaborate with the group to test the media with his cell isolation method. The task is to culture Las is very large and complex, however significant progress has been made in the endeavor.
Since the last report, 84 more compounds have been tested in L. crescens assay to search for a treatment for citrus greening, bringing the total tested to 888. Most of the testing was continuing with bacterial fermentation products from major companies. Multiple compounds have been tested from smaller start-up corporations that have been having mixed success. Optimization of qpcr methods has encountered many problems, such as contamination, standard curve dilutions, efficiency of reactions, and reproducibility of the results. It turns out the qpcr machine was producing a systematic error and needed to be repaired. After repair, optimization continued, however research also underwent for alternative methods. A few papers were found that utilized the SYBR green chemistry vs the TaqMan chemistry for Lso detection. We decided to test out the alternative methods in hopes of consistent success. Unfortunately those methods proved to be just as challenging. With one good standard curve, it was decided to return to the TaqMan chemistry and a few more optimization runs were performed. Results have been reliable and work on the samples is underway. Trials with PERC group also continue, this time with much higher concentrations of carvacrol. Results are interesting, but some results seem to indicate contamination with the negative control, however results are still being analyzed. There is one more trial being planned with this project.
Testing continues with L. crescens assay through CRDF research contract. As of the end of March, there have been 804 compounds tested since the start of the project. The new additional compounds tested included tetracycline derivatives from two companies, Echelon and Paratek, antimicrobial peptides, bacterial fermentation products, GRAS oils, and a zinc product from a collaborative lab at UCF. Work was started again with samples that were collected from a collaboration experiment with Dr. Mirkov at Texas A&M. They set up a trial with tomato plants and the relative pathogen of citrus greening, Liberibacter solancearum. This trial was designed to test the effectiveness of oxytetracycline as a treatment sprayed to the infected plants as a foliar treatment. Other antimicrobials were tested at the same time, including Mycosheild, streptomycin, and emulsion of thyme oil. The intention is to determine the bacterial load at various time points of the experiment using qpcr technology. Work is underway to optimize the procedure from published work (Li et al 2009), as the initial trials following the paper s protocol with standard curves did not work. Work also continues with Dr. Sharma s group at UF PERC to use GC-MS to detect carvacrol after spraying to citrus plants. We have performed experiments on Duncan and Valencia citrus varieties with carvacrol, and multiple surfactants. So far no oil is being detected after foliar spray in the trunk of the plants. Trials have entailed spraying once a day in the morning for 3 days, and collecting and processing material on the 4th day. Care is taken to protect the trunk and soil and sprayed carefully tilted to prevent contamination with the oil to those areas. One trial done on Valencia tested the bark painting method, and samples were taken above and below treatment area, as well as in the leaves. When painting the trunk we used a q-tip dipped in the formulation, and thoroughly covered the treatment area 3x a day for 3 days. Plans for more trials are underway.
Since the last report, a defined media for Liberibacter crescens has been developed. Using the methods previously described, we utilized the literature to break down the undefined the components of the media as best as possible. Changing the ratio of the buffer and alpha-ketoglutarate also made a positive difference. The growth of L. crescens is not 100% comparable to BM7, however the rate of growth is identical up until 5 days, where the defined media cultures begin to die, and BM7 cultures continue to replicate for up to 10 days. Plans to do metabolomics on the two culture conditions is underway; perhaps the defined media is limiting in one or more components, or perhaps an toxic substance is building up. With this new break through, efforts to culture L. asiaticus have continued, integrating information from the other group members. Most prominently, we are using the defined medium as a base for the asiaticus medium, and supplementing with ingredients that the Killiney lab identified in citrus phloem sap. Such ingredients include a significant increase of sucrose and the addition of sugar alcohols such as xylitol and sorbitol, vitamins, and organic acids like ascorbic acid and citric acid. A we suspect a key ingredient in phloem sap to be gamma-aminobutyric acid, as well as cell wall components (lipids and fatty acids). Another vital change is using ferrous chloride instead of ferric chloride, which was discovered in the genome comparison of the Liberibacter species. Las does not have an Iron III transporter, but does contain an Iron II/manganese transporter, therefore we believe adding ferrous chloride will be essential for growth of Las. Although a defined media has been obtained, work to optimize the media formulation is still underway. Plans for optimization include metabolomics, proteomic and trasncriptomic analysis of the ancestral Liberibacter crescens strain BT-0, which we hypothesize to be more similar to Las since it has not been carried in culture at length since its isolation from babaco papaya, unlike the lab strain BT-1, in both the current defined medium as well as in BM7. Clues may be discovered about what nutrients may be missing in the asiaticus medium, or if Las is lacking an essential gene for exogenous culture.New methods for media inoculation and detection have also been explored. Various methods for obtaining cells from infected psyllid guts have been tested. Ideas on how to test for Las growth are also being tested. So far multiple methods are being used in each inoculation attempt, until we can confirm one method is better than any other. These methods include extracting single guts from psyllids and a)pooling multiple in one tube with an amount of the culture media, vortexing, and using the supernatant for inoculation b) using 2 guts per culture tube of 50ul and leaving c) and d) above with the addition of 5ppm cefixime to limit contamination chances. Analysis was done on contaminants that were obtained in one of the culture attempts for antibiotic susceptibility of antibiotics that were shown to not inhibit L. crescens. Cefixime was the only one that inhibited the contaminants of the few antibiotics we decided to test.Direct PCR was investigated to try to assess if Las is present in inoculated cultures. Unfortunately it did not work when taking 2 or 5ul of liquid culture to pcr tube. The use of 16s amplification was used to determine this. Suspicion of the complexity of the media being the inhibitor was then tested by adding known amounts of extracted bacterial DNA to the media and running direct PCR at various dilutions. Results showed amplification at a 1:10 dilution. This needs to be tested again with attempted cultures and 16s to ensure it produces results. If so, this will be an easy first assessment of whether Las is present in culture. More organized meetings would have been beneficial to the group, although there was a lot of great input from all members throughout the project. Work on identifying the components of the hemolymph of the psyllid is underway in the Killiney and Pelz-Stilinski labs. Media formulations still continue with the Davis lab. Hilf had success with isolating viable Las cells and we may still collaborate with the group to test the media with his cell isolation method. The task is to culture Las is very large and complex, however significant progress has been made in the endeavor.
Since the last report, 84 more compounds have been tested in L. crescens assay to search for a treatment for citrus greening, bringing the total tested to 888. Most of the testing was continuing with bacterial fermentation products from major companies. Multiple compounds have been tested from smaller start-up corporations that have been having mixed success. Optimization of qpcr methods has encountered many problems, such as contamination, standard curve dilutions, efficiency of reactions, and reproducibility of the results. It turns out the qpcr machine was producing a systematic error and needed to be repaired. After repair, optimization continued, however research also underwent for alternative methods. A few papers were found that utilized the SYBR green chemistry vs the TaqMan chemistry for Lso detection. We decided to test out the alternative methods in hopes of consistent success. Unfortunately those methods proved to be just as challenging. With one good standard curve, it was decided to return to the TaqMan chemistry and a few more optimization runs were performed. Results have been reliable and work on the samples is underway. Trials with PERC group also continue, this time with much higher concentrations of carvacrol. Results are interesting, but some results seem to indicate contamination with the negative control, however results are still being analyzed. There is one more trial being planned with this project.
The objective of this research will 1) characterize Pr-D (FP3) and its role and disease suppression; 2) investigate the dynamics of the prophages/phages in Las bacteria by revealing the variations in gene expression and recombination; and 3) identify critical elements, such as heat and chemical stress that facilitates lytic activities of the prophages. In addition, we will demonstrate whether or not if the cross protection using mild strains of Las bacteria will work for the HLB pathosystem along with quantitative detection protocols for prophage-based strain differentiation. We have propagated more Las-infected periwinkle and citrus plants that contain high titers of prophage/phage FP3, which will be used for isolation and characterization of prophage/phage FP3. Phages from infected periwinkle tissues have been enriched using a refined phage purification pipeline consisting of differential centrifugations and PEG precipitation. The partially purified phage preparation showed an enrichment of phage DNA by 20~50 folds and a trace amount of Las genomic DNA as determined by PCR. While phage-like particles were observed under electron microscope, the images were not conclusive due to the large amount of contaminating host materials present. Further purification will be carried with sucrose density gradient and/or CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation to separate the Las bacteriophages from contaminating host materials. Different varieties of citrus plants inoculated with a mild strain have been evaluated in greenhouse. Intriguingly, different varieties showed different response to the “mild stains/isolates”. However, in a given variety, the mild strain status was maintained after three consecutive propagation. We are evaluating the factors that affect the symptoms and titers and determining if a mild strain can be maintained in major commercial citrus varieties. Over one hundred of pre-inoculated sweet orange and grapefruit plants have been subjected to field evaluation. The first group planted in the field show their consistency of mild symptoms as those in the greenhouse after 7 months. We have developed a digital PCR (dPCR) system for early detection of HLB and tracking of lysogenic and lytic activities of the Las prophage/phage. We show that as few as 1 to 2 copies of the targeted DNA molecules per microliter can be detected, with the prophage probe providing the best sensitivity. With this tool, we were able to detect the lytic activities of the Las bacteriophage in some sample. For example, 20 times more phage DNA than bacterial DNA was present in sample EL L2VC2 than other samples, indicating active induction and replication of the Las phage in the infected citrus trees. RNA-seq analysis for bacterial transcripts from Las-infected plants subjected to heat stress using the same parameters as those currently used in thermotherapy has been completed. This analysis utilized a novel technique developed by the Duan Lab to detect bacterial transcripts in mixed eukaryotic/ prokaryotic samples at set time points throughout a typical course of thermotherapy treatment. Overall, the analysis revealed that, depending upon the time at which the samples was taken, between 4% and 9% of the total predicted genes for Las appear to be differentially regulated during the thermotherapy process compared to a sample taken at time zero. These genes provide initial evidence of how the bacteria itself is modifying its transcriptional activity in response to the increase in temperature. Although a majority of the regulated genes found are defined as hypothetical, several do have a predicted function and their contributions to the effects of heat therapy are now under investigation. This will pave the way for possible alternative techniques and/or improved methodologies related to the elimination of Las via heat.
Quaternary Ammonium Compounds (Quat) is a powerful antimicrobial agent. However, Quat cannot be directly applied to citrus plants as a film forming fungicide/bactericide as it exhibits severe phytotoxicity and poor rainfastness. This research uses a silica based Quat delivery system (Fixed-Quat). Fixed-Quat material is non-phytotoxic and it demonstrated good rainfastness. In the previous reporting period, based on the promising feedback from 2014 Citrus Canker Trials, Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel formulation was synthesized. EPA approved ( For Food Use only) raw materials were used for the synthesis of Fixed-Quat A-II material. In this reporting period, further optimization of Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was conducted. A new batch of stable Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was synthesized with Quat concentration of 13,500 ppm (demonstrated industrial feasibility of producing concentrated formulations). For use as sanitizing and flocculating agents EPA requires a maximum quat concentration of 200ppm (end use concentration). Safety of the Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was evaluated by phytotoxicity studies carried out in a Panasonic Environmental Test Chamber (Model MLR- 352H) which allowed for controlled day/night cycling temperatures, light intensity and humidity to simulate summer weather conditions (biocide application season). The composition and interactions between the components was confirmed using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). Studies conducted on Vinca sp and Hierloom Tomato revealed no sign of plant injury even as high as 500 ppm Quat for Vinca and 1000 ppm for Tomato. Antimicrobial studies of Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was conducted against Xanthomonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis (Citrus Canker Surrogate), Pseudomonas syringae pv syringae, a gram negative causative agent of bacterial speck in citrus and tomato sp and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp michiganensis, a gram positive causative agent of canker and systemic infections in tomato. Studies were conducted to determine the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and compared against Kocide 3000 and copper sulfate. MICs of Fixed-Quat A-II were found to be 0.6-1.25 g/mL for X. alfalfae, 1.25 g/mL for P. syringae and 2.5 g/mL for C. michiganensis.
Continuation of diagnostic service for growers for detection of Huanglongbing in citrus and psyllids to aid in management decisions, June 2015. This report covers the second funding period of the Huanglongbing Diagnostic Laboratory’s service, July 2012-June 2015. The HLB Diagnostic Laboratory has been operational at UF-IFAS-SWFREC since February 2008. Since the opening of the lab, there has been continued development of techniques, protocols, and efficiency. The lab has been in operation for over 7 years, and as of June 30, 2015, has processed more than 35,000 growers samples. Additionally, nearly 41,200 samples have been received for research, which are supported by grant funding of individual researchers, bringing the total to more than 76,200 plant samples processed. Grower samples are typically processed and reports returned within a 2-4 week time period. During the final quarter, April-June 2015, 849 samples were received from growers, bringing the 2015 year-to-date total to 1819 samples. This is already two-thirds the total number of growers samples received during the entirety of 2014, which had seen a 37% increase over 2013, and continues the trend seen in recent years of increasing growers samples. This was the busiest second quarter for growers samples since 2011. The increased number is likely due to the increased efforts to mitigate the HLB-associated tree stresses and evaluating different management strategies, as well as continued replanting of trees. During this quarter, there were 259 research samples processed, bringing the second quarter total to 1,108 and the year-to-date sample total to 4,606. The 2012-2015 grant period saw a grand total of 25,919 plant samples processed, with 18,604 research samples. Of the 7,315 growers samples, more than half of that number came in the third year (July 2014-June 2015), which surpassed levels of the final year seen in the previous grant (July 2011-June 2012), the highest since the peak in 2009-10. Objectives for the funding were to continue providing timely diagnostic services, free of charge, to growers and to assist with research efforts, especially in light of growers persisting need for testing citrus samples and interest in psyllid testing to assist in monitoring and assessing efficacy of HLB management strategies. Flexibility in providing any service to growers has been part of this lab’s mission, which has been demonstrated when we participated in evaluating commercial HLB detection kits and our having been requested to quantify live vs. dead bacterial cells. In addition to leaf tissue and psyllid, we have also recently processed plant samples from roots, fruit, peduncle, bark, etc., and occasionally non-host plants with suspicious symptoms. The HLB Diagnostic Lab webpage was updated to announce the service of detection of CLas in psyllids as funded in this grant. Techniques, Protocols and Research Current methods of sample processing have become streamlined and therefore seen little change. Protocols have remained in place for detection of HLB in Asian Citrus Psyllid, as well as for quantification of HLB in both plant and psyllid samples. The research needs of dozens researchers are provided through the infrastructure of this lab, while the researchers contribute resources to cover the costs of their samples.
For the period covered by this funding cycle, 25,547 have been run by the SGDL. For comparison purposes, the estimated sample load was 25,000 in the original proposal. Of the samples for the period, 92% of the samples (21,928) were plant samples, 7% were psyllid samples (1588) and 8% (2,031) were either juice or leaf samples submitted by juice processors. Although it is somewhat difficult to track, an effort was made to try to determine the end use of the samples that were submitted. Based on the numbers where a reasonable guess could be made, 8.7% the non.psyllid samples were grower samples presumably for disease diagnosis, 10.4% of the samples were processor samples (either juice or leaf samples for juice analyses), and 80.9% of the samples were research samples from trials. Of the research samples, 88.5% of the samples were from private submissions (i.e. chemical companies, trial managers, private companies, etc.), 7.8% were from universities and 3.7% were from federal agencies. Based on the recent sample submissions, the trend toward research samples is continuing. Specifically many of the samples are now coming from trial managers that are either selecting trial sites, using the samples for data collection, or to validate data from other sources.
One of the primary goals of this work is to identify a small molecule treatment that can be used to activate the phage lytic cycle genes encoded by Las prophage, thus bringing about the death of Las bacteria carrying these prophage. The majority of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las) strains described carry bacteriophage similar to SC1 and SC2 of Las UF506. Lytic phage particles are formed and have been reported in both periwinkles and in citrus. We previously reported that relative mRNA expression levels of prophage late genes SC2-gp095 (“peroxidase”), SC2-gp100 (“glutathione peroxidase”) and particularly SC1-gp110 (‘holin’) were much higher in periwinkle than in citrus. We also reported that both the prophage holin (SC1_gp110) and endolysin (SC1_gp035) were functional, and that strong expression of the holin gene alone in Las cells would be sufficient to kill the cells, whether or not phage particles were formed. This could be part of the explanation as to why Las has to date not been cultured (Fleites et al. 2014). The holin promoter (a “late” phage gene promoter that is switched on only when the lytic cycle is activated) is strongly suppressed by psyllid extracts. Identification of the repressor protein is underway. We now report that the peroxidase on SC2 is a reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenger and confirm that it has peroxidase activity. SC2-gp095 was cloned in a shuttle vector and transformed into L. crescens (Lcr). Transformed Lcr cells showed 20-25% enhanced resistance to hydrogen peroxide on agar plates and 47% higher enzymatic activity than Lcr. Non-classical secretion potential was confirmed by enzymatic and Western blot analyses in Lcr. Transient expression of SC2_gp095 in planta resulted in strong transcriptional down-regulation of RbohB, the key gatekeeper of the H2O2 mediated defense signaling in plants, helping explain the surprisingly long incubation period (years) before HLB symptoms appear in Las-infected citrus. In psyllids, stringent control of all lytic cycle genes, including SC1 excision and replication (early genes) as well as the lysis genes and the peroxidase (late genes), appears to be critical to prevent Las from being detected by the insect innate immune system. Upon examination of SC1 and SC2 promoter regions, we found strong matches to a predicted Las chromosomally encoded repressor, and driving the lytic cycle (late) genes on SC1 and the peroxidase (late) gene on SC2. This likely ties these phage genes into the bacterial SOS response, which is activated by stress, particularly DNA damage. This is the second phage promoter / repressor region we have identified, and we are working to confirm the functionality of the predicted Las repressor. We have sequenced five PCR amplified UF506 repressor genes from citrus, and all encode a full-length protein. In contrast, all eight sequences derived from UF506 infected periwinkle had a truncated version of the repressor, indicating Las survival in periwinkle depends on this mutation. If so, this repressor represents an excellent molecular target for control. Even if only a small amount of phage late gene expression is activated in psyllids, it would likely trigger a strong insect innate immune response that can become systemic and result in aborting the infection process.
The objective of this research will 1) characterize Pr-D (FP3) and its role and disease suppression; 2) investigate the dynamics of the prophages/phages in Las bacteria by revealing the variations in gene expression and recombination; and 3) identify critical elements, such as heat and chemical stress that facilitates lytic activities of the prophages. In addition, we will demonstrate whether or not if the ‘cross protection’ using mild strains of Las bacteria will work for the HLB pathosystem along with quantitative detection protocols for prophage-based strain differentiation. We have propagated more Las-infected periwinkle and citrus plants that contain high titers of prophage/phage FP3, which will be used for isolation and characterization of prophage/phage FP3. Phages from infected periwinkle tissues have been enriched using a refined phage purification pipeline consisting of differential centrifugations and PEG precipitation. The partially purified phage preparation showed an enrichment of phage DNA by 20~50 folds and a trace amount of Las genomic DNA as determined by PCR. While phage-like particles were observed under electron microscope, the images were not conclusive due to the large amount of contaminating host materials present. Further purification will be carried with sucrose density gradient and/or CsCl equilibrium density gradient centrifugation to separate the Las bacteriophages from contaminating host materials. Different varieties of citrus plants inoculated with a mild strain have been evaluated in greenhouse. Intriguingly, different varieties showed different response to the “mild stains/isolates”. However, in a given variety, the mild strain status was maintained after three consecutive propagation. We are evaluating the factors that affect the symptoms and titers and determining if a mild strain can be maintained in major commercial citrus varieties. We have developed a digital PCR (dPCR) system for early detection of HLB and tracking of lysogenic and lytic activities of the Las prophage/phage. We show that as few as 1 to 2 copies of the targeted DNA molecules per microliter can be detected, with the prophage probe providing the best sensitivity. With this tool, we were able to detect the lytic activities of the Las bacteriophage in some sample. For example, 20 times more phage DNA than bacterial DNA was present in sample EL L2VC2 than other samples, indicating active induction and replication of the Las phage in the infected citrus trees. New primers were designed to amplify the Las phage region iFP3. These new primers contained a thiophosphate modification between the last two nucleotides at the 3′ end to increase their stability during rolling circle amplification (RCA). Samples from a Las positive citrus plant, a Las positive periwinkle plant, and a Las negative control plant were used for RCA. After several attempts at amplification via commercially available RCA kits, a protocol that amplified the DNA approximately 7 fold was developed. The specificity of the product obtained with the designed primers is currently being tested. In addition, Las-infected plants were subjected to heat stress using the same parameters as those currently used in thermotherapy. Bacterial RNA was purified from these samples using a novel technique that we newly developed with depletion of microbial 23S and 16S rRNA for use in RNA-Seq analysis. Overall both the quantity and purity were measured and the samples are being sent for RNA-Seq analysis. The development of this technique will provide a more rapid approach than originally planned since the effects of heat stress on all of the phage-encoded genes can be investigated simultaneously. Data obtained via RNA-Seq will also be broader than that obtained from looking at the phage encoded genes individually through PCR-based assays, and thus may also lead to insights related to the regulation of the phage encoded genes through trans-acting factors.
In the past year, Fixed-Quat A nanogel material was developed successfully using EPA approved materials. This material demonstrated no phytotoxicity under controlled laboratory conditions while providing strong antimicrobial properties against Xanthomonas alfalfae and other laboratory model bacteria. Later, the material was delivered for 2014 citrus canker trial. This material was sprayed on ‘Ray Ruby’ grapefruit with 3 week intervals at two rates (100 ppm and 200 ppm). Trees were sprayed throughout the ‘canker’ season from March to October. Results from the trial exhibited high efficacy against canker. While untreated control trees exhibited a total canker infection of 63%, trees sprayed with 100 ppm of Fixed-Quat A nanogel exhibited only 24% infection and those trees sprayed with 200 ppm of Fixed-Quat exhibited an impressive efficacy (infection reduced to 15%). In the same trial, commercial products Kocide 3000 and Magna-Bon displayed 16% and 18% infection respectively at standard applications rates. In this reporting period, feedback from the 2014 canker trial was taken into consideration to generate a new and improved Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel from environmentally safe, EPA approved for “Food Use” and industrially-attractive raw materials. The new nanogel material was synthesized with a concentration as high as 12,000 ppm to allow for easy transport and to allow for easier storage in bulk quantities. The Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel’s safety was tested by phytotoxicity studies carried out in a Panasonic Environmental Test Chamber (Model MLR- 352H) which allowed for controlled day/night cycling temperatures, light intensity and humidity to simulate summer weather conditions (biocide application season). Studies conducted on Vinca sp, an ornamental plant revealed no sign of plant injury even as high as 900 ppm of Quat. Antimicrobial studies of Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was conducted against Xanthamonas alfalfae subsp. citrumelonis (Citrus Canker Surrogate). The MIC of new Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was found to be 0.8 ‘ 1.6 ppm. The morphology and particle size of Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel was examined using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and indicated that Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel existed as a large layered micron size composite material. This demonstrates the film forming capability of Fixed-Quat nanogel. The size and composition of Fixed-Quat A-II was additionally studied using UV-Vis Spectroscopy and Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS). DLS confirmed that Fixed-Quat A-II exists as a large multi-micron composite while UV-Vis suggested interactions between the composite components. A batch of Fixed-Quat A-II nanogel (~3.0 gallon; 10,000 ppm) was delivered for 2015 citrus canker field trial.
This project was to study the characteristics of Liberibacter-like bacteria which have variations in the region commonly used for diagnosis by qPCR. Nearly all of these Liberibacter-like bacteria were found in citrus relatives; for example: Atalantia, Balsamocitrus, Calodendron, and Aegle genera. Nine of these isolates were grafted onto rough lemon seedlings in a greenhouse at Ft. Pierce. Most of the seedlings showed symptoms several months after grafting, but the bark patch used for grafting did not survive for more than a new weeks. Once the bark patch died, the Liberibacter-like bacteria did not persist in the host rough lemon. Two isolates did persist for a longer period of time, but these isolates test nearly identical to Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las). The host range plants were inoculated with these two isolates, and subsequently challenged using the type strain of Las. While this project is officially ending, these challenged plants will be monitored to determine if the symptoms if HLB are attenuated by either of the isolates. Using information developed from our study of the genomes of these Liberibacter-like bacteria, we were able to identify and are in the process of characterizing a fourth species of Candidatus Liberibacter, ‘Ca. L. caribbeanus’ found in Colombia, South America. The identification of bacterial genomic regions that are conserved among all four species will be useful for the development of better detection methodologies for Liberibacter species.
Continuation of diagnostic service for growers for detection of Huanglongbing in citrus and psyllids to aid in management decisions, April 2015. The lab has been in operation for more than 8 years, and as of April 2015, we have processed more than 34,500 grower samples. Additionally, more than 40,900 samples have been received for research for the entire period of diagnostic service supported by grant funding of individual researchers, totaling more than 75,500 samples processed. Grower samples are typically processed and reports returned within a two to four week time period. Numbers specific to this report are 1353 samples received from growers. This amount of samples for just the first quarter equals nearly 50% the total number of growers samples received during the entirety of last calendar year, which represents a significant increase from previous years. This was the busiest first quarter for growers samples since 2011. The increased number is likely due to the increased efforts to mitigate the HLB-associated tree stresses. Grower in this area, and most other regions, currently have one or more HLB mitigation program that they are evaluating. These growers are using the HLB lab to evaluate the effectiveness of their efforts. During this quarter, there were 2528 research samples processed, bringing the first quarter total to 3881. The HLB Diagnostic Lab webpage was updated to announce the service of detection of CLas in psyllids as funded in this grant.
Citrus blight continues to be a major economic problem in citrus groves in Florida. Thousands of trees each year succumb to citrus blight, with estimated losses at over $60 million per year. The disease can occur on all common citrus cultivars, and Carrizo citrange are especially susceptible. Early symptoms are zinc deficiency in the leaves which may disappear, zinc accumulation in the phloem and eventually high zinc levels in the xylem. Blockage of xylem tissues with amorphous plugs follows with reduced water uptake. The causal agent of citrus blight is unknown. However, symptoms and all of the characteristics associated with citrus blight can be reproduced by root graft inoculations. Therefore in a project previously funded by CRDF we used NGS RNA sequencing protocols to look for novel viruses in roots of sweet orange with blight, but not present in roots of healthy trees, or trees affected by HLB. We identified several related endogenous pararetroviruses related to Petunia Vein Clearing Virus (PVCV) using a collection of 10 RNA libraries prepared from 10 different root samples collected from healthy trees or those with blight or HLB. In the quarter just ending we have completed the correlation studies for the blight related pararetrovirus. For the correlation study leaves and roots were collected from over 50 trees from five geographically distinct locations. The majority of these trees were identified as being blight affected by water uptake testing, but putatively healthy trees were also sampled. In some cases, bark tissue from trunks was also collected for testing. RNA extractions were completed for all samples from all trees, and the presence of active pararetrovirus was assessed using the two primer sets selected in the optimization study from the previous quarter. Every tree that showed diminished water take up using the syringe injection test was positive for citrus blight associated pararetrovirus DNA. In the previous quarter the root samples were tests, and all but 1 tree tested positive for pararetroviral RNA. In this quarter those results were confirmed again using more stringent treatments to eliminate genomic DNA. In addition, leaf samples from all 50 trees (along with healthy controls) were tested for the presence of active pararetrovirus RNA. Active pararetrovirus RNA was found in all blight affected tree leaf samples and none of the healthy control samples. At this stage we consider that we have met the goals of this objective, and there are two important conclusions. First, there is a very strong correlation between the reduced water uptake via the syringe test and the presence of active citrus blight associated pararetrovirus. Secondly, the active pararetrovirus can be found in leaf samples, eliminating the need for laborious root sampling as part of blight surveys. Our efforts now turn towards the remaining project objectives. Progress continues to be made towards generation of a complete genome sequence for the blight associated pararetrovirus. A primer walking strategy is being implemented to extend known sequences in both directions to generate a full genome. Sequencing efforts are being complicated by the need for complete removal of genomic DNA from the template RNA. In addition, the sequence data clearly indicates that there are more than one active citrus blight associated pararetrovirus. The active viruses are more closely related to each other than they are to the non-active endogenous pararetroviruses, and genome sequence has been generated for roughly 50 % of the genome at this point.