Plant Improvement

Develop citrus resistant or tolerant to HLB using the CTV vector and transgenic approaches

Report Date: 06/16/2015   Project: 516

Develop citrus resistant or tolerant to HLB using the CTV vector and transgenic approaches

Report Date: 06/16/2015
Project: 516
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: William Dawson
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This is a continuing project to find economical approaches to citrus production in the presence of Huanglongbing (HLB). We are developing trees to be resistant or tolerant to the disease or to effectively repel the psyllid. First, we are attempting to identify genes that when expressed in citrus will control the greening bacterium or the psyllid. Secondly, we will express those genes in citrus. We are using two approaches. For the long term, these genes are being expressed in transgenic trees. However, because transgenic trees likely will not be available soon enough, we have developed the CTV vector as an interim approach to allow the industry to survive until resistant or tolerant trees are available. A major goal is to develop approaches that will allow young trees in the presence of HLB inoculum to grow to profitability. We also are using the CTV vector to express anti-HLB genes to treat trees in the field already infected with HLB. At this time we are continuing to screen possible peptide candidates in our psyllid containment room. We are now screening about 80 different genes or sequences for activity against HLB. We are starting to test the effect of two peptides or sequences in combination. We have developed methods to be able to screen genes faster. Finally, we have found a few peptides that protect plants under the high disease pressure in our containment room with large numbers of infected psyllids. We now are examine combinations of peptides for more activity. We recently examined all of the peptides constructs for stability. The earliest constructs have been in plants for about nine years. Almost all of the constructs still retain the peptide sequences. One of the peptides in the field test remained stable for four years. All of these constructs had the peptide gene inserted between the coat protein genes, which is positioned sixth from the 3′ terminus. However, we have found that much more foreign protein can be made from genes positioned nearer the 3′ terminus. Based on that we built constructs with the peptide gene next to the 3′ terminus. These constructs produced much greater amounts of peptide and provided more tolerance to Las. Unfortunately, they are less stable. So now we are rebuilding constructs with the peptide gene inserted at an intermediate site hoping for a better compromise of amounts of production and stability. We have produced a large amount of inoculum for a large field test via Southern Gardens Citrus. We are screening a large number of transgenic plants in collaboration with Dr. Zhonglin Mou, Department of Microbiology and Cell Science in Gainesville, to test transgenic plants over-expressing plant defense genes. We are propagating a progeny set of plants of the promising candidates for a final greenhouse test.

Diaprepes control using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach

Report Date: 06/15/2015   Project: 925   Year: 2015

Diaprepes control using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach

Report Date: 06/15/2015
Project: 925   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Manjul Dutt
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Our project aims to provide durable long term resistance to Diaprepes using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach. In this quarter, as proof of concept to determine the root specific nature of the promoters (RB7, C1867 or SLREO), we have incorporated the promoter-gus sequences into N. benthamiana and several plantlets have been regenerated. These constructs were also incorporated into Carrizo citrange in the previous quarter, but we have had a severe Mould mite infestation in our tissue culture room which destroyed most the promoter-gus citrus plantlets. A repeat experiment to produce fresh carrizo citrange plants expressing the root specific promoters were carried out in this quarter and plantlets are being regenerated. The Carrizo citrange plants expressing a root specific promoter – insecticidal gene construct (GNA, APA or ASAL genes individually or stacked with the CpTI gene) were not affected by the mite infestation and several plants have been hardened and transferred to the greenhouse for growth.

TAL Effector induced resistance to Xanthomonas

Report Date: 06/09/2015   Project: 555   Year: 2015

TAL Effector induced resistance to Xanthomonas

Report Date: 06/09/2015
Project: 555   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Diana Horvath
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of this project was to create canker-resistant citrus through a strategy of an engineered cell death response to Xanthomonas citri pv. citri TAL effectors. During the project, we defined sequences of 14 distinct effector binding elements (EBE) recognized by Xcc TAL effectors. Constructs were created that incorporated these EBEs into the Bs3 promoter driving a pathogen effector gene (either avrGf1 or avrGf2) that triggers a hypersensitive cell death reaction in several citrus cultivars. Two key constructs were one with all 14 binding sites (14EBE) and one with four binding sites (4EBE) that was expected to be bound by at least two TAL effectors from each X. citri strain characterized. These constructs were shown to function as expected in a transient assay in citrus leaves: they produced a hypersensitive response and reduced bacterial growth when co-inoculated with a Xanthomonas strain carrying a TAL effector recognizing one of the EBEs. In the absence of pathogen inoculation, the promoters are tightly “off” in the transient assay. However, despite the tight regulation of these constructs in a transient assay and multiple attempts to produce stable transformants in Duncan grapefruit or sweet orange, we have been unable to recover transgenic lines. We also tested Carrizo citrange, a citrus variety that does not exhibit a hypersensitive response to AvrGf1 or AvrGf2, and we were able to recover transformants. These results suggest cryptic induction of the construct at some point during the transformation process, causing transformants to be selected against. A second promoter derived from the citrus Lateral Organ Boundaries (LOB) gene also failed to produce transformants when driving AvrGf2 expression. Therefore, despite the theoretical promise of the approach, more work would be needed to define a promoter and executor gene combination that could be efficacious in citrus.

Functional disruption of the NodT outer membrane protein of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus for rootstock-mediated resistance to citrus greening using a phloem-directed, single-chain antibody

Report Date: 05/12/2015   Project: 424

Functional disruption of the NodT outer membrane protein of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus for rootstock-mediated resistance to citrus greening using a phloem-directed, single-chain antibody

Report Date: 05/12/2015
Project: 424
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Timothy McNellis
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The transgenic plants to be developed for this project are now growing in two different locations in secure greenhouses and growth chambers. Seven independently-transformed citrus plants carrying the FLT-antiNodT fusion protein expression construct were shipped from the Citrus Transformation Facility at the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred, FL, to Dr. McNellis’ lab at the Pennsylvania State University at University Park, PA, in early October, 2014. An additional eight independently-transformed citrus plants carrying the FLT-antiNodT fusion protein expression construct were shipped to Dr. Tim Gottwald’s lab at the United States Horticultural Laboratory in Fort Pierce, Florida. The plants at both locations are growing well. At Penn State, all the transgenic lines are being propagated as vegetative cuttings. We have achieved over 50% success rate in rooting cuttings from the plants, and rooted cuttings are now growing for all of the independent lines. The rooting process for cuttings takes 3-4 months in our facility at Penn State. We have performed two protein immunoblots with an antibody that will detect the FLT-antiNodT fusion protein (anti-cmyc antibody). We detected protein of the correct size (~50 kD) as a single band without degradation products in two different lines, and not in control plant samples. These results are very promising and are consistent with successful expression of full-length FLT-antiNodT fusion protein in ‘Duncan’ grapefruit. During the next quarter, we will be repeating these experiments with all of the transgenic lines and using improved protein extraction techniques to develop better western blot images and documentation.

Creation, Development, and Screening of Citrus Germplasm for Resistance to HLB and Citrus Canker (Core Breeding)

Report Date: 05/04/2015   Project: 539   Year: 2015

Creation, Development, and Screening of Citrus Germplasm for Resistance to HLB and Citrus Canker (Core Breeding)

Report Date: 05/04/2015
Project: 539   Year: 2015
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Three Valencia-type clones (N7-11, B7R9T35 and B7R9T36) with excellent fruit quality were discovered in our collection (older trees) that have no HLB symptoms and are PCR-negative for Liberibacter. Trees of these clones are being propagated for further study. We continued to monitor performance, assess HLB severity, tree growth and yields at 15 different field sites throughout Florida. Yield and fruit quality data were collected from the St. Helena trial (last week of January); overall yields increased 42% over last year (where yields were down 18%), as HLB incidence in the trial increased from 56% to 92%. This remarkable increase in yield was primarily attributed to the addition of TigerSul micronutrients to the CRF mix and elevating the boron and manganese in the CRF. Also, we are importing seeds from Sicily of some of the winners at St. Helena and some new candidates of identical parentage for future trials. Gauntlet rootstock screening: Approximaly 75 HLB+ Valencia budstick-grafted hybrid rootstocks already passed through the ‘hot psyllid’ house were prepared (metal tags and tree wraps) for field planting at Picos Farm in April. Three parental combinations from 2013 crosses produced numerous hybrids that are growing off beautiful trees from grafted HLB+ Valencia budsticks: C2-5-12 pummelo x C. latipes (papeda); Amblycarpa+HBPummelo x Sour orange+rangpur; and Amblycarpa+HBPummelo x White #1. Stick-grafting and production of rooted cuttings from 2013 gauntlet crosses was nearly completed. The two early-maturing (December) Valencia somaclones identified, B7-70 and SF14W-65, have been cleaned up and a few pathogen-free trees were provided by the Parent Tree Program (DPI). A plan was developed for rapid pathogen-free budwood scaleup; liners of vigorous rootstock US-802 were obtained, and a robust micro-grafting and traditional grafting program is underway. We plan to have a population of budwood increase trees available for nurseries at the time of the official release announcement. We completed collection of botanical data on these clones as necessary for release and patenting, and both clones will be put up for official release this summer (with an expected late fall release). 2015 Crosses: Featured scion crosses included: crosses of the most HLB-tolerant mandarins and pummelos identified in our collection; interploid crosses of the most HLB-tolerant mandarin/sweet orange diploid and tetraploid hybrids (this includes use of the HLB-tolerant monoembryonic diploid and tetraploid cybrid 304 (large fruit with sweet orange-like juice amenable to processing). Featured rootstock crosses included a very tolerant and complex pummelo-sour-mandarin hybrid crosses with itself and some onto FD and FD curved phenotype hybrids; crosses of salinity and HLB-tolerant diploid sour orange-type hybrids; and crosses of the most HLB-tolerant tetraploid rootstock hybrids. MAC Projects: Seed of 12 promising potentially HLB-tolerant rootstock selections were provided to Ruck’s Nursery for large-scale tree propagation and testing as part of the MAC project in cooperation with Kim Bowman (USDA). Seed of 10 different potentially HLB-tolerant rootstocks were provided to Briteleaf Nursery for large-scale tree propagation and testing for the CREC MAC project (M. Rogers) to test our best new sweet oranges under an optimized production system on the new Lake Alfred city property just north of the CREC, obtained in the Hughes inheritance property swap.

Evaluation of rootstocks appropriate for higher density groves and advanced citrus production systems leading to a sustainable, profitable Florida citrus industry

Report Date: 05/04/2015   Project: 615   Year: 2015

Evaluation of rootstocks appropriate for higher density groves and advanced citrus production systems leading to a sustainable, profitable Florida citrus industry

Report Date: 05/04/2015
Project: 615   Year: 2015
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

HLB’s impacts have led to grower interest in advanced production and harvesting systems with the potential for early and sustainable yield, as well as ease of harvest and other management efficiencies. The goal of this project is to identify appropriate rootstocks among exiting field trials and those soon to be planted that are well suited to advanced citrus production and harvesting systems. Existing field trials previously planted with size-controlling rootstock candidates have continued to be observed, including the portion of the St. Helena project planted with dwarfing selections. Yield and fruit quality data were collected from the St. Helena trial (last week of January); overall yields increased 42% over last year (where yields were down 18%), as HLB incidence in the trial increased from 56% to 92%. This remarkable increase in yield was primarily attributed to the addition of TigerSul micronutrients to the CRF mix and elevating the boron and manganese in the CRF. Many of the tree-size controlling rootstocks in the trial produced fruit with higher lbs. solids and juice color than the more vigorous rootstocks; thus this information will be utilized in the economic analysis for the 2015 Field Day handout, and will help to identify the best HLB-tolerant rootstocks for ACPS along with recommended planting densities. Collection of botanical data on two high-performing tree-size controlling somatic hybrid rootstocks (sour orange+trifoliate orange 50-7; and White grapefruit+trifoliate orange 50-7) in the trial was completed as necessary for patenting and Fast Track release later in 2015. After 7 years, all 86 trees on the White grapefruit+50-7 rootstock in the St. Helena trial remain healthy and productive. New Trials: Planting of a major rootstock trial with Lykes is underway (>20,000 trees to be planted at high densities at two sites, Basinger and Camp Mack). This trial includes 19 tree-size controlling rootstocks from the CREC, as well as additional tree-size controlling rootstocks from the Forner Spanish breeding program and from the California breeding program (C-Series). Progress was also made with propagation of trees for the major rootstock trial with Cutrale, which will also include several new tree-size controlling rootstocks. ACPS Data collection: Yield and fruit quality data were collected in February from the ‘Hamlin’ section of a large ACPS rootstock trial in Indiantown being conducted in collaboration with Gardinier Florida Citrus (w/ Lee Jones). Collection of yield and fruit quality data from the ‘Valencia’ part of the trial began on March 30th, and was completed April 4th. Data is currently being analyzed. Several new potentially HLB-tolerant rootstocks that have capacity to dwarf trees for use in ACPS (diploid and tetraploid Flying Dragon hybrids) were identified that are amenable to seed propagation. Seed was planted for use in subsequent trials.

Identification and mapping of the genes controlling resistance to Huanglongbing (HLB)

Report Date: 05/02/2015   Project: 536   Year: 2014

Identification and mapping of the genes controlling resistance to Huanglongbing (HLB)

Report Date: 05/02/2015
Project: 536   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Little resistance to HLB, associated with infection by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), is found within commercial citrus varieties, though Poncirus trifoliata has been described as resistant or tolerant. An intergeneric F1 population was developed from the crossing of Citrus sinensis and P. trifoliata. The objective of this study was to construct a high-density linkage map for further mapping HLB resistance QTLs. A composite of 182 intergeneric progenies derived from four crosses between C. sinensis cultivars. Sanford, Ridge Pineapple, Fiwicke, or Ruby as the maternal parents, and P. trifoliata cultivars Argentina or Flying Dragon as the paternal parents, were used for genotyping by the Illumina GoldenGate Assay. Totally 1536 SNP markers were developed from the sweet orange BAC library. Genotyping data were analyzed by the GenomeStudio (Illumina), and a linkage map was created by JoinMap 4.1 using the two-way pseudo-testcross mapping strategy and regression mapping algorithm. Individuals from this same population were replicated and planted in the field with no ACP control, to assess symptom development, as well as to use qPCR to track CLas levels, over the course of the study. A preselected subset was used as a monitoring population to quantify HLB symptom severity, relative vigor (stem diameter), and citrus canker severity. Combining all results of qPCR monitoring across the two years of the project, 5 F1 hybrids have been for the most part CLas-free, except for occasional low-level and inconsistent detections of CLas in a small number of the replicates. One F1 hybrid has always tested negative for CLas, among all the individual replicates across all sample dates. The variation of the population mean Ct value across all F1 progeny showed good normal distribution, on which the Ct values of susceptible and resistant parents were located at each end respectively. Analysis of genotyping data showed that 99% of the markers were heterozygous in maternal parents (C. sinensis), but only 6% in paternal parents (P. trifoliata), and 5% in both. Finally 698 high-quality SNP markers were mapped to nine linkage groups for sweet orange, but only 42 could be mapped to seven linkage groups for the paternal parents. A comparison of the genetic maps to the published sweet orange (C. sinensis) genome revealed both conservation and variations. The completed linkage map is still being utilized to associate with the phenotyping data for QTL mapping and cloning of HLB resistance genes in the future. At the current time we can only map QTLs for sensitivity from sweet orange; but with the availability of the Poncirus genome and/or access to GBS data from our collaborators, we will soon be able to map tolerance/resistance QTLs from the male parents. We have also conducted artificial inoculation experiments in the greenhouse with a subset of individuals from the mapping population, to compare natural inoculation in the field with the more severe test of graft inoculation. Although funding for the project has ceased, we intend to continue the work to its logical conclusions, as possible.

Characterization of Huanglongbing (HLB) survivors in the severely infected and/or abandoned groves

Report Date: 05/02/2015   Project: 537   Year: 2014

Characterization of Huanglongbing (HLB) survivors in the severely infected and/or abandoned groves

Report Date: 05/02/2015
Project: 537   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

We routinely monitor previously identified candidate survivor trees at the CREC, the GCREC, and some Polk County commercial groves where we have planted out materials from the CREC breeding program, including those more recently identified. Some of the previously identified selections have succumb to HLB and we have removed these materials from the program. We continue to grow out and propagate recovered rootsprouts and scion materials collected, to produce groups of trees that can be tested for their responses to HLB. A recent decision by FDACS/DPI, that researchers may propagate and plant in the field trees grown from non-certified sources, will help us move some of the selections we have propagated into the field for longer-term evaluations. Materials collected from a grove in Lake County that appeared to be completely free of HLB symptoms were propagated and increased. PCR results have been negative; these plant materials were placed in a growth room with CLas+ ACP populations to attempt natural inoculation to assess their responses; however, as Dr. Brlansky retired and the growth room was transferred to another researcher, we were forced to terminate the experiment prematurely. Materials previously collected from a legacy Parson Brown tree found in Marion County, and apparently free of HLB, have been propagated, and are being grown off for field planting. We visited several newly identified candidate trees, but in most cases materials were not collected because the trees actually were more symptomatic than we had been led to believe. However, we have learned of two new locations with reportedly very healthy trees surrounded by rather severe HLB diseased trees, one in Osceola County and the other in St. Lucie County; we will visit these in January or February 2015. We plan to revisit trees from which samples were collected previously to determine their current status and performance; scion and rootstock materials will be collected, tested, and propagated, if they remain in very healthy condition.

Host genetic control of interference in Asian citrus psyllid life cycles

Report Date: 05/02/2015   Project: 538   Year: 2014

Host genetic control of interference in Asian citrus psyllid life cycles

Report Date: 05/02/2015
Project: 538   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

In preliminary studies on ACP biology, it was observed that there was a notable suppression of successful development from eggs to adults, on Cleopatra mandarin (Citrus reshni; CM) trees both growing in the field and also in greenhouse experiments. Based on these results, we looked at ACP viability in a field-grown population of CM-derived hybrids from the UF-CREC breeding program, in Lake Alfred. The trees were 18 years old and growing on their own roots. A total of 91 trees in three families produced by crossing Cleopatra mandarin with three male parents were selected from field plantings for the project and for future evaluations. Routine insecticide applications were withheld for a period of 2 months prior to the experiment. Large branches on the south sides of the trees were severely pruned, to stimulate a synchronized and vigorous flush of new shoot growth to introduce ACP. Pairs of mated ACP were caged on each shoot and after three weeks, the number of adults that developed on each was counted. Of 30 individual hybrids that were used, only 9 of these supported the development of new adults; the remaining 21 had absolutely no surviving adults. This experiment was repeated with the same results. We propagated replicates from each individual for observations of psyllid reproduction in controlled greenhouse and laboratory conditions. Additional trees were propagated from additional numbers of the hybrids from the families to provide increased numbers of replicates for the ACP reproduction and feeding behavior studies. We conducted several rounds of experiments in the greenhouse. Previously, ACP were able to reproduce on only 3 of the 26 plants screened (ACP did not reproduce on 88% of the plants screened). Since then we have screened seventy-three additional individual plants for the ability of ACP to reproduce on them. Of these, ACP were unable to complete their life cycle on 52 of these plants (71% did not support ACP reproduction). Our results indicated that several of the replicated hybrids were unable to support adult psyllid development. These results were compared to results from previous experiments conducted in the field, and essentially demonstrated the consistency of the response of ACP to specific individual hybrids. In addition, new candidate plants have been identified from other studies of HLB impact on diverse citrus germplasm, which have shown either no impact or dramatically delayed infection, and new hybrid families have been produced from some of these for possible future studies. These include certain mandarins as well as other complex citrus hybrids. It appears that suppression of ACP by Cleopatra mandarin and hybrids derived from it is a heritable characteristic, thereby opening new possibilities to understand the genetic control and underlying mechanisms of the characteristic. It remains to be determined whether these new candidates likewise possess genetics that may be transmitted to offspring and whether the mechanisms underlying the phenomenon are the same or different. Such information might lead to new strategies to minimize the HLB-vectoring capacity of ACP.

Creation, Development, and Screening of Citrus Germplasm for Resistance to HLB and Citrus Canker (Core Breeding)

Report Date: 05/02/2015   Project: 539   Year: 2014

Creation, Development, and Screening of Citrus Germplasm for Resistance to HLB and Citrus Canker (Core Breeding)

Report Date: 05/02/2015
Project: 539   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project is built on the legacy of materials produced and field trials planted across the past several years. The objectives are to evaluate existing families and created germplasm in the field and in greenhouses for their responses to HLB and citrus canker, to carefully observe and document rootstock effects on severity and rates of progression of HLB symptoms, and to maintain the facilities and activities involved in the state-wide assessment of new scion and rootstock performance with a focus on HLB responses. Assessments of HLB field tolerance are continuously carried out in the vast collection of raw germplasm that we maintain, and new selections have been identified, and several previously found continue to hold up to HLB; additional evidence is accumulating supporting what may be differential sensitivity to HLB among sweet orange clones from the CREC program. We monitored performance, assessed HLB severity, tree growth and yields at 15 different field sites throughout Florida. A new set of 25 HLB+ Valencia budstick-grafted hybrid rootstocks was rotated into the ‘hot psyllid’ house, following selection based on freedom from symptoms in the greenhouse test. Another set of approximately 50 hybrid rootstocks were removed from the ‘hot psyllid’ house and prepared for field planting (spring of 2015); another set of 50 was rotated into the ‘hot psyllid’ house. Several new clones were entered into the DPI Parent Tree Program, including a cybrid sweet orange with exceptional juice quality and preliminary evidence of HLB tolerance, two early maturing Valencia somaclones, and twelve new promising rootstock hybrids with preliminary evidence of HLB tolerance. The two Valencia somaclones identified, B7-70 and SF14W-65 had 16 ratio and 11.5 brix in mid-November (6 year old trees on rough lemon at St. Cloud), when Hamlins were still at 12 ratio. B7-70 appears to be slightly earlier than SF14W-65. Both clones have been significantly earlier than Valquarius the past two years. These Valencia clones have potential to replace Hamlin which would significantly increase the quality of our NFC and concentrate juices. Observations were made at a rootstock trial in Vero Beach from where several of the UF rootstocks already approved for release have been selected; a field day was held in October to highlight these and other promising rootstocks at this location. Another large field day was held at the St. Helena planting in December. Seedlings grown from seed collected from more than 3 dozen new candidate rootstocks were evaluated for trueness to type, and new seeds have just been collected from additional new candidates not evaluated previously. We recovered seed from 2014 diploid and tetraploid rootstock crosses (20 successful crosses), and these were planted in calcareous soil inoculated with two species of Phytophthora. Seed was extracted from 8 UFR FAST TRACK rootstocks and distributed to participating nurseries. Seed was also extracted from 16 additional new rootstocks showing potential for HLB tolerance and provided to nurseries for propagations of planned large-scale field trials.

Evaluation of rootstocks appropriate for higher density groves and advanced citrus production systems leading to a sustainable, profitable Florida citrus industry

Report Date: 05/02/2015   Project: 615   Year: 2014

Evaluation of rootstocks appropriate for higher density groves and advanced citrus production systems leading to a sustainable, profitable Florida citrus industry

Report Date: 05/02/2015
Project: 615   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

HLB’s impacts have led to grower interest in advanced production and harvesting systems with the potential for early and sustainable yield, as well as ease of harvest and other management efficiencies. The goal of this project is to identify appropriate rootstocks among exiting field trials and those soon to be planted that are well suited to advanced citrus production and harvesting systems. Existing field trials previously planted with size-controlling rootstock candidates have continued to be observed, including the portion of the St. Helena project planted with dwarfing selections; a field day was held there in December to demonstrate the performance of the tree size controlling rootstocks. A 40-acre Hamlin/Valencia cooperative rootstock trial with trees planted between 300-500/acre has been monitored for tree growth and HLB responses, as was a high density planting of LB8-9 (Sugar Belle). Data are being compiled on rootstocks to identify new candidate rootstocks for larger’scale ACPS trials. Seedlings grown from previously untested Flying Dragon-derived hybrids, as well as from a range of other complex interspecific hybrids with tree size control potential, were grown to assess seedling vigor and other characteristics; selections were either discarded because of poor growth habits, excessive phenotypic variation, or poor germination. The best performers from this group were listed and substantial quantities of seed were harvested and made available to 3 different cooperators for new plantings and trials, hopefully to be planted in 2015 or spring 2016. Seeds were harvested from rootstock hybrids that are bearing their first fruit, and these have been planted in the greenhouse to assess germination rates, relative seedling vigor, and trueness to type. Additionally, large lots of seed from candidates for ACPS planting already identified from existing field trials were harvested and distributed to cooperating nurseries to produce trees for new trial opportunities in the 2015-16, with interested collaborative growers. Finally, a field day was also held to showcase some of the UFR rootstocks in a trial near Vero Beach, several of which are showing good performance even though they are affected by HLB, and with ACPS potential by virtue of smaller tree size combined with higher yield efficiencies.

Application of a natural inducer of systemic acquired resistance and engineering non-host resistance in citrus for controlling citrus diseases

Report Date: 04/26/2015   Project: 754   Year: 2015

Application of a natural inducer of systemic acquired resistance and engineering non-host resistance in citrus for controlling citrus diseases

Report Date: 04/26/2015
Project: 754   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Zhonglin Mou
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The project has two objectives: (1) Increase citrus disease resistance by activating the NAD+-mediated defense-signaling pathway. (2) Engineer non-host resistance in citrus to control citrus canker and HLB. For objective 1, we continued optimizing the NAD+ treatment conditions. Both soil drench and foliar spraying of NAD+ were tested again. Foliar spraying did not provide significant protection against citrus canker, soil drench induced strong resistance against the pathogen. We previously observed strong systemic protection against canker by NAD+ one month after the treatment in upper new flushes and are repeating the experiment to confirm the systemic effects. We are also testing different recipes for stabilizing NAD+ on the surface of leaves or in soil, since this chemical is not stable under aqueous conditions. For objective 2, transgenic citrus plants expressing the Arabidopsis nonhost resistance genes are growing in greenhouse and will be tested for canker resistance. We are also propagating the transgenic plants to produce progenies for HLB resistance test. Citrus homologs of the Arabidopsis nonhost resistance genes have been cloned and sequenced. To test their functionality, we have cloned the citrus homologs into plant expression vector and have transformed into the corresponding Arabidopsis mutants. T1 plants are growing.

Screening and Cloning of Resistance Related Genes by RNA-Seq in Huanglongbing (HLB) Resistant and Susceptible Citrus Breeding Lines

Report Date: 04/19/2015   Project: 523   Year: 2015

Screening and Cloning of Resistance Related Genes by RNA-Seq in Huanglongbing (HLB) Resistant and Susceptible Citrus Breeding Lines

Report Date: 04/19/2015
Project: 523   Year: 2015
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Yong-Ping Duan
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

In this project, we have conducted transcriptome analysis on 25 samples of tolerant/susceptible citrus plants using RNA-Seq. We first performed bioinformatics analysis on RNA-seq data of three HLB-tolerant ‘Jackson’ grapefruit hybrid and three HLB-susceptible ‘Marsh’ grapefruit hybrid. We identified 686 differentially expressed (DE) genes between two groups using FDR threshold of 0.1. Among them, 247 genes were up-regulated and 439 were down-regulated in tolerant citrus trees. We have experimentally verified the expressions of 14 up-regulated genes and 20 down-regulated genes using real time PCR. 11 of 14 up-regulated genes and 18 of 20 down-regulated genes were validated. We performed Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of DE genes. Genes associated with beta-amyrin synthase, cycloartenol synthase and Camelliol C synthase were significantly up-regulated in the HLB tolerant citrus trees while terpene synthase genes (CiClev10014707, Ciclev10017785) were down-regulated in the tolerant citrus trees. Some PR-protein genes were significantly up-regulated in the tolerant citrus trees, including several TIR-NBS-LRR genes. Many cell wall degradation-related genes, such as cellulose synthase/transferase, cellulase and expansins were up-regulated in the susceptible citrus trees. Some glucan hydrolase genes were also up-regulated in the tolerant citrus trees. These genes may play important roles in symptom development. The DE genes were also enriched in two classes of RLKs, LRR-RLKs and DUF26-RLKs. We then applied the MapMan software to identify DE genes related to disease response. The MapMan annotated 155 DE genes related to disease response. We found multiple pathways have been suppressed or activated in HLB tolerant citrus tree, which lead to the promotion of the basal resistance or immunity in citrus tree. For examples, suppression of beta glucanases, DMR6-like genes, expansin and DET2 uphold the suppression of immunity of citrus tree and activation of NPR1-like genes also induces the immune responses to HLB. The mechanism how to trig the suppression and activation of these genes is still unclear. Further experimental studies on the NBS-LRR and RLK genes differentially expressed between HLB tolerant and HLB susceptible citrus trees may help understand the HLB related receptor genes. Meanwhile, our functional analysis also showed that the HLB development related genes were enriched in HLB susceptible citrus trees, such as viral life cycle and symbiosis related genes. We predicted a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of citrus using the PPIs of Arabidopsis. There are 1259 proteins and 2298 interactions in our Citrus PPI network. Among 1259 proteins, 42 proteins are differentially expressed between the HLB resistance and susceptible citrus. An interested PPI sub-network includes 14 citrus NPR1-likes proteins and three TGA proteins. There were four NPR1-like genes were significantly up-regulated in HLB tolerant citrus trees and one NPR1-like gene up-regulated in HLB sensitive citrus trees. There is also one TGA gene up-regulated in HLB tolerant citrus trees. Another interested sub-network includes the RPS2 protein. There were two LRR kinase receptors significantly up-regulated in HLB tolerant citrus trees and four LRR kinase receptors significantly up-regulated in sensitive citrus trees. In conclusion, by profiling the transcriptome of HLB tolerant and HLB susceptible citrus trees, we found that multiple pathways have been suppressed or activated in HLB tolerant citrus tree, which lead to the promotion of the basal resistance or immunity of citrus trees. This study may help us understand HLB-tolerance and provide guidance for breeding HLB-tolerant citrus in the future. The down-regulation genes can be served as the candidate targets for RNAi to improve HLB tolerance in citrus trees. Two manuscripts were prepared: one published, and the other has been submitted.

Screening and Cloning of Resistance Related Genes by RNA-Seq in Huanglongbing (HLB) Resistant and Susceptible Citrus Breeding Lines

Report Date: 04/19/2015   Project: 523   Year: 2015

Screening and Cloning of Resistance Related Genes by RNA-Seq in Huanglongbing (HLB) Resistant and Susceptible Citrus Breeding Lines

Report Date: 04/19/2015
Project: 523   Year: 2015
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Yong-Ping Duan
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

In this project, we have conducted transcriptome analysis on 25 samples of tolerant/susceptible citrus plants using RNA-Seq. We first performed bioinformatics analysis on RNA-seq data of three HLB-tolerant ‘Jackson’ grapefruit hybrid and three HLB-susceptible ‘Marsh’ grapefruit hybrid. We identified 686 differentially expressed (DE) genes between two groups using FDR threshold of 0.1. Among them, 247 genes were up-regulated and 439 were down-regulated in tolerant citrus trees. We have experimentally verified the expressions of 14 up-regulated genes and 20 down-regulated genes using real time PCR. 11 of 14 up-regulated genes and 18 of 20 down-regulated genes were validated. We performed Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis of DE genes. Genes associated with beta-amyrin synthase, cycloartenol synthase and Camelliol C synthase were significantly up-regulated in the HLB tolerant citrus trees while terpene synthase genes (CiClev10014707, Ciclev10017785) were down-regulated in the tolerant citrus trees. Some PR-protein genes were significantly up-regulated in the tolerant citrus trees, including several TIR-NBS-LRR genes. Many cell wall degradation-related genes, such as cellulose synthase/transferase, cellulase and expansins were up-regulated in the susceptible citrus trees. Some glucan hydrolase genes were also up-regulated in the tolerant citrus trees. These genes may play important roles in symptom development. The DE genes were also enriched in two classes of RLKs, LRR-RLKs and DUF26-RLKs. We then applied the MapMan software to identify DE genes related to disease response. The MapMan annotated 155 DE genes related to disease response. We found multiple pathways have been suppressed or activated in HLB tolerant citrus tree, which lead to the promotion of the basal resistance or immunity in citrus tree. For examples, suppression of beta glucanases, DMR6-like genes, expansin and DET2 uphold the suppression of immunity of citrus tree and activation of NPR1-like genes also induces the immune responses to HLB. The mechanism how to trig the suppression and activation of these genes is still unclear. Further experimental studies on the NBS-LRR and RLK genes differentially expressed between HLB tolerant and HLB susceptible citrus trees may help understand the HLB related receptor genes (PLoS ONE 10(3): e0121893). Meanwhile, our functional analysis also showed that the HLB development related genes were enriched in HLB susceptible citrus trees, such as viral life cycle and symbiosis related genes. We predicted a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network of citrus using the PPIs of Arabidopsis. There are 1259 proteins and 2298 interactions in our Citrus PPI network. Among 1259 proteins, 42 proteins are differentially expressed between the HLB resistance and susceptible citrus. An interested PPI sub-network includes 14 citrus NPR1-likes proteins and three TGA proteins. There were four NPR1-like genes were significantly up-regulated in HLB tolerant citrus trees and one NPR1-like gene up-regulated in HLB sensitive citrus trees. There is also one TGA gene up-regulated in HLB tolerant citrus trees. Another interested sub-network includes the RPS2 protein. There were two LRR kinase receptors significantly up-regulated in HLB tolerant citrus trees and four LRR kinase receptors significantly up-regulated in sensitive citrus trees. In conclusion, by profiling the transcriptome of HLB tolerant and HLB susceptible citrus trees, we found that multiple pathways have been suppressed or activated in HLB tolerant citrus tree, which lead to the promotion of the basal resistance or immunity of citrus trees. This study may help us understand HLB-tolerance and provide guidance for breeding HLB-tolerant citrus in the future. The down-regulation genes can be served as the candidate targets for RNAi to improve HLB tolerance in citrus trees.

Use of an early flowering gene in citrus to rapidly transfer disease resistance from citrus relatives into cultivated types

Report Date: 04/17/2015   Project: 573   Year: 2015

Use of an early flowering gene in citrus to rapidly transfer disease resistance from citrus relatives into cultivated types

Report Date: 04/17/2015
Project: 573   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Gloria Moore
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Analysis and writing continue in preparation for the end of this project in June. One student is completing her MS degree, and with her data completed and analyzed, manuscripts are being developed. These may not be completed by the termination date of the project, but we hope to have at least first drafts done. The FT3 gene is also being put into the CTV vector and is being put into CRISPR/Cas systems in collaborations with others.