1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The overall goal is to discover which of the seven (7) grapefruit scion and six (6) rootstock combinations planted in 41 blocks perform well under the endemic HLB disease pressure in Florida. The objectives are to 1) measure tree growth (using drone technology) and ratings of canopy thickness, yellowing, and HLB disease symptom severity, and 2) estimate fruit drop and tree yields as they come into production through preharvest fruit counts and measurement of fruit weight, size distribution and fruit quality from representative fruit samples. Work done: Per the project timeline, we have been preparing for September and October grove visits and tree and fruit measurements. We have also developed a contract with Aerobotics to collect drone measurements on all experimental blocks in September and October of this year. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Next quarter will be extremely busy conducting tree measurements (via drone), taking tree measuremnts and, for trees with fruit production, record fruit numbers on sample trees (not including buffer trees) and raking underneath the trees to later measure fruit drop. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Currently underspending because no field work yet underway this quarter. Heavy use of personelle (and expenses) begin in September (next quarter) and wil continue throughout the winter. In addition, expense for drone measurements have not yet been incurred.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:Objective 1. Collect field performance data from replicated rootstock field trials and release new rootstock cultivars as justified by superior performance in multiyear field trials.Collect field performance data. Thirty-one USDA replicated rootstock trials are active. For the current quarter, canopy health and tree size data was collected from all trials. Juice analysis continued from trials for the 2022-23 season. Some problems developed with the autotitrator and spectrophotometer used for the fruit quality analysis which slowed down the juice analysis. New equipment is being purchased with USDA funding to provide higher throughput analysis of juice samples beginning in the 2023-24 season.During this quarter, SSR assessment of trueness-to-type from seed was completed for the SuperSour rootstocks that are available now and will be released this year. This information is being prepared for publication that will coincide with the official release of the new rootstocks. Additional work on trueness-to-type assessment and salinity tolerance of new rootstocks was continued.Preparation for release. The most promising USDA rootstock selections are provided to the FDACS-DPI program for shoot tip grafting and disease testing. The two new USDA rootstocks planned for release this year are already clean and available in the DPI program. Four other promising new USDA rootstocks were provided to DPI for STG and testing this quarter, in preparation for possible release in future years.Release of new rootstocks. New rootstocks will be officially released by USDA for commercial use when justified by superior performance in multi-year replicated field trials. The rootstocks US SuperSour 4 and US SuperSour 5 have moved to the final stage of approval for release by USDA.Objective 2. Create hybrid rootstocks that combine germplasm from parental material with good rootstock traits and HLB tolerance, propagate the most promising of these hybrids, and establish replicated field trials with commercial scions.Create hybrids. Selected new crosses were completed in spring 2023, and good fruit set was achieved. Fruit will be monitored and harvested for seed extraction later in 2023.Propagate hybrids. Budded trees continued to be grown in the nursery for a rootstock trial with a new high quality scion, with field planting scheduled for August. Trees for two new stage 2 rootstock trials with thirty SuperSour rootstocks were budded with Valencia in this quarte, with a plan for field planting in 2024.Establish replicated field trials. One new replicated field trial with a new high quality scion on 14 rootstocks was established with a commercial cooperator this quarter.Tree care in trials. Periodic care was applied in the 31 field trials to maintain tree health and productivity, and manage weeds.2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:For the coming quarter, work will focus on harvesting seed from crosses, beginning collection of 2023-24 season yield and fruit quality data on trials with early scions, continuing propagation of trees for future trials, and care of existing trees in trials. Official release of US SuperSour 4 and US SuperSour 5 is planned for the next quarter.3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):This is the first quarter of the second year, and budget is on schedule for spending. One employee left the program, and a new employee was hired to take on those duties. The project is fully staffed, and work is progressing as planned.
1. The goal of this project is to protect citrus from Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus by inducing the phloem to produce anchored, single-chain antibodies that will bind and immobilize the bacteria, allowing the plant to destroy them by natural defense mechanisms. Anchoring is accomplished by expressing the antibodies as extensions of native, phloem-specific sieve element occlusion (SEO) proteins. By the end of the first quarter of the grant period we produced over 30 transgenic Carrizo lines. We selected 8 lines for further analysis: 3 untransformed controls transformed without the binding proteins and 5 transformed lines with varying degrees of construct expression. On June 13, 2023, the plants were sent (with a USDA interstate transport permit) to the Amit Levy lab at the Citrus Research and Education Center at the University of Florida. 2. The Levy lab is now continuing to grow the plants and in the next month will expose them to Diaphorina citri carrying CLas.We also began the second phase of the program, to test additional antibody constructs (although this phase cannot be completed in the 1-year timeline). One objective is to use different phloem-specific promoters to increase the number of anchored antibodies in the phloem. A second strategy is to create dual antibodies, a strategy that has been shown to dramatically suppress bacterial growth. 3. The budget status is as anticipated with funds neither underspent nor overspent. 4. Commercialization products: None were anticipated for this grant, although it may be possible to commercialize the transformed Carrizo citrus as rootstocks if they are sufficiently protected by our strategy.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The purpose of this project is to generate non-transgenic HLB resistant Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants using CRISPR-Cas technology. Objective 1. Generate non-transgenic HLB resistant/tolerant Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants by mutation of HLB susceptibility genes. In total, six putative S genes will be edited. Constructs needed for CRISPR genome editing are being made. Multiple edited lines were generated for ACD2 gene. However, further confirmation demonstrated none of them was biallelic/homozygous mutant. We are genenerating more lines for ACD2 and other target genes. To speed up the process, we have developed an efficient co-editing strategy for generating transgene-free, gene-edited plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of cytosine base editor (CBE)/gRNA-Cas12a/crRNA-GFP in planta. Specifically, CBE/gRNA was used to base edit the ALS gene to confer resistance to herbicide chlorsulfuron as a selection marker, which has no negative effects on plant phenotypes; Cas12a/crRNA was used for editing genes(s) of interest; GFP was used for selecting transgene-free transformants. Using this approach, transgene-free genome-edited plants can be relatively easily generated for citrus in the T0 generation. Whole genome sequencing further confirmed transgene-free and absence of off-target mutations in the edited plants. We are also using this strategy for genome editing of our target genes. Among the 8 target genes, we have done transformation again on 5/18, 5/25, or 6/25. The transformants are under regeneration. Objective 2. Generate cisgenic genome modified Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants by knock-in the gene encoding MaSAMP from Microcitrus. We are optimizing the knock-in method using the CRISPR technology. We have made some progress in knock-in methodology using non-transgenic approach. We have conducted multiple transformations useing the developed method for knockin with MaSAMP. The protoplasts were being regenerated.We have demonstrated the knock-in works using GFP as an insert. We have conducted knock-in for MaSAMP on 5/18, which is under regeneration. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:To generate more genome edited lines for ACD2 and other target genes using both RNP method and the co-editing method. Conductu regeneration for all the transformants. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):On schedule.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The primary objective of Project # 21-025 is to address the devastating impact of huanglongbing (HLB) on the Florida citrus industry. The disease has caused significant economic losses and threatens the sustainability of citrus production in the region. The project aims to test and validate HLB-resistant transgenic and non-transgenic citrus materials in a secure field site at the USDA/ARS Picos Research Farm. This will enable researchers to evaluate the efficacy of various strategies to combat HLB and its psyllid vector, with the ultimate goal of sustaining economic citrus production in HLB-endemic regions.The research team continued to maintain and collect data from ongoing field trials. The 10-acre test site at the USDA/ARS Picos Research Farm was secured and equipped for the upcoming experiments. The team provided pre-planting planning assistance to researchers to ensure compliance with transgenic regulations and offered annual transgenic-control training sessions. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Routine sample and data collection will continue to track the CLas titer and HLB progression in the test trees.Researchers will be granted access to the site for data collection and data analysis purposes.The team will conduct inspections and maintain compliance with the APHIS Biotechnology Regulatory Services (BRS) permits. Farm staff and the employed technician will receive further training on handling transgenic field trials. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): This quarter, there was an underspend of the allocated budget due to changes in PI and leadership at USHRL. The change in personnel led to some delays in the implementation of field trials and preparation of the test site. However, the project team managed to reallocate the budget effectively and continued to make progress in planning and preparing for the upcoming experiments. 4. Please show all potential commercialization products resulting from this research, and the status of each: The research has the potential to yield HLB-resistant transgenic and non-transgenic citrus cultivars suitable for commercial production. Some materials may be ready for immediate commercial use, while others will serve as breeding parents for further improvement. Intellectual property rights of researchers will be preserved, and no expectations of inclusion in related patents will be imposed by USDA/ARS.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Project # 21-025 focuses on developing HLB-resistant and other improved citrus cultivars to mitigate the devastating effects of HLB on the Florida citrus industry. The project utilizes transgenic and non-transgenic approaches, and all experiments are conducted at the secure field site of the USDA/ARS Picos Research Farm. The goal is to provide sustainable solutions to combat HLB, safeguard the citrus industry, and support economic citrus production.This quarter, the primary focus was on conducting field trials for promising HLB-resistant candidates from various collaborating institutions, including Texas A&M University, University of Florida, and USDA/ARS. Researchers continued to maintain and collect data from ongoing field trials, including monitoring CLas titer and HLB progression in the test trees. The test site received routine horticultural care, and trees were exposed to HLB and psyllid vectors to assess their resistance in a real-world environment. All BRS permits were upheld, and the site underwent inspections to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:Next quarter, the team will analyze the data collected from the current field trials to evaluate the efficacy of different HLB-resistant candidates. Researchers will continue to have access to the test site for data collection and analysis purposes. Any required adjustments or changes resulting from the observations will be managed individually without compromising the overall project objectives. If any candidates show promising results, they may be included in larger replicated trials for further validation. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):This quarter, there was an underspend of the allocated budget due to changes in PI and leadership at USHRL. The transition in personnel caused some disruptions in data collection and analysis for the ongoing field trials. However, the project team was able to adapt and allocate the remaining budget efficiently to maintain the test site and ensure the continued progress of the research. 4. Please show all potential commercialization products resulting from this research, and the status of each: The research has the potential to yield HLB-resistant transgenic and non-transgenic citrus cultivars suitable for commercial production. Some materials may be immediately suitable for commercial citrus production, while others may serve as breeding parents for further improvement. The data gathered from the field trials will guide recommendations for advancing materials to larger replicated trials, ensuring the development of commercially viable HLB-resistant citrus varieties.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Project # 21-025 continues its focus on developing HLB-resistant and other improved citrus cultivars to combat the devastating effects of HLB on the Florida citrus industry. The project employs transgenic and non-transgenic approaches and conducts experiments at the secure field site of the USDA/ARS Picos Research Farm. The goal remains to provide sustainable solutions to combat HLB, safeguard the citrus industry, and support economic citrus production.This quarter, the primary emphasis was on analyzing the data collected from the ongoing field trials for various HLB-resistant candidates. Researchers thoroughly evaluated the efficacy of different strategies to combat HLB and its psyllid vectors based on the data obtained. The test site continued to receive the necessary horticultural care and maintained exposure to HLB and psyllid vectors to ensure realistic evaluations of the candidates’ resistance. The team continued to adhere to BRS permits and underwent inspections to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Next quarter, the team will finalize the analysis of data from the current field trials. Based on the results, the project will make recommendations for advancing promising HLB-resistant candidates to larger replicated trials for further validation. Researchers will have continued access to the test site for any additional data collection and analysis requirements. There will be an update to trangenic field markers sinage and labeling to insure ease of finding material and compliance with BRS permits. We will also be conducting a transgenic field day with all of the cooperators that have material at the site. The project team will also initiate the process of requesting a six-month no-cost extension to the project timeline. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): This quarter, there was an underspend mainly due to underspend in the previous quarters. Given the temporary disruptions caused by changes in PI and leadership at USHRL, the project team is requesting a six-month no-cost extension to the project timeline. The extension will allow sufficient time to complete the ongoing field trials, finalize data analysis, and make informed recommendations for advancing potential HLB-resistant candidates. The no-cost extension will ensure the project’s successful completion without additional financial burden to the funding agency. 4. Please show all potential commercialization products resulting from this research, and the status of each: The research has shown promising results in identifying HLB-resistant transgenic and non-transgenic citrus cultivars. Some of the candidate materials display a high likelihood of being suitable for immediate commercial citrus production. These HLB-tolarant cultivars could become valuable assets to the citrus industry, providing a sustainable solution to combat the devastating impact of HLB. Other materials may serve as important breeding parents for further improvement in HLB resistance and other commercially significant traits.The data gathered from the field trials will drive recommendations for advancing the most promising materials to larger replicated trials, ensuring the development of commercially viable HLB-resistant citrus varieties.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1: Assess rootstock propagation method and rootstock cultivar effects on growth, health, and productivity of grafted Valencia trees during the early production years (years 4-6 after planting) in two commercial citrus production environments. Objective 2: Assess rootstock propagation method effect on tree performance, root architectures and uprooting resistance of Valencia trees after 5 years of growth.Rhizotron pictures were taken in both commercial trials and image analyses is continuing. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Tree growth measurements will be conducted. Leaves will be collected for nutrient analyses. Roots will be collected for specific root length analysis. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Budget status is as expected.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1: Production of interstock trees for evaluation in grower plots All rootstock trees as needed for this project have been sourced and are being sized up for interstock budding. The US942 trees were larger in size and most of those have been stick grafted for interstock production. It is anticipated that all interstock rootstock trees will be stick grafted in second quarter of 2023 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: All rootstock liners will be stick grafted with the HLB tolerant interstocks in the second quarter of this project. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): We are on track with the budget spending as funds have been committed for plant propagation.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1: Study the changes in the reactive oxygen species (ROS) and investigate the correlation between ROS accumulation, sucrose levels and callose deposition in early season sweet oranges Budded trees from Hamlin, Parson Brown and Roble sweet oranges have been produced and infected with CaLas through stick grafting. Control samples before infection have been collected and the next set will be collected once trees are HLB+. These trees will also be used for Objective 3 analysis. Objective 2: Quantify fruit drop and canopy yield efficiency in Parson Brown as compared to Hamlin. Understand the underlying mechanism of better fruit retention and yield efficiency in Parson Brown as compared to Hamlin. This experiment will be initiated from Mid June. Objective 3: Determine the mechanism underpinning the tolerance of Parson Brown to HLB by leaf volatiles and non-volatile metabolite analysis using GC-MS.Trees have been produced for both objective 1 and 3 and analysis is underway. Objective 4: Evaluate other early season sweet orangesLeaf samples have been collected from a Roble sweet orange grove in Zephyrhills. Additionally, samples from several survivor trees from a grove in Lake County have been collected. We have analysed the HLB status of these trees and the biochemical profile of the leaf samples. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Fruit drop studies will be intiated on field trees. Also, molecular and biochemical analysis of the HLB infected trees will be initiated. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): We are on track with the budget. A postdoc has been hired to work on several of the parameters in this project from the second quarter.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:Objective 1. Collect field performance data from replicated rootstock field trials and release new rootstock cultivars as justified by superior performance in multiyear field trials.Collect field performance data. Thirty-one USDA replicated rootstock trials are active. For the current quarter, canopy health data was collected from all trials, and for the ten bearing trials with Valencia scion, fruit yield and fruit quality data was also collected from about 4500 experimental units (replications). Juice quality evaluations continued on samples from other trials with early maturing scions.During this quarter, seedlings of a select group SuperSour rootstocks with outstanding performance were grown for assessment of trueness-to-type from seed in preparation for cultivar release for commercial use.Preparation for release. The most promising USDA rootstock selections that may be released in the next 2 years were previously provided to the FDACS-DPI program for shoot tip grafting and disease testing. Those have been completed in the DPI program and are currently available for commercial nursery propagation, following the decision for official release by USDA.Release of new rootstocks. New rootstocks will be officially released by USDA for commercial use when justified by superior peformance in multi-year replicated field trials. The rootstocks US-1688 and US-1709 have been proposed for release, and are in the second stage of approval by USDA. It is anticipated that these rootstocks will be named US SuperSour 4 and US SuperSour 5, and will be released and commercially available sometime in 2023.Objective 2. Create hybrid rootstocks that combine germplasm from parental material with good rootstock traits and HLB tolerance, propagate the most promising of these hybrids, and establish replicated field trials with commercial scions.Create hybrids. Selected new crosses were completed in this quarter with twenty high-priority parental combinations based on the most recent information about heritability of important rootstock traits. Fruit set was scored and will be followed until harvest of the hybrid seed.Propagate hybrids. Budded trees in the nursery for a rootstock trial with a new high-quality scion continued to be grown and developed for field planting in 2023. New rootstocks with the most superior performance were selected from stage 1 trials and liners propagated, in preparation for budding of trees with Valencia in summer of 2023. It is anticipated that these trees will be ready for field planting of two new rootstock field trials in spring 2024.Establish replicated field trials. No new field trials were planted this quarter.Tree care in trials. Periodic care was applied in the 31 field trials to maintain tree health and productivity, and manage weeds.2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:For the coming quarter, work will focus on completing the juice quality analysis from the Valencia field trials, collection of tree size and canopy health data from all the trials, continuing propagation of trees for future trials, and care of existing trees in trials. Greenhouse and laboratory work will also continue with focus on assessment of trueness-to-type from seed for the most promising rootstocks using SSR methodology.3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):Budget is on schedule to be spent out by the end of the first year. The project was fully staffed, and work is progressing as planned.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The purpose of this project is to generate non-transgenic HLB resistant Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants using CRISPR-Cas technology. Objective 1. Generate non-transgenic HLB resistant/tolerant Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants by mutation of HLB susceptibility genes. In total, six putative S genes will be edited. Constructs needed for CRISPR genome editing are being made. Multiple edited lines were generated for ACD2 gene. However, further confirmation demonstrated none of them was biallelic/homozygous mutant. We are genenerating more lines for ACD2 and other target genes. To speed up the process, we have developed an efficient co-editing strategy for generating transgene-free, gene-edited plants via Agrobacterium-mediated transient expression of cytosine base editor (CBE)/gRNA-Cas12a/crRNA-GFP in planta. Specifically, CBE/gRNA was used to base edit the ALS gene to confer resistance to herbicide chlorsulfuron as a selection marker, which has no negative effects on plant phenotypes; Cas12a/crRNA was used for editing genes(s) of interest; GFP was used for selecting transgene-free transformants. Using this approach, transgene-free genome-edited plants can be relatively easily generated for citrus in the T0 generation. Whole genome sequencing further confirmed transgene-free and absence of off-target mutations in the edited plants. We are also using this strategy for genome editing of our target genes. Objective 2. Generate cisgenic genome modified Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants by knock-in the gene encoding MaSAMP from Microcitrus. We are optimizing the knock-in method using the CRISPR technology. We have made some progress in knock-in methodology using non-transgenic approach. We have conducted multiple transformations useing the developed method for knockin with MaSAMP. The protoplasts were being regenerated. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:To generate more genome edited lines for ACD2 and other target genes using both RNP method and the co-editing method. Using the developed method for knockin with MaSAMP. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):On schedule.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: Objective 1: Assess rootstock propagation method and rootstock cultivar effects on growth, health, and productivity of grafted Valencia trees during the early production years (years 4-6 after planting) in two commercial citrus production environments. Objective 2: Assess rootstock propagation method effect on tree performance, root architectures and uprooting resistance of Valencia trees after 5 years of growth.In both commercial trials, fruit were harvested to determine yield and fruit quality was analyzed. Trials had few fruit, either due to the impacts of hurricane Ian and/or because of decline from HLB. Trees at SWFREC have continued to decline from HLB and did not bear any fruits. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter: Tree health and growth will continue to be monitored. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why): Budget status is as expected.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them:
Objective 1. Collect field performance data from replicated rootstock field trials and release new rootstock cultivars as justified by superior performance in multiyear field trials.
Collect field performance data. Thirty-one USDA replicated rootstock trials are active, and during this quarter, canopy health data was collected from all trees in the trials. For the trials with Hamlin and lemon scion, fruit yield and fruit quality data was collection during this quarter. Preparations began for the collection of yield and fruit quality data from trials with Valencia scions, which will be completed during the next quarter.
During this quarter, seedlings of the most promising advanced rootstock selections were grown for assessment of trueness-to- type or uniformity from seed, and will be evaluated by morphology and molecular markers.
Preparation for release. The most promising USDA rootstock selections are provided to the FDACS-DPI program for shoot tip grafting and disease testing. Those that have completed the process are held as trees at FDACS and USDA, Ft. Pierce, for use as seed trees and sources of clean budwood. Two new USDA rootstocks tentatively planned for release in 2023 have already gone through the FDACS program, and are available as clean budwood.
Release of new rootstocks. New rootstocks will be officially released by USDA for commercial use when justified by multi-year performance in the early-stage replicated field trials. Based on outstanding performance in field trials, the proposed release documentation has been submitted for two new USDA rootstocks, coded as US-1688 and US-1709. It is anticipated that these two rootstocks will be released during 2023.
Objective 2. Create hybrid rootstocks that combine germplasm from parental material with good rootstock traits and HLB tolerance, propagate the most promising of these hybrids, and establish replicated field trials with commercial scions.
Create hybrids. Selected new crosses are planned for spring 2023, with parental combinations based on new information and breeding values of particular clones assembled over the past year.
Propagate hybrids. New hybrids to be used in trials will be propagated by uniform nucellar seed or stem cuttings. Trees were budded in the nursery with two new superior scion cultivars on 20 rootstocks, in preparation for field planting in 2023. Plant material was prepared in the nursery for one new Stage 2 trial with Valencia scion including the important commercially available rootstocks and the most promising of the new rootstocks. It is anticipated that these trees will be ready for field planting in spring 2024.
Establish replicated field trials. No new field trials were planted this quarter, but tree preparation continued for two trials to be planted in summer 2023.
Tree care in trials. Periodic care was applied in the 31 field trials to maintain tree health and productivity, and manage weeds.
2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:
For the coming quarter, work will focus on making new crosses, cropping data collection from Valencia field trials, continuing propagation of trees for future trials, and care of existing trees in trials.
3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):
Budget is on schedule to be spent out by the end of the first year. The project is fully staffed, and work is progressing as planned.
1. Please state project objectives and what work was done this quarter to address them: The purpose of this project is to generate non-transgenic HLB resistant Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants using CRISPR-Cas technology. Objective 1. Generate non-transgenic HLB resistant/tolerant Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants by mutation of HLB susceptibility genes. In total, six putative S genes will be edited. Constructs needed for CRISPR genome editing are being made. Multiple edited lines were generated for ACD2 gene. However, further confirmation demonstrated none of them was biallelic/homozygous mutant. We are genenerating more lines for ACD2 and other target genes. Objective 2. Generate cisgenic genome modified Valencia and Hamlin sweet orange plants by knock-in the gene encoding MaSAMP from Microcitrus. We are optimizing the knock-in method using the CRISPR technology. We have made some progress in knock-in methodology using non-transgenic approach. We will use the developed method for knockin wiht MaSAMP. 2. Please state what work is anticipated for next quarter:To generate more genome edited lines for ACD2 and other target genes. Using the developed method for knockin with MaSAMP. 3. Please state budget status (underspend or overspend, and why):On schedule.