Plant Improvement

Genomic sequencing to closure of a curated Florida citrus greening strain of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 07/15/2009   Project: 65

Genomic sequencing to closure of a curated Florida citrus greening strain of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 07/15/2009
Project: 65
Category: Plant Improvement

This project has three objectives: 1) gap closure of Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus (Las) found in Florida; 2) complete genomic sequencing to closure of Ca. L. americanus (Lam) strain S’o Paulo from Brazil, and 3) comparative genome analysis of Las and Lam to attempt to determine common factors enabling pathogenicity to citrus. This project is complementary and synergistic to work that was recently published (Duan et al. 2009. MPMI 22:1011-1020), in which the nearly complete genomic sequence of Las strain psy62, extracted from infected psyllids, was obtained. Within psy62, many unique genes of unknown function are found and it is difficult to establish which genes among the many unique unknowns might be important to enable pathogenicity on citrus. If the same unknown genes are found in a different species that causes the same disease (Huanglongbin, or HLB) on citrus, this information can considerably focus the research priorities for candidate genes that may be investigated as possible targets for chemical or genetic control of HLB. Our approach is to obtain the complete genomic sequence of a different Liberibacter species, Lam, that also causes HLB, and compare it to psy62. In collaboration with Fundecitrus in Brazil, DNA samples extracted from citrus midribs infected with Lam were purified on pulsed-field gels by Dr. Nelson Wulff and brought to UF. We used multiple displacement amplification (MDA) to obtain sufficient DNA for sequencing. Two trial shotgun libraries were constructed, one from each sample, and tested for quality by 454 sequencing. After bioinformatics filtering, Sample 1 yielded 1.6 Mb of sequence, of which 13 kb (0.8%) was new Lam DNA sequence. Sample 2 yielded 9.2 Mb of sequence, of which 41 kb (0.4%) was new Lam DNA sequence, resulting in 54 kb of new Lam DNA sequence to date. More importantly, the principle contaminating DNA from these trial runs was identified as citrus mitochondrial DNA, which guided modification of our extraction method so that this contaminating DNA has now been greatly reduced from a third DNA sample, which has been sent for full scale sequencing. In anticipation of a draft Lam genome, subsequent Las/Lam genome comparisons, and also to help close remaining gaps in the psy62 genome, two fosmid libraries were constructed using DNA extracted from HLB infected citrus, one from Lam strain S’o Paulo and one from Las strain UF506. Each library consisted of 1100 fosmid clones, both with an average insert size of ca. 31 kb, cloned in fosmid vector pCC2FOS. The Las UF506 library was used to close gaps surrounding 8 unjoined contigs of psy62, all containing phage-related genes. DNA probes were made as PCR products amplified from Las infected citrus and used to probe nylon blots of the UF506 fosmid library. Eight fosmids were identified and partially sequenced to join 7 previously unjoined psy62 contigs to form one complete 40,048 bb circular phage genome (named SC-1) plus one 31 kb contig, potentially representing a highly related but separate phage SC-2. SC-1 has 28 direct repeat regions. Both SC-1 and the SC-2 supercontig were validated by PCR amplification of HLB infected citrus along 89% of their entire lengths.

Engineering citrus for resistance to Liberibacter and other phloem pathogens

Report Date: 07/15/2009   Project: 72620

Engineering citrus for resistance to Liberibacter and other phloem pathogens

Report Date: 07/15/2009
Project: 72620
Category: Plant Improvement

Due to the recent arrival of the funds on campus, experimental aspects of the project are still in the early stages and limited to preparation of primers and the cloning of the promoters and resistance protein genes that will be evaluated in the project as follows: 1-A series of phloem-specific promoters from Arabidopsis and other plants are in the process of being cloned for evaluation in transformed plants. Initial assessment of the constructs will be evaluated in transient assays and suitable candidate clones will be transformed into Arabidopsis and citrus plants to test for phloem-specific expression. These promoters will be used to express resistance proteins (R proteins) and R protein mutants in an attempt to confer resistance to Liberibacter infection. Due to the potential of R proteins to interfere with normal growth and development of the plant, their expression will be limited to the phloem tissues, the site where the pathogen resides. 2- Several R proteins are being cloned for expression in Arabidopsis and citrus plants. Attenuated mutants of these proteins will be first expressed in the transient assay using Arabidopsis leaf mesophyll protoplasts to evaluate their effects on normal cellular function. Expression of these proteins will be driven by the phloem-specific promoters cloned in objective 1 above.

Engineering Resistance Against Citrus Canker and Greening Using Candidate Genes

Report Date: 07/15/2009   Project: 72610

Engineering Resistance Against Citrus Canker and Greening Using Candidate Genes

Report Date: 07/15/2009
Project: 72610
Category: Plant Improvement

The goal of this project is to transform the Arabidopsis and citrus NPR1 genes (AtNPR1 and CtNPR1), and the rice XIN31 gene into citrus, and to evaluate their resistance to both citrus canker (caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac)) and greening diseases. The first year objectives include: (1) Molecular characterization of the transgenic plants; (2) Inoculation of the transgenic plants with Xac. (3) Inoculation of the transgenic plants with the HLB pathogen and monitoring of the bacterium in planta with quantitative PCR; (4) Transformation of SUC2::NPR1 into citrus. (5) Plant maintenance. Overall the project is doing very well. To date, we have transformed AtNPR1, CtNPR1, XIN31, and XIN31K into the susceptible citrus cultivar ‘Duncan’ grapefruit. A total of seven lines for AtNPR1, 15 lines for CtNPR1, 12 lines for XIN31, and eight lines for XIN31K have been produced. All of these lines are maintained in green houses located at the Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, Florida. More transgenic lines for each gene are to be available. A PCR system for identifying the presence of the transgenes has been established. A preliminary screening of part of the transgenic population has led to the identification of three, three, eight positive lines for the AtNPR1, CtNPR1, and XIN31 genes, respectively. Among them, the six PCR-positive lines for the NPR1 genes have been multiplied by grafting. Additionally, we have obtained the promoter construct of the Arabidopsis SUC2 gene from Dr. Jude Grosser’s lab. Construction of SUC2::NPR1 is in progress.

A secure site for testing transgenic and conventional citrus for HLB and psyllid resistance

Report Date: 07/14/2009   Project: 220

A secure site for testing transgenic and conventional citrus for HLB and psyllid resistance

Report Date: 07/14/2009
Project: 220
Category: Plant Improvement

As proposed, a transgenic test site has been prepared at the USDA/ARS USHRL Picos Farm in Ft. Pierce. A new 8 acre site has been bedded, supplied with irrigation, and a ground cover established. Several acres in the far NE corner have been prepared for Dr. Dawson’s proposed field test of modified CTV expression vectors designed to produce anti-microbial peptides in citrus host plants. APHIS specified that Dr. Dawson’s site be as far from existing commercial citrus groves as possible, and recommended the NE corner of the Picos Farm. Answers have been provided to numerous questions from regulators to facilitate field testing approval. Cooperators have been made aware that the site is ready for planting.

Numerous citrus transgenics now express anti-microbial peptides. Decreased canker susceptibility is documented. HLB challenges are underway. In-vitro- tests show many AMPs with strong activity.

Report Date: 07/14/2009   Project: 221

Numerous citrus transgenics now express anti-microbial peptides. Decreased canker susceptibility is documented. HLB challenges are underway. In-vitro- tests show many AMPs with strong activity.

Report Date: 07/14/2009
Project: 221
Category: Plant Improvement

The diseases Huanglongbing (HLB) and Citrus Bacterial Canker (CBC) present serious threats to the future success of citrus production in the US. Insertion of genes conferring resistance to these diseases or the HLB insect vector is a promising way to solve these problems. Transformation vectors, suitable for incorporating genes into citrus trees, have been prepared for five antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) with several promoters and are being used to generate transformants of rootstock and scion genotypes. Many thousands of putatively transformed shoots have been developed to produce citrus resistant to HLB and CBC or citrus psyllid. Many have been micrografted to grow shoots for propagation and further evaluation. Large numbers of D4E1 transformed rootstocks are being challenged with HLB and citrus canker. Initial trials indicate significantly reduced susceptibility to citrus canker from about 20% of the D4E1 transformed citrus. The first steps have been taken to use information from Liberibacter sequence data to develop a transgenic solution for HLB-resistance. In addition, collaboration has been initiated with a molecular biology team at the Western Regional Research Center in Albany, CA to develop constructs which minimize commercial IP conflicts, regulatory problems, and consumer concerns in transgenic citrus resistant to HLB and CBC. The strategy is called ÒcisgenicsÓ and uses genes from citrus. The genes are identified from citrus genomic data. A total of 39 antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) have been assessed in-vitro for activity in suppressing growth of the bacteria causing CBC and two surrogates for Liberibacter that are closely related alpha-proteobacters. In the initial studies, the synthetic AMPs D4E1 and D2A21 were among the most active, with minimum inhibitory concentrations at 1 µM or less across all test bacteria. Following these studies, an agreement was developed with AgroMed (the producers of these peptides) and a citrus industry partner, Southern Gardens Citrus. An additional 20 synthetic AMPs have been assessed as part of this agreement, revealing several AMPs that were highly active against all test species; transformation constructs will soon be prepared to produce transgenic citrus. Hemolysis assays have been conducted with 36 of the AMPs to gauge potential for human health risks: most of the AMPs showed slight or negligible hemolytic activity. The tomato cultivar ÔM82Õ was transformed with the AMP D4E1 and Garlic Lectin as a model system for more quickly assessing resistance than is possible using citrus. D4E1-transformed tomatoes were challenged by inoculations with Agrobacterium tumefaciens: no immune plants were identified, but some produced only very small galls and overall gall mass was 30% lower in D4E1-transformed vs. control ÔM82Õ. Transformed plants have been propagated and D4E1- transformed vs. control plants will also be challenged with Xanthomonas campestris pv. vesicatoria to assess resistance. Garlic-lectin-transformed tomatoes vs. control ÔM-82Õ will be tested for effects on populations of the phloem-feeding whitefly pest (Bemisia species). High throughput evaluation of HLB resistance will require the ability to efficiently assess resistance in numerous plants. Graft-inoculation, controlled psyllid-inoculation, and ÒnaturalÓ psyllid inoculation in the field are being compared. A material transfer agreement has been established with Texas A&M University to permit lab and greenhouse comparisons with the Spinach Defensin expressing grapefruit and ‘Hamlin’. Since this material is well down the regulatory pathway, it makes no sense to move forward with any transformed citrus which is not markedly superior to this benchmark material.

Development of Promising New Rootstocks and Scions for Florida Citrus

Report Date: 07/09/2009   Project: 14

Development of Promising New Rootstocks and Scions for Florida Citrus

Report Date: 07/09/2009
Project: 14
Category: Plant Improvement

New hybrids between citrus relatives and citrus cultivars were studied for tolerance to HLB disease in greenhouse testing. Some new hybrids that were studied remain healthy and vigorous despite HLB infection and have been selected for further field and greenhouse testing. These hybrids will be used as parental material for breeding high quality rootstock and scion cultivars with tolerance. In this quarter, yield, fruit quality, tree size, and other performance information were collected from existing USDA/cooperative rootstock and scion field trials. Trees were propagated to establish new field trials for new rootstock and scion cultivars. Studies continue to assess rootstock tolerance of Huanglongbing (HLB) under field conditions using existing trials that have become infected with HLB through natural spread. Some differences among rootstocks for HLB response were noted and are being examined more carefully. A field experiment continued to identify rootstocks with resistance to the Phytophthora-Diaprepes Complex. Crosses were completed for development of improved citrus rootstocks focused on developing an improved sour orange (Supersour) rootstock and introgressing HLB resistance from exotic citrus relatives. In a coordinated effort between this grant and the FCATP transgenic citrus grant to USDA, selected anti-microbial and insect resistance genes were inserted into outstanding rootstock and scion cultivars to develop new cultivars with resistance to HLB and Citrus Bacterial Canker (CBC). An early flowering gene, FT, was transformed into outstanding citrus breeding material to facilitate rapid introgression of favorable traits, such as disease resistance, into new cultivars and increase early productivity of scion cultivars. Research is continuing to follow leads generated by the HLB gene expression study completed last year, including cloning of selected genes and promoters strongly expressed in response to HLB infection. These sequences are being used as targets for novel exotic genes, to help identify endogenous resistance genes, and to selectively express transgenes when and where the tree is infected by HLB. Work was continued to study the inheritance of fruit quality factors in sweet orange-type material using more than 1000 trees from populations of hybrids between high quality pummelo and mandarin parents. Work was initiated to study gene expression in seedless cultivars and identify genes that may be specifically associated with seedlessness. One promising new seedless scion cultivar, ‘Early Pride’, was released for commercial use. One highly productive dwarfing rootstock, US-942, is in the final stages of official release.

Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation of Mature Citrus Tissue

Report Date: 07/09/2009   Project: 144

Agrobacterium-mediated Genetic Transformation of Mature Citrus Tissue

Report Date: 07/09/2009
Project: 144
Category: Plant Improvement

One of the major problems in genetically transforming mature citrus tissue in the hot and humid conditions of Florida and Brazil is obtaining clean explant material to initiate uncontaminated tissue cultures. Therefore initial efforts on this project are focused on methods to produce mature citrus tissue that is uncontaminated by bacteria, fungi, or insects. USDA scientists are developing in vitro systems for the continuous and semi-continuous production of mature tissue. Mature tissue derived from in vitro shoots is aseptic and will require little or no disinfestation. In addition, such tissue may respond well to tissue culture manipulations and be highly suitable for genetic transformation. UF and Brazilian scientists are growing trees under very clean conditions that prevent infestation by pests. Tissue derived from these trees should be better suited for transformation since the duration and intensity of disinfestation required should be minimal. In both the in vitro and in vivo systems, the 1) addition of compounds such as disinfectants, biocides, and antibiotics for control of pests without harm to the citrus tissue and, 2) the pretreatments, medium constituents, and environmental conditions required to effectively grow and manipulate this material is being investigated.

Evaluate Differences in Response to HLB by Scions on Different Rootstocks

Report Date: 07/09/2009   Project: 143

Evaluate Differences in Response to HLB by Scions on Different Rootstocks

Report Date: 07/09/2009
Project: 143
Category: Plant Improvement

The objective of this project is to determine if Carrizo rootstocks, either wild type or overexpressing the Arabidopsis NPR1 gene, and so having an enhanced, inducible defense response, have any effect on gene expression and/or the defense response of wild type (non transgenic) grapefruit scions to HLB. It has long been recognized in the traditional growing of citrus that rootstock selection has a large effect on scion phenotype. However, it is not understood at the molecular level how rootstocks provide their advantages or disadvantages. For this purpose we have propagated transgenic Carrizo rootstock plants (lines 776, 854 and 857) that express the AtNPR1 gene. This gene is central in plant defense and these lines also show enhanced expression of the marker PR1 gene. Additionally, one transgenic line that lacks AtNPR1 expression and PR1 overexpression (line 884) and one transformed but nontransgenic line (i.e. lacks the AtNPR1 transgene, line 859) and wild type Carrizo planst were also propagated as negative controls. These lines have been grafted with wild type ÔDuncanÕ grapefruit. Other controls consist of nongrafted clones of AtNPR1 Carrizo (all lines mentioned above), wild type Carrizo, and non grafted grapefruit. The plants are being maintained in a containment facility at UF in Gainesville. We have also multiplied our HLB inoculum in ÔDuncanÕ grapefruit. The next step is to challenge the different graft combinations and to examine them for phenotype and gene expression with and without HLB challenge.

Accelerating the Commercialization of Transformed Juvenile Citrus

Report Date: 07/01/2009   Project: 87

Accelerating the Commercialization of Transformed Juvenile Citrus

Report Date: 07/01/2009
Project: 87
Category: Plant Improvement

Juvenile sweet oranges were grafted to several rootstocks with potential to induce scion precosity. Trees will subsequently be transferred to our early fruiting structure to encourage precocious flowering and fruit set. Seed of the same clones were planted to provide juvenile seedlings for planned experiments. Transformation experiments comparing transformation efficiency of various selected sweet oranges were initiated, including several clones that have previously shown precocious bearing in field trials. In Arabidopsis and other plants, the overexpression of a FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT) gene in transgenic plants leads to accelerated flowering. In the Moore lab we have cloned and sequenced the three citrus FT genes and placed them individually in transformation vector plasmids. We have initiated Agrobacterium-mediated transformation experiments with Carrizo citrange, sweet orange, and grapefruit.

Development of transformation systems for mature tissue of Florida commercial varieties, and strategies to improve tree management

Report Date: 06/30/2009   Project: 158 & 158.1

Development of transformation systems for mature tissue of Florida commercial varieties, and strategies to improve tree management

Report Date: 06/30/2009
Project: 158 & 158.1
Category: Plant Improvement

This project has two main objectives: 1) Development of genetic transformation systems for mature tissues of the most important sweet orange varieties of Florida, namely Hamlin and Valencia, using Pineapple as a control for which a transformation system already exists, and of the most important rootstock genotype, Carrizo citrange. Procedures would be first developed in Spain and then transferred to Florida, where a new greenhouse would be constructed and implemented for this purpose. 2) Overexpression of meristem-identity genes in Pineapple sweet orange to generate more compact and productive varieties. RNA interference-mediated downregulation of a gibberellin biosynthesis gene in Carrizo citrange to produce semidwarf/semidwarfing rootstocks. For the first objective, preparation of plant material for transformation was initiated about one year ago in Spain and this permitted us starting transformation experiments of the three sweet orange varieties 3 months ago. Both Hamlin and Valencia mature tissues are being highly responsive to organogenic regeneration. As we started to work with Valencia, the first GUS-positive mature Valencia transformants have been already generated and are growing in vitro. Due to space limitations, preparation of starting material of mature Carrizo citrange is a bit delayed. In Florida, we have provided to The University of Florida IFAS facilities all the specifications for the greenhouse and are in the planning stages. Moreover, we have to hire a manager for the mature transformation facility and allow this scientist to begin training in the Spanish laboratory. A job description has been written, a search committee selected, and the position is awaiting approval by University of Florida bureaucracy. We expect that this position will be filled by late summer. For the second objective, we have initiated experiments to ectopically over-express CsAP1 (AP1 from sweet orange) and CsFT (FT from sweet orange) in transgenic Pineapple sweet orange. The formalization of the master agreement between the IVIA and the Department of Citrus has suffered an unanticipated delay of several months mainly due to IVIA bureaucracy.

Genetic Resistance to Citrus Canker Conferred by the Pepper Bs3 Gene

Report Date: 06/29/2009   Project: 102

Genetic Resistance to Citrus Canker Conferred by the Pepper Bs3 Gene

Report Date: 06/29/2009
Project: 102
Category: Plant Improvement

Despite the short time period from the initial funding of our FCATP grant, we have made progress on all areas of the project: 1. Isolate TAL effectors: We have obtained one of the primary Xc TAL effector genes, PthAw,and it has been subcloned into an expression vector. Additional Xc TAL effectors are in the process of being isolated by PCR and subcloned into expression vectors. 2. Identify TAL effector binding sites: A binding site determination has been made for PthAw. Additional binding sites will be determined as the TAL effectors become available. 3. Construction of modified Bs3 promoter constructs: The binding site for PthAw has been introduced into the Bs3 promoter, upstream of the native UPA box which mediates induction by AvrBs3. 4. Rapid testing for promoter function: The new construct was tested with the GUS reporter gene in the standard N. benthamiana assay and was found to be inducible by PthAw in planta. Importantly, the modified promoter was completely inactive in the absence of PthAw. Furthermore, much work has been done to develop a transient assay system in citrus leaves. Conditions have been established that allow the assessment of the function of individual Xc effectors upon delivery into citrus leaves by Agrobacterium. This method is now being used to test Bs3 constructs. One issue that has come to light is that the native pepper strain, Xanthomonas euvesicatoria 85-10, causes a non-specific hypersensitive response, and so delivery of TAL effectors to citrus must come from other bacterial strains, such as Agrobacterium. Additional transient assays are in progress in citrus cell cultures and protoplasts, and Bs3 constructs using the GFP reporter gene will be tested for both GFP and Bs3 activity. The determination of Bs3 activity in citrus is our main objective for the present time. 5. Stable citrus transformation: Initial work on this has been initiated with test constructs. Until constructs with Xc TAL effector binding sites are available, stable transformants are being tested using AvrBs3-inducible constructs. A first project meeting was convened in Gainesville on June 15th with PI’s Horvath, Jones, Stall and Moore. We discussed the initial data reported here and reviewed the goals and milestones for this period. The emphasis on determining the activity of BS3 in citrus was highlighted and experiments planned. An additional meeting will be convened in July in Quebec with PI’s Horvath, Lahaye, and Jones’ lab postdoc Figuieredo.

Bioinformatic characterization and development of a central genome resources website for C. Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 06/08/2009   Project: 123

Bioinformatic characterization and development of a central genome resources website for C. Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 06/08/2009
Project: 123
Category: Plant Improvement

Objective II: Website creation and development. A Citrus Greening/HLB Genome Resources Website has been created and can be accessed at Significant aspects of this objective achieved during this quarter include the following: A. Development of a policy for data sharing. Concerns about publication priority, reluctance to release data that might be in error, and the slow pace at which sequence is generated have all contributed to a scarcity of publicly available genome data. In collaboration with the program manager, a policy was developed whereby the genome resources website would provide a venue where preliminary data and analyses generated from these data could be deposited, with access restricted to registered users. Prior to viewing the restricted data, users would be required to acknowledge the preliminary nature of the data and agree not to publish analyses based on these data without contacting the depositors. B. Website organization. The website has been designed to accommodate both information with unrestricted access and data limited to registered users. Web pages with unrestricted access include those containing general information and links on the disease, pages providing guidelines and links for commonly used analytical tools such as BLAST analysis and genome viewing with the Artemis genome viewer, and pages summarizing the range of Ca. Liberibacter sequences that have been deposited at NCBI. With the exception of a 1.2 Mb draft genome sequence for Ca. L. asiaticus, all of the Ca. Liberibacter sequences currently available at NCBI fall into one of three gene clusters, diagrams of which have been posted on the website together with hyperlinks to their component accession records at NCBI. In order to restrict access to pages containing preliminary data, a registration page has been set up requiring users, pending acceptance of the data sharing policy, to enter contact information and choose a user name and password. Once reviewed by the PI, the registrants are granted access to the restricted pages and their contact information added to the list of registered users. Information on data submission is included on the pages with unrestricted access. While it is expected that the site will grow significantly as more data and analyses become available, the basic website structure has been designed to accommodate future growth. Objective III: Bioinformatic analysis. Using the draft genome sequence for Ca. L. asiaticus deposited at NCBI, a single pseudomolecule has been generated from the deposited contigs to aid users in viewing the 34 contigs in their totality (draft sequences are deposited at NCBI as independently numbered and annotated contigs). Various feature files have been produced for the pseudomolecule, so that users can view annotations generated by the MG-RAST server as well as BLAST hits independent of gene calls. Functional roles predicted by the MG-RAST server have been mapped to KEGG metabolic maps and the results compared to maps generated for two fastidious plant pathogenic bacteria and four insect endosymbiotic bacteria. Comparison reveals that the deposited Ca. L. asiaticus sequence encodes only a small percentage of enzymes involved in amino acid, carbohydrate, energy, glycan, lipid, and nucleotide metabolism relative to these other organisms. This limited metabolic capability suggests that the deposited sequence may not represent a complete genome. Objective I: Assess community needs. Various members of the citrus greening community have provided input during website development. Further conversations between the PI and community members about data deposition and desired analyses are expected at the special session on citrus greening to be held at the meeting of the American Phytopathological Society (August 1-5).

Genomic sequencing to closure of a curated Florida citrus greening strain of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 01/19/2009   Project: 65

Genomic sequencing to closure of a curated Florida citrus greening strain of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 01/19/2009
Project: 65
Category: Plant Improvement

This project has three objectives: 1) gap closure of Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus (Las) found in Florida; 2) complete genomic sequencing to closure of Ca. L. americanus (Lam) strain S’o Paulo from Brazil, and 3) comparative genome analysis of Las and Lam to attempt to determine common factors enabling pathogenicity to citrus. Objective 1 Progress: Within the recently published Las strain psy62 chromosomal genome (Duan et al. 2009), many unique genes of unknown function are found, and several phage related genes are found integrated into the chromosome, but no replicating phage DNA was found. We reported last quarter the finding of two complete circular lytic phage genomes, SC1 and SC2, with the copy number of SC1 replicating an average 10X higher in citrus and 20X higher in periwinkle, than when the phage is integrated into the chromosome in infected psyllids. [Gabriel & Zhang, 2009. Phytopathology 99 (6): S38]. Neither phage were previously reported. Phage SC1 is 40 kb in size. SC2 is 39 kb in size and appears to be a degenerate variant of SC1. Phage particles, 25 nm in size, and likely corresponding with infectious SC1 phage, have now been documented inside Las cells, inside swollen Las cells that appear to be lysing and outside of Las cells by electron microscopy in Las-infected periwinkle phloem cells. Phage particles were not seen in Las-infected citrus. In citrus, the phage are replicating to relatively high copy number but not lysing Las cells, as they are in periwinkle. Since some of the SC-1 and SC-2 phage genes were found by Duan et al (2009) to be integrated into the Las genome, both phage likely have a lysogenic cycle. Lysogenic phage are known to mobilize bacterial genes when they repackage into infectious particles and then horizontally transfer these genes between different bacteria that they infect. Any genes carried on a phage that replicates to a level 10X higher than the host chromosome also replicates the copy number of all genes it carries to a level 10X higher than the rest, dramatically increasing gene expression levels, possibly affecting virulence. Following that lead, several new Las genes were found on SC1 and SC2. Detailed genomic analysis has revealed a total of six outer membrane proteins, five of which are predicted to form beta barrel structures, several of which were not previously reported in the psy62 genome. One of these appears to be an enzyme that is predicted to modify the bacterial outer membrane structure; another is a predicted porin, which form structures through which molecules can passively diffuse. A third, and previously unreported protein is a predicted outer membrane anchored protein with a collagen triple helix repeat. This unusual protein may be capable of forming a fibrous protein matrix, perhaps causing Las aggregation and trapping Las within phloem cells. We observed Las cells within periwinkle phloem by EM to occupy well over 50% of the cell cytoplasm. Objective 2 Progress: In collaboration with Fundecitrus in Brazil, Lam strain ‘S’o Paulo’ DNA samples extracted from citrus and purified on pulsed-field gels by Dr. Nelson Wulff has resulted in 78 kb of partially confirmed Lam genomic sequence obtained by 454 sequencing assembled into contigs greater than 1 kb. Dr. Wulff recently brought new Lam DNA to our lab for additional sequencing and comparison with the Las genome and the yet to be published sequence from the Liberibacter causing “zebra chip” disease of potato (Objective 3). We are on track to meet target deadlines of the original proposal.

Increasing the Capacity of the University of Florida's CREC Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF)

Report Date: 08/13/2005   Project: 77978

Increasing the Capacity of the University of Florida's CREC Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF)

Report Date: 08/13/2005
Project: 77978
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Jude Grosser
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

During the final quarter of the year, the Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF) maintained its level of performance and produced transgenic citrus plants for many satisfied customers. During the 4th quarter, the CCTF continued to utilize the provided funding to process the orders for transgenic plants, mostly servicing CRDF funded researchers studying transgenes with potential to generate resistance to HLB. Orders processed during this quarter include: pY46-Carrizo; pY102-Carrizo; pY141-Carrizo; pY150-Carrizo; pCitIntra-Duncan; pAZI-Duncan; pAtBI-Duncan; pBCR2-Duncan; pDPR1-Duncan; pLP1-Hamlin; pLP1-C-mac; pLP2-Hamlin; pLP2-C-mac. During the last quarter of this funding year, work was mostly concentrated on recent orders. Fourteen Duncan plants were produced carrying a gene of interest from the p35S-TRX vector and 23 more Duncan plants were produced carrying a gene from the pSucTRX vector. Multiple Duncan plants were produced toward satisfaction of ‘WG’ group of orders: eight-pWG22-1 plants, three-pWG21-1, and four pWG25-13 plant. Also, following Carrizo plants were produced for the ‘Yale’ order: nine plants with the gene from the pY46 vector and 11 plants with the gene from the pY102 vector. Eighteen Duncan plants were produced after treatment with bacteria harboring pBCR2 vector. Three more Duncan plants were produced with the EDS5 gene and six Mexican limes with the P35 gene. Four additional Duncan plants carrying a gene from pSUC-CitNPR1 were produced. The impact of citrus diseases on Florida citriculture is rapidly growing, and our participation in this battle is growing with some positive results already being published. Continued funding for CCTF which is an integral part of this community and contributes greatly towards common goal will allow for the progress to go on by keeping production of transgenic material un-interrupted and at high levels.

Diaprepes control using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach

Report Date: 03/17/2004   Project: 925   Year: 2016

Diaprepes control using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach

Report Date: 03/17/2004
Project: 925   Year: 2016
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Manjul Dutt
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Our project aims to provide durable long term resistance to Diaprepes using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach. A number of plant derived insecticidal transgenes, each driven by a root specific promoter were incorporated into Carrizo citrange. As part of this project we cloned four insecticidal genes and two plant derived promoters. Constructs were initially tested on N. benthamiana for confirmation of transgene activity. Carrizo citrange was subsequently transformed utilizing the conventional Agrobacterium mediated transformation process. A total of 123 putative transgenic lines were generated. PCR screening identified 74 of these lines to be transgenic. 54 of these transgenic lines had a high level of transgene expression as determined by qPCR. We have also identified a number of putative root specific genes from Citrus clementina by data mining the phytozome database. Of them several putative sequences were selected for characterization using qPCR. RNA was extracted from mature and juvenile roots from non-transgenic Swingle citrange. Each of the identified sequences were characterized in these different tissues. In addition, transcript levels in the leaves were also measured. The Cic1867m gene was determined to be very root specific and a 1.2 kb fragment of its promoter was cloned from Clementine genomic DNA using PCR. Deletion analyses identified a 0.8 kb fragment from that promoter fragment to be sufficient for root specific activity and transgenic plants were produced using this promoter. Cuttings from all the better performing lines have been made and are being rooted in the mist bed. These clones will be sized up for Diaprepes feeding experiments. Clonally propagated plants will be force fed with Diaprepes neonates – when available and root damage / insect mortality evaluated.