ACP Vector

Asexual inoculum production of Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot

Report Date: 01/31/2019   Project: 16-010C   Year: 2018

Asexual inoculum production of Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot

Report Date: 01/31/2019
Project: 16-010C   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

January 2019 The objectives of this proposal are 1) To determine the temperature and relative humidity optima for Guignardiacitricarpa pycnidiospore infection and production on citrus twigs, leaf litter, and fruit; 2) To determine the relative potential of Guignardia citricarpa to form pycnidiospores on citrus twigs, leaf litter, and fruit; 3) To determine whether Guignardia citricarpa can survive and reproduce on citrus debris on grove equipment. In this project we established that Phyllosticta citricarpa (syn. Guignardia citricarpa) conidia are being formed in dead twigs in the field. We were only able to collect low numbers but suspect this may have been influenced by the methods used. The conidia are less likely to be present in the dry winter months but are frequently present at other times of the year. The amount of conidia was found to be influenced by rain in the preceeding two weeks, the average temperature, days with measurable rainfall in the last 7 days and an interaction between the accumulated rainfall and average temperature. When we investigted the presence of P. citricarpa DNA in the bark of the same twigs we found that the amount was influenced most by the average temperature, days with measurable rainfall in the last 7 days, days with measurable rainfall over 28 days and an interaction with average temperature and days with measurable precipitation. We also were able to link the bark DNA quantities with areas in the grove known to have a high incidence and severity of symptomatic fruit and trees. We found that the more symptomatic trees had a greater amount of P. citricarpa DNA in their twigs than those with low severity. This establishes that there is a connection between the amount of P. citricarpa in the canopy with the severity of fruit infection. What remains to be shown is whether the twigs are the initial inoculum source for the fruit or a sign of the overall infection level. We also conducted a large factorial experiment to look at the effects of temperature and relative humidity on the infection of twigs and leaves by P. citricarpa. We found that relative humidity was very important for the development of pycnidia and conidia on twigs. Relative humidity levels below 90% greatly reduced the number of pycnidia or conidia formed. However, the amount of P. citricarpa DNA present in the twigs showed that the fungus did not die but in some cases continued to increase it’s biomass greatly. Temperature was also very important and extremes in the temperature profiles did not allow for structure formation or in some cases biomass growth. Sporulation was more affected by temperature than relative humidity. This allows us to see when production of conidia is most likely to estimate the greatest inoculum potential. We also investigated the effect of disinfectants on spores in debris. It is known that debris can cause disinfectants to loose their potency and so it was shown in this project. However, it was found that the potency could be regained if a large enough volume of the disinfecant was used. Results of the completed research are consistent with recommendations from FDACS in regards to efficacy of recommended disinfectants. The finding that efficacy diminishes when spores are associated with citrus debris offers an opportunity to update recommendations for hedging operations and other activities that may generate significant amounts of fine debris to ensure that debris is fully saturated with disinfectant solutions.

Enhancement of postbloom fruit drop control measures

Report Date: 01/14/2019   Project: 16-010C   Year: 2018

Enhancement of postbloom fruit drop control measures

Report Date: 01/14/2019
Project: 16-010C   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

December 2018 The objectives for this proposal are 1) Conduct ground and aerial applications of fungicides to determine the efficacy and economics of fungicide treatments; 2) Determine if Luna Sensation has enough systemic activity to protect flowers from before they fully develop and open; 3) Determine if the period flowering of trees affected by huanglongbing can be narrowed to eliminate the offseason bloom that contributes to the PFD inoculum increase in groves. In 2018, two field trials were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of various fungicides as well as some fungicide programs for management of PFD. In the product screening trial (Trial 1), the top five products all contained ferbam when the number of fruit were evaluated. In the program trial (Trial 2), only one treatment was recommended so only the first product in a rotation was used. The results from Trial 2 were more confusing and few consistancies occurred among treatments. For example, Enable performed the best in one program but there was another program that started with Enable that had signficantly fewer fruit. In both trials, disease was extremely low and it is difficult to determine if the number of fruit per tree side was solely due to the treatments or other inherent differences among trees. An aerial trial was conducted in 2018 as well as and found that there were more fruit per tree in the ground application than the aerial application but this may be because the trees had a slightly larger canopy in ground application block. There were no fungicide treatment differences observed. An attempt to conduct a more controlled Luna Sensation trial in the greenhouse failed because insufficient bloom was induced to undertake the experiment. This was despite an attempt to induce flowers with cold and drought for 2 months. The second year of bloom synchronization was undertaken in 2018. Off-season bloom was suppressed with gibberellic acid (GA) in Navel and Valencia trees. In both cultivars, the major blooms were compressed by GA compared to the untreated control and fewer flowers were observed. Trees treated with napthaleneacetic acid (NAA; synthetic auxin) did not have a similar effect. Despite the significant reduction in bloom with GA, there was no signficant reduction of yield compared to the untreated control. Applications for the upcoming flowering period have been commenced and it is anticipated that fruit number data will be collected by July. Minor changes were done to the Citrus Advisory System (CAS) in 2018 to correct some minor problems. Additionally, the fungicde recommendations, in part from this project, were linked to CAS. Improvement have been made to the leaf wetness duration estimates for stations that do not have leaf wetness probes or the probes have been shown to be malfunctioning. Field validation of the CAS has continued in 2018 at 2 sites, Polk City and Fort Meade. In both sites, we compared an untreated control to the PFD-FAD, a new model CAS, and weekly fungicide applications. There were no significant differences among the treatments for the number of fruit per tree despite there being 3 weekly applications and 2 or 1 (respectively) for the PFD-FAD system. No applications were triggered by the CAS. Since there was no significant differences among the treatments, it means that no applications was the best forecast and significant cost savings could be had by using the CAS.

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 10/09/2018   Project: 15-028   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 10/09/2018
Project: 15-028   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project contains two objectives: 1) Control HLB by optimization of application of SA and its analogs. We are testing the control effect of SA and its analogs, e.g., ASM, Imidacloprid, DL-2-aminobutyric, 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid, and 2,1,3 Benzothiadiazole via trunk injection in field trial. Oxytetracycline is used as a positive control, whereas water was used as a negative control. SA, Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-cabothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), and 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) have also been applied twice onto selected trees by foliar spray in November, 2015 during fall flush, arch 2016 during spring flush, and February 2017 during spring flush. In addition, three field trials for different compounds including SA are being conducted. Materials were applied once onto selected trees by foliar spray in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, were applied to selected trees by soil drench in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, in early March and June 2017. Trunk injection in August and September, 2016 during summer and late summer-fall flush. Trunk injection of SA showed significant control effect against HLB. The data for trunk injection has been collected and a manuscript has been submitted for publication. HLB disease severity,disease incidence surveys and Las titers were conducted before spray treatment in October, 2015 and at 6 months after the 1st application in April, 2016 and April 2017. SA analogs resulted in increased fruit yield in 2016, but not in 2017 probably due to hurricane damage and also slowed down the progress of Las titers compared to control. To compare the effect of suppressing SA hydroxylase, we also screened multiple SecA inhibitors which suppress the secretion of important virulence factors. Two effective SecA inhibitors have been tested in vitro. At least one SecA inhibitor has been shown to be specific against Las, but not E. coli. We are also investigating the possibility of modifying pathway of citrus to produce more SA in citrus using CRISPR. As experiment scheduled, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by foliar spray in March 2018 during spring flush. Admire, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by soil drench in March 2018 during spring flush. SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by trunk injection from March to April 2018 during spring flush. HLB disease severity surveys and Las titer assays will conducted for treatments in April 2018 at 24 months after 1st application of soil drench or trunk injection and at 30 months after 1st application of foliar spray. 2) Control HLB using a combination of SA, SA analogs or SA hydroxylase inhibitors. The SA hydroxylase protein is being expressed in E.coli and purified. Several inhibitors identified using structure based design are being tested for their inhibitory effect against SA hydroxyalse. To further identify SA hydroxylase inhibitors or SA analogs that are not degraded by SA hydroxylase, we have expressed SA hydroxylase in tobacco and Arabidopsis. Overexpression of SA hydroxylase decreased HR induced by Pseudomonas spp, indicating that SA hydroxylase degrades SA. We have qualified SA with HPLC and conducted SAR related genes expression analysis. We have identified multiple SA analogs and tested whether they can be degraded by SA hydroxylase. 4 SahA inhibitors were trunk-injected during fall flush. Las titers and HLB disease severity of the treated trees are being tested periodically. One manuscript entitled: ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Encodes a Functional Salicylic Acid (SA) Hydroxylase That Degrades SA to Suppress Plant Defenses” has been published by MPMI. We have completed the project. Application of plant defense inducers including SA have positive effect on HLB diseased trees at the early stage of HLB infection, but have no effect on HLB diseased trees at the late stage of infection. One manuscript entitled: “Developing citrus Huanglongbing management strategies based on the severity of symptoms in HLB-endemic citrus-producing regions” has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology.

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 10/09/2018   Project: 15-028   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 10/09/2018
Project: 15-028   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project contains two objectives: 1) Control HLB by optimization of application of SA and its analogs. We are testing the control effect of SA and its analogs, e.g., ASM, Imidacloprid, DL-2-aminobutyric, 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid, and 2,1,3 Benzothiadiazole via trunk injection in field trial. Oxytetracycline is used as a positive control, whereas water was used as a negative control. SA, Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-cabothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), and 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) have also been applied twice onto selected trees by foliar spray in November, 2015 during fall flush, arch 2016 during spring flush, and February 2017 during spring flush. In addition, three field trials for different compounds including SA are being conducted. Materials were applied once onto selected trees by foliar spray in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, were applied to selected trees by soil drench in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, in early March and June 2017. Trunk injection in August and September, 2016 during summer and late summer-fall flush. Trunk injection of SA showed significant control effect against HLB. The data for trunk injection has been collected and a manuscript has been submitted for publication. HLB disease severity,disease incidence surveys and Las titers were conducted before spray treatment in October, 2015 and at 6 months after the 1st application in April, 2016 and April 2017. SA analogs resulted in increased fruit yield in 2016, but not in 2017 probably due to hurricane damage and also slowed down the progress of Las titers compared to control. To compare the effect of suppressing SA hydroxylase, we also screened multiple SecA inhibitors which suppress the secretion of important virulence factors. Two effective SecA inhibitors have been tested in vitro. At least one SecA inhibitor has been shown to be specific against Las, but not E. coli. We are also investigating the possibility of modifying pathway of citrus to produce more SA in citrus using CRISPR. As experiment scheduled, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by foliar spray in March 2018 during spring flush. Admire, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by soil drench in March 2018 during spring flush. SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by trunk injection from March to April 2018 during spring flush. HLB disease severity surveys and Las titer assays will conducted for treatments in April 2018 at 24 months after 1st application of soil drench or trunk injection and at 30 months after 1st application of foliar spray. 2) Control HLB using a combination of SA, SA analogs or SA hydroxylase inhibitors. The SA hydroxylase protein is being expressed in E.coli and purified. Several inhibitors identified using structure based design are being tested for their inhibitory effect against SA hydroxyalse. To further identify SA hydroxylase inhibitors or SA analogs that are not degraded by SA hydroxylase, we have expressed SA hydroxylase in tobacco and Arabidopsis. Overexpression of SA hydroxylase decreased HR induced by Pseudomonas spp, indicating that SA hydroxylase degrades SA. We have qualified SA with HPLC and conducted SAR related genes expression analysis. We have identified multiple SA analogs and tested whether they can be degraded by SA hydroxylase. 4 SahA inhibitors were trunk-injected during fall flush. Las titers and HLB disease severity of the treated trees are being tested periodically. One manuscript entitled: ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Encodes a Functional Salicylic Acid (SA) Hydroxylase That Degrades SA to Suppress Plant Defenses” has been published by MPMI. We have completed the project. Application of plant defense inducers including SA have positive effect on HLB diseased trees at the early stage of HLB infection, but have no effect on HLB diseased trees at the late stage of infection. One manuscript entitled: “Developing citrus Huanglongbing management strategies based on the severity of symptoms in HLB-endemic citrus-producing regions” has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology.

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 10/09/2018   Project: 15-042   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 10/09/2018
Project: 15-042   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of the proposed study is to understand the mechanism of survivor trees. 1. Understanding the role of endophytic microbes from survivor trees. Three healthy and three HLB infected trees were selected for phytobiome analysis from Gapway grove based on the LasQPCR detection results. The microorganisms collected from this experiment were classified as three types: rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere communities. The DNA and RNA samples were sequenced. Multiple known beneficial microorganisms, such as Bradyrhizobium, Lysobacter and Variovorax showed significantly higher relative abundance and activity in rhizoplane microbiome despite of health status. However, several beneficial taxa, including Rhodopseudomonas, Achromobacter, Methylobacterium and Chitinophaga, showed higher relative abundance and activity in healthy rhizoplane microbiome compared with rhizosphere community in healthy trees but not in HLB samples. By performing comparison between healthy and HLB samples, we found several phyla, such as Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Bacteroidetes were enriched in healthy root-associated microbiome. HLB altered the rhizoplane microbiome by recruiting more functional features involved in autotrophic life cycle such as carbon fixation, and abandoning the functional genes involved in microbe-host interactions identified above, collectively resulting in downward spiral in rhizoplane microbiome-host interaction. This seems to suggest the manipulation of the root microbiome is necessary. However, the challenge is how to maintain a beneficial microbiome which is under study now. Objective 2. To illustrate whether the endophytic microbes from survivor trees could efficiently manage citrus HLB. As shown in Objective 1, Bradyrhizobium and Burkholderia are the most abundant bacteria that have shown dramatic changes between survivor trees and HLB diseased trees. We determined the contribution of Burkholderia to the citrus hosts. We isolated multiple Burkholderia strains. We selected two representative strains A53 (Burkholderia metallica) and A63 (Burkholderia territori) to inoculate citrus plants using the soil drench method. The results demonstrated that the two strains could successfully colonize the root surface and maintain a relative high population even seven months after inoculation. We then conducted a greenhouse study to evaluate the effects of the selected strains on the plant fitness. One manuscript entitled: “Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria isolated from Huanglongbing escape citrus trees “has been apublished by Frontiers in Microbiology. One more manuscript on the effect of induced systemic resistance against disease by rhizospheric bacteria has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology. In addition, we grafted the roots from survivor trees to healthy and HLB diseased trees in greenhouse to check the effect of endophyte changes on the grafted trees. Since endophytes appear to be enriched from the rhizosphere, we also used the soil from the survivor trees to plant both healthy and HLB diseased trees in the greenhouse. We also grafted shoots from survivor trees to further understand the putative mechanisms. Shoots from more survival trees are being grafted. We are also characterizing the potential mechanism why some branches are Las free. Multiple plants successfully grafted with leaf branches from survivor trees were subject to a test for citrus attractiveness to ACP. No significant effect on response of ACP to the grafted trees from the control. We have grafted more trees with branches from survivor trees to test their effect on Las and ACP. Consortium of bacteria of different combinations are being used to test their effect on Las and ACP. One manuscript entitled: “Huanglongbing impairs the rhizosphere-to-rhizoplane enrichment process of the citrus root-associated microbiome” has been published by Microbiome. We also determined the core microbiome based on the analysis of healthy citrus collected from 8 different countries. We have completed the project. We have identified multiple beneficial bacteria which promote citrus growth. However, the beneficial bacteria can only slow down the HLB disease progress, but can not reduce Las population in planta.

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 10/09/2018   Project: 15-042   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 10/09/2018
Project: 15-042   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of the proposed study is to understand the mechanism of survivor trees. 1. Understanding the role of endophytic microbes from survivor trees. Three healthy and three HLB infected trees were selected for phytobiome analysis from Gapway grove based on the LasQPCR detection results. The microorganisms collected from this experiment were classified as three types: rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere communities. The DNA and RNA samples were sequenced. Multiple known beneficial microorganisms, such as Bradyrhizobium, Lysobacter and Variovorax showed significantly higher relative abundance and activity in rhizoplane microbiome despite of health status. However, several beneficial taxa, including Rhodopseudomonas, Achromobacter, Methylobacterium and Chitinophaga, showed higher relative abundance and activity in healthy rhizoplane microbiome compared with rhizosphere community in healthy trees but not in HLB samples. By performing comparison between healthy and HLB samples, we found several phyla, such as Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Bacteroidetes were enriched in healthy root-associated microbiome. HLB altered the rhizoplane microbiome by recruiting more functional features involved in autotrophic life cycle such as carbon fixation, and abandoning the functional genes involved in microbe-host interactions identified above, collectively resulting in downward spiral in rhizoplane microbiome-host interaction. This seems to suggest the manipulation of the root microbiome is necessary. However, the challenge is how to maintain a beneficial microbiome which is under study now. Objective 2. To illustrate whether the endophytic microbes from survivor trees could efficiently manage citrus HLB. As shown in Objective 1, Bradyrhizobium and Burkholderia are the most abundant bacteria that have shown dramatic changes between survivor trees and HLB diseased trees. We determined the contribution of Burkholderia to the citrus hosts. We isolated multiple Burkholderia strains. We selected two representative strains A53 (Burkholderia metallica) and A63 (Burkholderia territori) to inoculate citrus plants using the soil drench method. The results demonstrated that the two strains could successfully colonize the root surface and maintain a relative high population even seven months after inoculation. We then conducted a greenhouse study to evaluate the effects of the selected strains on the plant fitness. One manuscript entitled: “Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria isolated from Huanglongbing escape citrus trees “has been apublished by Frontiers in Microbiology. One more manuscript on the effect of induced systemic resistance against disease by rhizospheric bacteria has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology. In addition, we grafted the roots from survivor trees to healthy and HLB diseased trees in greenhouse to check the effect of endophyte changes on the grafted trees. Since endophytes appear to be enriched from the rhizosphere, we also used the soil from the survivor trees to plant both healthy and HLB diseased trees in the greenhouse. We also grafted shoots from survivor trees to further understand the putative mechanisms. Shoots from more survival trees are being grafted. We are also characterizing the potential mechanism why some branches are Las free. Multiple plants successfully grafted with leaf branches from survivor trees were subject to a test for citrus attractiveness to ACP. No significant effect on response of ACP to the grafted trees from the control. We have grafted more trees with branches from survivor trees to test their effect on Las and ACP. Consortium of bacteria of different combinations are being used to test their effect on Las and ACP. One manuscript entitled: “Huanglongbing impairs the rhizosphere-to-rhizoplane enrichment process of the citrus root-associated microbiome” has been published by Microbiome. We also determined the core microbiome based on the analysis of healthy citrus collected from 8 different countries. We have completed the project. We have identified multiple beneficial bacteria which promote citrus growth. However, the beneficial bacteria can only slow down the HLB disease progress, but can not reduce Las population in planta.

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 10/09/2018   Project: 15-042   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 10/09/2018
Project: 15-042   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of the proposed study is to understand the mechanism of survivor trees. 1. Understanding the role of endophytic microbes from survivor trees. Three healthy and three HLB infected trees were selected for phytobiome analysis from Gapway grove based on the LasQPCR detection results. The microorganisms collected from this experiment were classified as three types: rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere communities. The DNA and RNA samples were sequenced. Multiple known beneficial microorganisms, such as Bradyrhizobium, Lysobacter and Variovorax showed significantly higher relative abundance and activity in rhizoplane microbiome despite of health status. However, several beneficial taxa, including Rhodopseudomonas, Achromobacter, Methylobacterium and Chitinophaga, showed higher relative abundance and activity in healthy rhizoplane microbiome compared with rhizosphere community in healthy trees but not in HLB samples. By performing comparison between healthy and HLB samples, we found several phyla, such as Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Bacteroidetes were enriched in healthy root-associated microbiome. HLB altered the rhizoplane microbiome by recruiting more functional features involved in autotrophic life cycle such as carbon fixation, and abandoning the functional genes involved in microbe-host interactions identified above, collectively resulting in downward spiral in rhizoplane microbiome-host interaction. This seems to suggest the manipulation of the root microbiome is necessary. However, the challenge is how to maintain a beneficial microbiome which is under study now. Objective 2. To illustrate whether the endophytic microbes from survivor trees could efficiently manage citrus HLB. As shown in Objective 1, Bradyrhizobium and Burkholderia are the most abundant bacteria that have shown dramatic changes between survivor trees and HLB diseased trees. We determined the contribution of Burkholderia to the citrus hosts. We isolated multiple Burkholderia strains. We selected two representative strains A53 (Burkholderia metallica) and A63 (Burkholderia territori) to inoculate citrus plants using the soil drench method. The results demonstrated that the two strains could successfully colonize the root surface and maintain a relative high population even seven months after inoculation. We then conducted a greenhouse study to evaluate the effects of the selected strains on the plant fitness. One manuscript entitled: “Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria isolated from Huanglongbing escape citrus trees “has been apublished by Frontiers in Microbiology. One more manuscript on the effect of induced systemic resistance against disease by rhizospheric bacteria has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology. In addition, we grafted the roots from survivor trees to healthy and HLB diseased trees in greenhouse to check the effect of endophyte changes on the grafted trees. Since endophytes appear to be enriched from the rhizosphere, we also used the soil from the survivor trees to plant both healthy and HLB diseased trees in the greenhouse. We also grafted shoots from survivor trees to further understand the putative mechanisms. Shoots from more survival trees are being grafted. We are also characterizing the potential mechanism why some branches are Las free. Multiple plants successfully grafted with leaf branches from survivor trees were subject to a test for citrus attractiveness to ACP. No significant effect on response of ACP to the grafted trees from the control. We have grafted more trees with branches from survivor trees to test their effect on Las and ACP. Consortium of bacteria of different combinations are being used to test their effect on Las and ACP. One manuscript entitled: “Huanglongbing impairs the rhizosphere-to-rhizoplane enrichment process of the citrus root-associated microbiome” has been published by Microbiome. We also determined the core microbiome based on the analysis of healthy citrus collected from 8 different countries. We have completed the project. We have identified multiple beneficial bacteria which promote citrus growth. However, the beneficial bacteria can only slow down the HLB disease progress, but can not reduce Las population in planta.

Asexual inoculum production of Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot

Report Date: 10/03/2018   Project: 15-005   Year: 2018

Asexual inoculum production of Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot

Report Date: 10/03/2018
Project: 15-005   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

June 2018 The objectives of this proposal are 1) To determine the temperature and relative humidity optima for Guignardia citricarpa pycnidiospore infection and production on citrus twigs, leaf litter, and fruit; 2) To determine the relative potential of Guignardia citricarpa to form pycnidiospores on citrus twigs, leaf litter, and fruit; 3) To determine whether Guignardia citricarpa can survive and reproduce on citrus debris on grove equipment. Work on the field sample qPCR has continued in the second quarter of 2018 and is nearly finished the backlogged samples while sampling continues. The data continues to be assembled and graphed but the major conclusions have not changed with the newly processed samples. DNA quantities tend to be lower than 10^2 fg in most samples but can increase to 10^3 fg. The data has not been processed on a per mg of bark tissue yet and it is expected that the fg/mg of tissue will become more consistent among samples. We now have samples from Sept 2016 to end of May 2017 and while DNA quantities of P. citricarpa are low, the fungus is always present. In the conidia suspension samples, the DNA quantities on average were higher than the amount of DNA on the twigs on the same date up. The amount of DNA tended to have peaks at three month intervals. This data is being analyzed in terms of environmental variables to see the number of spores and quantity of DNA. For the relative humidity and temperature experiment, samples are being processed from the 12C, 24C treatments and 32C treatment is underway. The data is being collected but it has not been compiled into a full data set for analysis yet. An incubator has become no longer functional so this has slowed the experimental process down. In the work for disinfectants, there were found to be missing treatments. Those missing treatments of experiments on the effects of citrus debris on the survival of P. citricarpa conidiospores in the presence and absence of disinfectants were repeated and data collected.

Asexual inoculum production of Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot

Report Date: 10/03/2018   Project: 15-005   Year: 2018

Asexual inoculum production of Guignardia citricarpa, the causal agent of citrus black spot

Report Date: 10/03/2018
Project: 15-005   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

September 2018 The objectives of this proposal are 1) To determine the temperature and relative humidity optima for Guignardia citricarpa pycnidiospore infection and production on citrus twigs, leaf litter, and fruit; 2) To determine the relative potential of Guignardia citricarpa to form pycnidiospores on citrus twigs, leaf litter, and fruit; 3) To determine whether Guignardia citricarpa can survive and reproduce on citrus debris on grove equipment. Work on the field sample qPCR has continued with just the newly collected samples remaining. Sampling wrapped up in August. The data continues to be assembled and graphed but the major conclusions have not changed with the newly processed samples. DNA quantities tend to be lower than 10^2 fg in most samples but can increase to 10^3 fg. The data has not been processed on a per mg of bark tissue yet and it is expected that the fg/mg of tissue will become more consistent among samples. We now have samples from Sept 2016 to end of May 2017 and while DNA quantities of P. citricarpa are low, the fungus is always present. In the conidia suspension samples, the DNA quantities on average were higher than the amount of DNA on the twigs on the same date up. The amount of DNA tended to have peaks at three month intervals. This data is being analyzed in terms of environmental variables to see the number of spores and quantity of DNA. For the relative humidity and temperature experiment, samples are being processed from the 32C treatment and 16 and 36C treatments are underway. Some observed trends include that pycnidia form rapidly at 32C but may be sterile and the greatest number of spores occur around 24C. The data is still being prepared for analysis. An incubator has become no longer functional so this has slowed the experimental process down. Treatments 20C and 28C remain to be completed. In the work for disinfectants, data on spore survival in the presence of citrus debris and disinfectants was organized. Materials and Methods for a manuscript were written and data analysis is proceeding.

Correlating pesticide residue analysis with psyllid feeding to improve protection of young trees

Report Date: 07/23/2018   Project: 15_036C   Year: 2018

Correlating pesticide residue analysis with psyllid feeding to improve protection of young trees

Report Date: 07/23/2018
Project: 15_036C   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Michael Rogers
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Report for period ending 6/30/18 During this reporting period we used EPG to study the behavioral changes in D. citri associated with different plant parts and the resulting effects of how long it takes to reach phloem, how long the psyllids stays in phloem to ingest, thereby influencing the risk of disease spread. D. citri feeding was recorded on the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of mature and immature citrus leaves. On abaxial surface of immature leaves, phloem salivation occurred after 11 h on average, but in a few rare instances, as short as 0.56 h. The corresponding values on mature leaves were 16 and 2.7h. In general, psyllids spent more time ingesting phloem sap on immature leaves than on mature leaves. Psyllids on abaxial surfaces spent more time ingesting from phloem, though the strength of this effect was less than for immature versus mature leaves. In contrast, xylem ingestion increased on mature leaves compared with young. Because imidacloprid and other soil applied neonics are known to move in the phloem (not xylem), our findings suggest that age of leaves on which psyllids are feeding may affect efficacy of insecticides. For example, psyllids feeding on young flush may be less affected by imidacloprid application because they will be feeding primary on phloem which is known to not contain imidacloprid. However, our observations of psyllids feeding on new flush has shown psyllids do suffer high rates of mortality when feeding on young flush, most liekly phloem and not xylem. To investigate this further, we extraced both phloem and xylem fluids from young trees treated with soil applied imiadcloprid in the greenhouse. We then analyzed the phloem and xylem sap collected for imidacloprid quantity. To our surprise, the levels of imidacloprid were significantly higher in the phloem compared to xylem. While we expected some low levels of imidcloprid to move into the phloem, the fact that imidacloprid levels were greater than in the xylem challenges the entrenched dogma that imidcloprid only moves in the xylem. We are at the end of our funding for this project, b ut this is something we will continue to better understand.

Correlating pesticide residue analysis with psyllid feeding to improve protection of young trees

Report Date: 07/23/2018   Project: 15_036C   Year: 2018

Correlating pesticide residue analysis with psyllid feeding to improve protection of young trees

Report Date: 07/23/2018
Project: 15_036C   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Michael Rogers
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Report for period ending 6/30/18 During this reporting period we used EPG to study the behavioral changes in D. citri associated with different plant parts and the resulting effects of how long it takes to reach phloem, how long the psyllids stays in phloem to ingest, thereby influencing the risk of disease spread. D. citri feeding was recorded on the abaxial and adaxial surfaces of mature and immature citrus leaves. On abaxial surface of immature leaves, phloem salivation occurred after 11 h on average, but in a few rare instances, as short as 0.56 h. The corresponding values on mature leaves were 16 and 2.7h. In general, psyllids spent more time ingesting phloem sap on immature leaves than on mature leaves. Psyllids on abaxial surfaces spent more time ingesting from phloem, though the strength of this effect was less than for immature versus mature leaves. In contrast, xylem ingestion increased on mature leaves compared with young. Because imidacloprid and other soil applied neonics are known to move in the phloem (not xylem), our findings suggest that age of leaves on which psyllids are feeding may affect efficacy of insecticides. For example, psyllids feeding on young flush may be less affected by imidacloprid application because they will be feeding primary on phloem which is known to not contain imidacloprid. However, our observations of psyllids feeding on new flush has shown psyllids do suffer high rates of mortality when feeding on young flush, most liekly phloem and not xylem. To investigate this further, we extraced both phloem and xylem fluids from young trees treated with soil applied imiadcloprid in the greenhouse. We then analyzed the phloem and xylem sap collected for imidacloprid quantity. To our surprise, the levels of imidacloprid were significantly higher in the phloem compared to xylem. While we expected some low levels of imidcloprid to move into the phloem, the fact that imidacloprid levels were greater than in the xylem challenges the entrenched dogma that imidcloprid only moves in the xylem. We are at the end of our funding for this project, b ut this is something we will continue to better understand.

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 07/09/2018   Project: 15-028   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 07/09/2018
Project: 15-028   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project contains two objectives: 1) Control HLB by optimization of application of SA and its analogs. We are testing the control effect of SA and its analogs, e.g., ASM, Imidacloprid, DL-2-aminobutyric, 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid, and 2,1,3 Benzothiadiazole via trunk injection in field trial. Oxytetracycline is used as a positive control, whereas water was used as a negative control. SA, Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-cabothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), and 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) have also been applied twice onto selected trees by foliar spray in November, 2015 during fall flush, arch 2016 during spring flush, and February 2017 during spring flush. In addition, three field trials for different compounds including SA are being conducted. Materials were applied once onto selected trees by foliar spray in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, were applied to selected trees by soil drench in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, in early March and June 2017. Trunk injection in August and September, 2016 during summer and late summer-fall flush. Trunk injection of SA showed significant control effect against HLB. The data for trunk injection has been collected and a manuscript has been submitted for publication. HLB disease severity,disease incidence surveys and Las titers were conducted before spray treatment in October, 2015 and at 6 months after the 1st application in April, 2016 and April 2017. SA analogs resulted in increased fruit yield in 2016, but not in 2017 probably due to hurricane damage and also slowed down the progress of Las titers compared to control. To compare the effect of suppressing SA hydroxylase, we also screened multiple SecA inhibitors which suppress the secretion of important virulence factors. Two effective SecA inhibitors have been tested in vitro. At least one SecA inhibitor has been shown to be specific against Las, but not E. coli. We are also investigating the possibility of modifying pathway of citrus to produce more SA in citrus using CRISPR. As experiment scheduled, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by foliar spray in March 2018 during spring flush. Admire, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by soil drench in March 2018 during spring flush. SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by trunk injection from March to April 2018 during spring flush. HLB disease severity surveys and Las titer assays will conducted for treatments in April 2018 at 24 months after 1st application of soil drench or trunk injection and at 30 months after 1st application of foliar spray. 2) Control HLB using a combination of SA, SA analogs or SA hydroxylase inhibitors. The SA hydroxylase protein is being expressed in E.coli and purified. Several inhibitors identified using structure based design are being tested for their inhibitory effect against SA hydroxyalse. To further identify SA hydroxylase inhibitors or SA analogs that are not degraded by SA hydroxylase, we have expressed SA hydroxylase in tobacco and Arabidopsis. Overexpression of SA hydroxylase decreased HR induced by Pseudomonas spp, indicating that SA hydroxylase degrades SA. We have qualified SA with HPLC and conducted SAR related genes expression analysis. We have identified multiple SA analogs and tested whether they can be degraded by SA hydroxylase. 4 SahA inhibitors were trunk-injected during fall flush. Las titers and HLB disease severity of the treated trees are being tested periodically. One manuscript entitled: ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Encodes a Functional Salicylic Acid (SA) Hydroxylase That Degrades SA to Suppress Plant Defenses” has been published by MPMI. We have requested a no cost extension for this project. We are currently finishing up the data collection and summarizing the data for publication.

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 07/09/2018   Project: 15-042   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 07/09/2018
Project: 15-042   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of the proposed study is to understand the mechanism of survivor trees. 1. Understanding the role of endophytic microbes from survivor trees. Three healthy and three HLB infected trees were selected for phytobiome analysis from Gapway grove based on the LasQPCR detection results. The microorganisms collected from this experiment were classified as three types: rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere communities. The DNA and RNA samples were sequenced. Multiple known beneficial microorganisms, such as Bradyrhizobium, Lysobacter and Variovorax showed significantly higher relative abundance and activity in rhizoplane microbiome despite of health status. However, several beneficial taxa, including Rhodopseudomonas, Achromobacter, Methylobacterium and Chitinophaga, showed higher relative abundance and activity in healthy rhizoplane microbiome compared with rhizosphere community in healthy trees but not in HLB samples. By performing comparison between healthy and HLB samples, we found several phyla, such as Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Bacteroidetes were enriched in healthy root-associated microbiome. HLB altered the rhizoplane microbiome by recruiting more functional features involved in autotrophic life cycle such as carbon fixation, and abandoning the functional genes involved in microbe-host interactions identified above, collectively resulting in downward spiral in rhizoplane microbiome-host interaction. This seems to suggest the manipulation of the root microbiome is necessary. However, the challenge is how to maintain a beneficial microbiome which is under study now. Objective 2. To illustrate whether the endophytic microbes from survivor trees could efficiently manage citrus HLB. As shown in Objective 1, Bradyrhizobium and Burkholderia are the most abundant bacteria that have shown dramatic changes between survivor trees and HLB diseased trees. We determined the contribution of Burkholderia to the citrus hosts. We isolated multiple Burkholderia strains. We selected two representative strains A53 (Burkholderia metallica) and A63 (Burkholderia territori) to inoculate citrus plants using the soil drench method. The results demonstrated that the two strains could successfully colonize the root surface and maintain a relative high population even seven months after inoculation. We then conducted a greenhouse study to evaluate the effects of the selected strains on the plant fitness. One manuscript entitled: “Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria isolated from Huanglongbing escape citrus trees “has been apublished by Frontiers in Microbiology. One more manuscript on the effect of induced systemic resistance against disease by rhizospheric bacteria has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology. In addition, we grafted the roots from survivor trees to healthy and HLB diseased trees in greenhouse to check the effect of endophyte changes on the grafted trees. Since endophytes appear to be enriched from the rhizosphere, we also used the soil from the survivor trees to plant both healthy and HLB diseased trees in the greenhouse. We also grafted shoots from survivor trees to further understand the putative mechanisms. Shoots from more survival trees are being grafted. We are also characterizing the potential mechanism why some branches are Las free. Multiple plants successfully grafted with leaf branches from survivor trees were subject to a test for citrus attractiveness to ACP. No significant effect on response of ACP to the grafted trees from the control. We have grafted more trees with branches from survivor trees to test their effect on Las and ACP. Consortium of bacteria of different combinations are being used to test their effect on Las and ACP. One manuscript entitled: “Huanglongbing impairs the rhizosphere-to-rhizoplane enrichment process of the citrus root-associated microbiome” has been published by Microbiome. We have requested a no cost extension for this project. We are currently finishing up the data collection and summarizing the data for publication.

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 07/09/2018   Project: 15-028   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing (HLB) by counteracting the SA hydroxylase of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 07/09/2018
Project: 15-028   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project contains two objectives: 1) Control HLB by optimization of application of SA and its analogs. We are testing the control effect of SA and its analogs, e.g., ASM, Imidacloprid, DL-2-aminobutyric, 2,6-dichloro-isonicotinic acid, and 2,1,3 Benzothiadiazole via trunk injection in field trial. Oxytetracycline is used as a positive control, whereas water was used as a negative control. SA, Acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM), benzo (1,2,3) thiadiazole-7-cabothionic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), and 2,6-dichloroisonicotinic acid (INA) have also been applied twice onto selected trees by foliar spray in November, 2015 during fall flush, arch 2016 during spring flush, and February 2017 during spring flush. In addition, three field trials for different compounds including SA are being conducted. Materials were applied once onto selected trees by foliar spray in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, were applied to selected trees by soil drench in September, 2016 during late summer-fall flush, in early March and June 2017. Trunk injection in August and September, 2016 during summer and late summer-fall flush. Trunk injection of SA showed significant control effect against HLB. The data for trunk injection has been collected and a manuscript has been submitted for publication. HLB disease severity,disease incidence surveys and Las titers were conducted before spray treatment in October, 2015 and at 6 months after the 1st application in April, 2016 and April 2017. SA analogs resulted in increased fruit yield in 2016, but not in 2017 probably due to hurricane damage and also slowed down the progress of Las titers compared to control. To compare the effect of suppressing SA hydroxylase, we also screened multiple SecA inhibitors which suppress the secretion of important virulence factors. Two effective SecA inhibitors have been tested in vitro. At least one SecA inhibitor has been shown to be specific against Las, but not E. coli. We are also investigating the possibility of modifying pathway of citrus to produce more SA in citrus using CRISPR. As experiment scheduled, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by foliar spray in March 2018 during spring flush. Admire, SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by soil drench in March 2018 during spring flush. SA, ASM, BTH and INA were applied to selected trees by trunk injection from March to April 2018 during spring flush. HLB disease severity surveys and Las titer assays will conducted for treatments in April 2018 at 24 months after 1st application of soil drench or trunk injection and at 30 months after 1st application of foliar spray. 2) Control HLB using a combination of SA, SA analogs or SA hydroxylase inhibitors. The SA hydroxylase protein is being expressed in E.coli and purified. Several inhibitors identified using structure based design are being tested for their inhibitory effect against SA hydroxyalse. To further identify SA hydroxylase inhibitors or SA analogs that are not degraded by SA hydroxylase, we have expressed SA hydroxylase in tobacco and Arabidopsis. Overexpression of SA hydroxylase decreased HR induced by Pseudomonas spp, indicating that SA hydroxylase degrades SA. We have qualified SA with HPLC and conducted SAR related genes expression analysis. We have identified multiple SA analogs and tested whether they can be degraded by SA hydroxylase. 4 SahA inhibitors were trunk-injected during fall flush. Las titers and HLB disease severity of the treated trees are being tested periodically. One manuscript entitled: ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ Encodes a Functional Salicylic Acid (SA) Hydroxylase That Degrades SA to Suppress Plant Defenses” has been published by MPMI. We have requested a no cost extension for this project. We are currently finishing up the data collection and summarizing the data for publication.

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 07/09/2018   Project: 15-042   Year: 2018

Control citrus Huanglongbing using endophytic microbes from survivor trees

Report Date: 07/09/2018
Project: 15-042   Year: 2018
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Nian Wang
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The goal of the proposed study is to understand the mechanism of survivor trees. 1. Understanding the role of endophytic microbes from survivor trees. Three healthy and three HLB infected trees were selected for phytobiome analysis from Gapway grove based on the LasQPCR detection results. The microorganisms collected from this experiment were classified as three types: rhizosphere, rhizoplane and endosphere communities. The DNA and RNA samples were sequenced. Multiple known beneficial microorganisms, such as Bradyrhizobium, Lysobacter and Variovorax showed significantly higher relative abundance and activity in rhizoplane microbiome despite of health status. However, several beneficial taxa, including Rhodopseudomonas, Achromobacter, Methylobacterium and Chitinophaga, showed higher relative abundance and activity in healthy rhizoplane microbiome compared with rhizosphere community in healthy trees but not in HLB samples. By performing comparison between healthy and HLB samples, we found several phyla, such as Proteobacteria, Acidobacteria and Bacteroidetes were enriched in healthy root-associated microbiome. HLB altered the rhizoplane microbiome by recruiting more functional features involved in autotrophic life cycle such as carbon fixation, and abandoning the functional genes involved in microbe-host interactions identified above, collectively resulting in downward spiral in rhizoplane microbiome-host interaction. This seems to suggest the manipulation of the root microbiome is necessary. However, the challenge is how to maintain a beneficial microbiome which is under study now. Objective 2. To illustrate whether the endophytic microbes from survivor trees could efficiently manage citrus HLB. As shown in Objective 1, Bradyrhizobium and Burkholderia are the most abundant bacteria that have shown dramatic changes between survivor trees and HLB diseased trees. We determined the contribution of Burkholderia to the citrus hosts. We isolated multiple Burkholderia strains. We selected two representative strains A53 (Burkholderia metallica) and A63 (Burkholderia territori) to inoculate citrus plants using the soil drench method. The results demonstrated that the two strains could successfully colonize the root surface and maintain a relative high population even seven months after inoculation. We then conducted a greenhouse study to evaluate the effects of the selected strains on the plant fitness. One manuscript entitled: “Characterization of antimicrobial-producing beneficial bacteria isolated from Huanglongbing escape citrus trees “has been apublished by Frontiers in Microbiology. One more manuscript on the effect of induced systemic resistance against disease by rhizospheric bacteria has been accepted for publication by Phytopathology. In addition, we grafted the roots from survivor trees to healthy and HLB diseased trees in greenhouse to check the effect of endophyte changes on the grafted trees. Since endophytes appear to be enriched from the rhizosphere, we also used the soil from the survivor trees to plant both healthy and HLB diseased trees in the greenhouse. We also grafted shoots from survivor trees to further understand the putative mechanisms. Shoots from more survival trees are being grafted. We are also characterizing the potential mechanism why some branches are Las free. Multiple plants successfully grafted with leaf branches from survivor trees were subject to a test for citrus attractiveness to ACP. No significant effect on response of ACP to the grafted trees from the control. We have grafted more trees with branches from survivor trees to test their effect on Las and ACP. Consortium of bacteria of different combinations are being used to test their effect on Las and ACP. One manuscript entitled: “Huanglongbing impairs the rhizosphere-to-rhizoplane enrichment process of the citrus root-associated microbiome” has been published by Microbiome. We have requested a no cost extension for this project. We are currently finishing up the data collection and summarizing the data for publication.