Horticultural & Management

Using physical and chemical property changes of citrus leaves as early indicators of HLB infection and the effect of added plant nutrients

Report Date: 07/03/2013   Project: 79284   Year: 2012

Using physical and chemical property changes of citrus leaves as early indicators of HLB infection and the effect of added plant nutrients

Report Date: 07/03/2013
Project: 79284   Year: 2012
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Arnold Schumann
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Field experiments with nutritional and other horticultural management impacts on HLB disease: Twenty “Hamlin” trees being treated with a comprehensive and holistic HLB management program, including foliar micro and macro nutrients and psyllid control, were harvested in December 2012 for the fifth consecutive year. Half of the trees (10) were symptomatic for HLB (PCR+) prior to the first harvest five years before and the other half were non-symptomatic (PCR undetermined; healthy). The five consecutive harvests show conclusively that HLB, when managed properly, does not kill trees in 2 to 3 years as commonly reported in the literature. Also, the yield of the trees has remained statistically unchanged for the five years of the project, demonstrating conclusively that HLB can be managed and the profitable yields of trees infected with CLas can be sustained. For the 2012-13 harvest season, HLB-affected trees yielded an average 179 lbs of fruit per tree and healthy trees yielded an average 533 lbs of fruit per tree. Furthermore, the juice from all of the fruit (healthy, symptomatic and asymptomatic) has been and continues to be of superior quality, meeting or exceeding USDA standards for Grade A pasteurized not- from-concentrate juice. We state again, although HLB-affected trees have lower per tree yields than healthy trees, their yields are not declining and are statistically similar today as they were five years ago. It is important to note that the added nutrition has not produced a rampant, uncontrolled spread of HLB as evidenced by the healthy trees still producing very high yields. This is because psyllid control in the grove is excellent and the psyllid is the vector of the disease, not nutrition. The grove also shows no evidence of other serious pests and diseases impacting the root systems of trees, such as sting nematodes, Phytophthora and Diaprepes root weevils. HLB is most successfully managed with intensive horticultural practices in the absence of other pests and diseases, many of which don’t have a viable long-term solution. Multiple pest and disease problems superimposed onto HLB-affected trees are likely to result in their rapid decline and death.

Using physical and chemical property changes of citrus leaves as early indicators of HLB infection and the effect of added plant nutrients

Report Date: 07/03/2013   Project: 79284   Year: 2013

Using physical and chemical property changes of citrus leaves as early indicators of HLB infection and the effect of added plant nutrients

Report Date: 07/03/2013
Project: 79284   Year: 2013
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Arnold Schumann
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Field experiments with nutritional and other horticultural management impacts on HLB disease: Twenty “Valencia” trees being treated with a comprehensive and holistic HLB management program, including foliar micro and macro nutrients and psyllid control, were harvested in April 2013 for the fifth consecutive year. Half of the trees (10) were symptomatic for HLB (PCR+) prior to the first harvest five years ago and the other half were non-symptomatic (PCR undetermined; healthy). The five consecutive harvests show conclusively that HLB, when managed properly, does not kill trees in 2 to 3 years as commonly reported in the literature. Also, the yield of the trees has remained statistically unchanged for the five years of the project, demonstrating conclusively that HLB can be managed and the profitable yields of trees infected with CLas can be sustained. For the 2012-13 harvest season, HLB-affected trees yielded 1.9 boxes of fruit per tree and healthy trees yielded 3.9 boxes of fruit per tree. The juice from the fruit is awaiting analysis; however, for the previous three years the juice from all fruit (symptomatic, asymptomatic, healthy) has met or exceeded USDA standards for Grade A not-from-concentrate juice and based on samples tasted during juicing we do not anticipate a different result this season. We state again, although HLB-affected trees have lower per tree yields than healthy trees, their yields are not declining and are statistically similar today as they were five years ago. It’s also important to note that the added nutrition has not lead to a rampant, uncontrolled spread of HLB as evidenced by the healthy trees still producing above-average yields. This is because psyllid control in the grove is excellent and the psyllid is the vector of the disease, not nutrition.

Rapid testing of next generation chimeric antimicrobial protein components for broad spectrum citrus disease control

Report Date: 06/30/2013   Project: 712   Year: 2013

Rapid testing of next generation chimeric antimicrobial protein components for broad spectrum citrus disease control

Report Date: 06/30/2013
Project: 712   Year: 2013
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Abhaya Dandekar
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This project was initiated May 1 2013 and we have focused our efforts on Activity 1. In this activity we are using a rational design strategy to develop and rapidly test individually the two components of a chimeric antimicrobial protein (CAP) based therapeutic that could provide broad spectrum resistance to young citrus plantings against a range of biotrophic bacterial pathogens (HLB and CBCD). Gene mining bioinformatics tools are being used to search existing citrus genomic DNA sequence information available in Phytosome (http://www.phytozome.net) to identify structurally relevant candidate citrus components that can be fashioned into a CAP molecule. The current and highly functional CAP design described by us (Dandekar et al., 2012 PNAS 109(10): 3721-3725) is being used as a scaffold/guide to search for the citrus components. Working with the developer of a recently described bioinformatic tool CLASP we have successfully searched using the active site architecture (3D shape) of the forst component HNE and have found a citrus PR14a sequence whose shape is similar. We have determined the similarity of the citrus protein shape to that of the tomato PR14 and grapevine PR14a proteins. We used the tomato sequence as the protein 3D structure has been determined and could thus be used to thread the citrus and grapevine protein sequences whose structure is yet to be determined. We have also been working on the finding the citrus DNA sequence to replace CecropinB component. We have identified several candidates and are evalusting the similarity in their structure with respect to the known structure of Cecropin B. We have begun the process of designing the vector system to express the citrus PR14a sequence that we have identified. This vector system will be used for the plant based expression system described in our Activity 2. Once designed and constructed will be expressed in Nicotiana benthamiana to produce active protein that can be tested for activity. We have also submitted an application to APHIS-PPQ for the movement of the recently cultured Leberibacter crescens (Lcre). Once we get permission then later this year we can test these proteins for their efficacy using the Lcre to evaluate growth and mortality.

Identification of key components in HLB using effectors as probes

Report Date: 06/30/2013   Project: 750   Year: 2013

Identification of key components in HLB using effectors as probes

Report Date: 06/30/2013
Project: 750   Year: 2013
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Wenbo Ma
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

109,913 I did not receive the fund (and hence could not start the project) by this time because of the prolonged negotiation between UCR and CRDF on the intellectual property terms in the contract of this project.

Molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive psyllid-vector-Liberibacter interactions in the transmission pathway

Report Date: 06/13/2013   Project: : 510-rev   Year: 2013

Molecular and cellular mechanisms that drive psyllid-vector-Liberibacter interactions in the transmission pathway

Report Date: 06/13/2013
Project: : 510-rev   Year: 2013
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Judith Brown
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Obj 1A: To increase database mining capabilities the single (sTCW) [C. Soderlund, W. Nelson, M. Willer and D. Gang. (2013) TCW: Transcriptome Computational Workbench; PLOS ONE: accepted for publication] and Multi-TCW (mTCW) psyllid transcriptome databases have been updated and finalized prior to the public release of the database. Now, the Gene Ontology categories (sTCW) can be organized by the number of differentially expressed transcripts (GOSeq, EdgeR) they contain using pairwise comparisons of the different libraries. The addition of statistical software (EdgeR, Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient) to the mTCW_ht_WN2 database allows for key word searches and differential expressional analyses amongst the clusters which will allow for better identification of candidate effectors. To date, the expression of transcript members from 3 clusters shown to be significantly differentially expressed in response to Liberibacter have been validated in both ACP and POP by RT-PCR using primers designed from conserved regions. Obj 1B: Yeast-2 hybrid studies were initiated to study protein-protein interactions important in psyllid-Liberibacter interactions to find key players involved in the circulative, propagative pathway. Previously it was reported that 6 CLas candidate genes had been identified and were in various stages (PCR, cloning, sequencing, etc.) moving towards Yeast 2 Hybrid (Y2H) mating experiments using the ACP gut library and the ACP salivary gland library. That list now contains 19 CLas candidate genes all ready for mating experiments except for; 2 dropped out as unclonable (without a lot of extraordinary measures), 2 cloned and waiting on sequence verification. To date 9 gut library matings and 6 salivary gland library matings have been performed. Data analysis has been completed for 5 of those experiments with the remaining being in various stages moving towards completion (each mating experiment from mating to complete data analysis takes about 18-21 days minimum so stages of completeness are staggered). Through those 5 experiments we have thus far discovered several ACP gene products (‘prey’) that have various levels of interest for making them good candidates for RNAi knock down. The first good RNAi candidate emerged from the mating experiments using both the gut library and the salivary gland prey libraries. The ‘bait’ in this case was CLas-OmpA (Outer membrane protein A). Both ‘prey’ ACP gene fragments that interacted with the ‘bait’ show similarity to integral membrane proteins and could possibly play a role in adhesion or invasion. The next two good candidates came out of the mating experiment again with CLas-OmpA as ‘bait’ and the salivary gland library. The first ‘prey’ insert showed similarity to extracellular matrix-related protein possibly indicating some role with either adhesion or biofilm formation. The second ‘prey’ candidate has domain similarity to a novel component involved in activating signaling cascades in the innate immune response. The fourth and final good candidate to date comes out of a mating experiment between the gut library and CLas-MviN as ‘bait’. MviN has been identified in a variety of bacteria including pathogens and non-pathogens and plant-symbionts. It has been shown to be a virulence factor in Salmonella and is require for motility in Rhizobium. The ‘prey’ candidate pulled out has domain similarity both a protease inhibitor protein (invasion defense) and a putative collagen-binding domain of a collagenase. These four candidates will be moved into the RNAi phase of the project if they fit all criteria specific to RNAi. Obj 2: To date, good quality dsRNA has been made for four psyllid genes predicted to be involved in cytoskeleton formation, defense response, vesicle transport or transcytosis. Feeding studies have been conducted for the gene putatively involved in cytoskeleton formation. Quantitative PCR analysis of psyllids fed on either dsRNA of target gene or buffer showed that there was roughly 20-30% down-regulation of target gene. Results from the transmission experiments performed with this first gene showed subtle differences in the transmission efficiency between plants fed on by dsRNA-treated and control psyllids at 82% and 100% respectively.

In-field solar heat treatment of HLB-infected orange trees for inoculum reduction

Report Date: 05/23/2013   Project: 586   Year: 2014

In-field solar heat treatment of HLB-infected orange trees for inoculum reduction

Report Date: 05/23/2013
Project: 586   Year: 2014
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Reza Ehsani
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The heat-treated trees are continually being monitored for physiological and visual changes. Physiological tests include stomatal conductance readings, water potential readings, and leaf anatomy samples. Pictures are taken monthly to monitor the tree’s recovery from the heat treatment as well as to monitor any signs of reinfection. Recently, more tests have been done to assess the effectiveness of the heat treatment. Average fruit diameter, average fruit set, average leaf size, and average leaf area index (LAI) were measured in the 36 treated trees as well as 9 control trees for comparison. Physiological indices: average fruit diameter, average fruit set, and average leaf size can show how the heat treatment has affected the disease as well as the tree itself. If the bacteria are successfully reduced or eliminated, the physiological indices should increase after treatment. The average LAI quantifies the leaf density of the tree canopy. In a HLB-infected tree, LAI decreases as the disease progressed. The data from these tests are currently being analyzed. The chlorophyll fluorescence is also being measured. This measurement is a good indicator of overall tree health. The cross-sections of leaf petioles have been returned from the lab and are currently being stained for analysis. Once staining is completed, the phloem area can be measured. The phloem cells of an infected citrus tree tend to collapse, causing the overall phloem area to be reduced and blocking nutrient transport throughout the tree. Examining the phloem area before and after treatment could provide more evidence to support the success of heat treatment.

Enhanced nutritional application and productivity in endemic HLB grove situations in Florida - a statistical approach to determine efficacy

Report Date: 05/20/2013   Project: 614   Year: 2012

Enhanced nutritional application and productivity in endemic HLB grove situations in Florida - a statistical approach to determine efficacy

Report Date: 05/20/2013
Project: 614   Year: 2012
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Linda Young
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Data have been collected from five growers. We are developing and evaluating models for Valencia and Hamlin oranges at low and high levels of HLB.

Coupling citrus flush management and dormant chemical spray as a strategy to control populations of Asian citrus psyllid

Report Date: 05/13/2013   Project: 196   Year: 2010

Coupling citrus flush management and dormant chemical spray as a strategy to control populations of Asian citrus psyllid

Report Date: 05/13/2013
Project: 196   Year: 2010
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Mamoudou Setamou
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

For this quarter, we continue data collection on the trial set-up in February 2010 to evaluate the interaction between nitrogen and hedging date. The field trial was a factorial experiment with 3 nitrogen levels (0, 50 and 100 lb N/ac) and three hedging treatments namely non-hedged trees, early hedging in February, and late hedging in April. These 9 treatments were split into subplots with one subplot sprayed with a recommended insecticide at the beginning of the flush cycle for psyllid control and the other subplot left unsprayed. One spray application was done during this quarter with imidacloprid (Provado at 20 oz/ac) just prior to the major flush cycle of early July. We continued the monitoring of various developmental stages of psyllids on flush shoots. During this quarter, all non-hedged trees at different nitrogen levels and with no pesticide application harbored significantly more psyllids than the other treatment. Flush production during the July flush cycle was more important in non-hedged trees relative to trees hedged in February and April, in contrast to what was observed in the previous flush cycle in May. Relative to non-fertilized trees, trees that received nitrogen had significantly more psyllids. Specifically, the non-hedged trees that received nitrogen had 3 to 5-fold more psyllids than the non-fertilized ones. Application of imidacloprid to trees was very effective at controlling psyllid populations independently of hedging or nitrogen treatment. Hardly any psyllid eggs, nymphs or adults could be collected from all plots that received Provado treatment.

Identification of small molecules that disrupt pathogenicity determinants of Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 05/09/2013   Project: 80214

Identification of small molecules that disrupt pathogenicity determinants of Liberibacter asiaticus

Report Date: 05/09/2013
Project: 80214
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Claudio Gonzalez
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Due to its reduced genome, Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus has only a few transcriptional regulators. We hypothesized that natural and/or synthetic chemicals can interact with these transcription factors to interfere with regulatory activities, resulting in decreased tolerance to the stress conditions encountered in the phloem. During the first year of this proposal, we focused on the identification of small molecules that bind and/or modify Ca. L. asiaticus transcriptional regulators. Each regulator was cloned, purified, screened against a chemical library of 1200 small molecule. We identified several small molecules that interact with CLIBASIA_01180 and CLIBASIA_01510. Thermal denaturation experiments were then performed with each of the identified small molecules, at numerous concentrations, to confirm the effects of these ligands in vitro.. The second year of this proposal focused on the in vitro and most importantly, in vivo experiments, to prove the specificity of the chemicals identified. For CLIBASIA_01510, seventeen chemicals were identified that increased the mid-transition temperature during thermal denaturation assays. CLIBASIA_01510 is homologous to proteins involved in gene regulation through direct interaction with the beta subunit of the RNA polymerase, not by direct binding to DNA. Based on these observations, the effect of chemicals identified in the screen, were tested in vivo using a bacterial two-hybrid system. We also determined the optimal growth media and growth phase to obtain tight protein:protein interactions. We then examined the effects of each ligand. Two chemicals that were identified during the chemical screens were found to disrupt the CLIBASIA_01510:RpoB interaction. Further experiments, using the chemical scaffold as a guide, identified another chemical that binds to the complex with higher affinity. Using Liberibacter crescens, we found that the administration of the chemical decreased mRNA expression of CLIBASIA_01510 homologs. The decrease in mRNA expression was positively correlated with decreased stress tolerance. The protein CLIBASIA_01810 is a transcriptional regulator that modulates proteins involved in cell wall synthesis. During year 2 of this project, our primary focus was testing the effects of the identified chemicals on the survival of Ca. L. asiaticus in infected orange seedlings. These experiments were performed using leaves from 18 month old infected seedlings (kindly provided by Dr. Svetlana Folimonova at Lake Alfred). To this end, a new protocol for the efficient extraction of Ca. L. asiaticus mRNA was established. Brief exposure to the selected chemicals substantially reduced the metabolic capacity of Ca. L. asiaticus. We observed a significant decrease in the transcription of genes regulated by CLIBASA_01810, as well as a decrease in the abundance of 16S RNA genes. The effects of each chemical were confirmed in L. crescens, where modifications to the cell wall were found to lower tolerance to stress conditions. These exciting results suggest longer periods of treatment could result in the complete elimination of the pathogen.

Increasing the Capacity of the University of Florida's CREC Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF)

Report Date: 05/08/2013   Project: 77978

Increasing the Capacity of the University of Florida's CREC Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF)

Report Date: 05/08/2013
Project: 77978
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Jude Grosser
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF) continues to serve the community of researchers exploring ways to improve Citrus plants and make them tolerant/resistant to diseases. CCTF does its service by producing transgenic material. Within the last quarter, the CCTF facility worked on producing transgenic plants of the following combinations: produced the following transgenic citrus plants (transgene in parenthesis): Mexican lime (pHK vector); Duncan grapefruit (ELP3 gene); Duncan (MKK7 gene); Duncan plants (p7 gene); Duncan (p10 gene); Mexican lime and Hamlin (p33 gene); Duncan (SUC-CitNPR1 gene); Duncan (pWG19-5 vector); Duncan plants (pWG20-7 vector); Duncan (pWG21-1 vector); Duncan (pWG22-1 vector); Duncan (pWG24-13 vector); and Duncan (pWG25-13 vector). All of these plants are for researchers funded by CRDF in the battle against HLB and canker.

Disrupt the bacterial growth in the insect vector to block the transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus to citrus, the causal agent of citrus greening disease

Report Date: 05/08/2013   Project: 558   Year: 2012

Disrupt the bacterial growth in the insect vector to block the transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter Asiaticus to citrus, the causal agent of citrus greening disease

Report Date: 05/08/2013
Project: 558   Year: 2012
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Nabil Killiny
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) the causal agent of Citrus Greening is transmitted from plant to plant by Asian citrus psyllid (ACP). CLas colonizes its insect vector and is transmitted in circulative propagative manner. The bacteria multiply within the insect vector hemolymph. We noticed that the bacteria also form biofilm on the gut surface. In general bacteria need a cell-to-cell signaling system (Quorum sensing) in order to form a biofilm. Genome of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) reveals the presence of luxR that encodes LuxR protein, one of the two components cell-to-cell communication systems. But the genome lacks the second components; luxI that produce Acyl-Homoserine Lactone (AHL) suggesting that CLas has a solo LuxR system. We confirmed the functionality of LuxR by expressing in E. coli and the acquisition of different AHLs We detect AHLs in the insect vector (psyllid) healthy or infected with CLas but not in citrus plant meaning that Insect is the source of AHL. Using different bacterial biosensor, we partly identify these AHLs (number of Carbon). CLas biofilm formation on the surface of insect Gut confirms the presence of cell-to-cell communication in insect while the planktonic state of CLas in plant indicate the absence of this communication. In plant, we found molecules that bind to LuxR but inactive its function (plant defense). We try now to characterize these molecule and study their effect on biofilm formation inside insect. We use purified molecule to feed infected insect through artificial diet system. We produced citrus plants that express LuxR protein in the phloem sap in order to test 1- If the acquired LuxR proteins in insect interfere with the biofilm formation in insect (cure the insect from CLas) 2- if the expression of LuxR in plant induce biofilm formation (localize the infection in plant) Interestingly, we found that feeding infected ACP with CLas on the LUXR expressing plants reduce the bacterial populations in insect and reduced the infection rate significantly. This result strongly indicates that we can target this system to interfere with the insect transmission and the spread of Disease. The main aim of this project is to express molecules in plant that interfere the growth of CLas in insect by feeding.

Mature Citrus Transformation fir survivng with citrus

Report Date: 05/07/2013   Project: 101004 - 583   Year: 2012

Mature Citrus Transformation fir survivng with citrus

Report Date: 05/07/2013
Project: 101004 - 583   Year: 2012
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Jackie Burns
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Third quarterly report for the project #00101004 During the previous three months, operation of the Mature Tissue Transformation Laboratory was (MTTL) steady. Despite some interruptions in the labor force attendance, the lab continued on its path to become fully organized and ready for the first incoming orders. Seven co-incubation experiments were performed within this period. Four with material from Valencia plants where 2380 explants were used. Two with the material from Hamlin plants where 750 explants were used. And finally, one experiment was done with 240 explants from Pineapple orange plants. The data were analyzed from one experiment performed in the previous reporting period and from four experiments performed in this reporting period. Here are the results: #exp explants used shoots tested (+) shoots Val 13 510 22 0 Val 14 500 752 23 Val 15 820 187 4 Val 16 590 976 37 Ham 16 270 150 5 In accordance with previously made decision to use the Agrobacterium strain harboring binary vector with the GFP gene within the T-DNA borders we were able to estimate the success rate in transformation experiments. In those experiments that ‘worked’ (where explants were not contaminated and produced sizeable population of shoots), transformation rate was about 3%. This should allow production of transgenic plants at a reasonable pace.

Applying the Advances of Juvenile Citrus Transformation Technology

Report Date: 05/07/2013   Project: UF101238 CRDF547   Year: 2013

Applying the Advances of Juvenile Citrus Transformation Technology

Report Date: 05/07/2013
Project: UF101238 CRDF547   Year: 2013
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Jude Grosser
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Progress with the rapid flowering system (pvc pipe scaffolding system) in the greenhouse: Several of the transgenic plants have reached the top of the scaffold, and the apical stems have been trained to grow down (expected to encourage early flowering). The goal is to reduce juvenility by several years to accelerate flowering and fruiting of the transgenic plants. Another rootstock with strong potential to influence juvenility was identified (Nova+HBP x sour orange + Flying Dragon). Seeds have been planted. Experiments to efficiently stack promising transgenes are underway. Experiments to efficiently stack promising transgenes are underway. Transgenic sweet orange plants containing a construct with CEME gene (AMP) stacked with the NPR1 (SAR inducer) gene have been evaluated. We have recovered 10 transgenic lines that contain both genes incorporated into the genome. We have also transformed our newly released sweet orange somaclone OLL#8 with this construct. Also, constructs containing the AttacinE gene stacked with the NPR1 gene and the CEMA gene stacked with the NPR1 gene have been produced, and transformation of OLL#8 and Valencia Sweet Orange is currently underway. Correlation of transgene expression with disease resistance response: Western blot analysis for plants containing LIMA and GNA are nearly completed, data is showing a strong correlation between transgene expression and desired phenotype. This supports the dogma that fairly large populations of transgenic plants are necessary (for each transgene/cultivar) to obtain adequate transgene expression while maintaining cultivar integrity. Improved transformation methodology (for seedless or recalcitrant cultivars, and eventually marker-free or ‘all plant’ consumer-friendly transformation): 1. In efforts to reduce transgene mediated metabolic load on the plant, we have transformed Hamlin suspension cultures with constructs containing our reporter gene (grape anthocyanin gene) driven by either an embryo-specific Carrot DC3 promoter or an embryo-specific Arabidopsis At2S2 promoter. It is expected that plants obtained from these constructs will not produce the reporter protein once a transgenic plant has been selected. Currently putatively transgenic embryos have germinated and are being grown to size for analysis. 2. The binary vector for an inducible cre-lox based marker free selection is under construction. We anticipate transformation experiments with this vector in the following quarter. Targeted transgene expression: ‘ additional transgenic plants of Duncan, Carrizo, Pineapple, Hamlin, and Valencia (produced with Agrobacterium-mediated transformation) containing the LIMA gene (AMP) controlled by AtSUS2 promoter (phloem specific) have been propagated by micrografting. Plant characterization and molecular analysis on these plants will begin the next quarter. In greenhouse evaluation (Southern Gardens w/ Mike Irey) of transgenic plants exposed to HLB positive psyllids, we observed several transgenic LIMA and NPR1 lines driven by a phloem specific AtSUC2 phloem-limited promoter to be HLB tolerant. Most of these lines were negative to qPCR after 2 years of evaluation and did not demonstrate visible disease symptoms.

Coupling citrus flush management and dormant chemical spray as a strategy to control populations of ACP

Report Date: 05/07/2013   Project: 196   Year: 2010

Coupling citrus flush management and dormant chemical spray as a strategy to control populations of ACP

Report Date: 05/07/2013
Project: 196   Year: 2010
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Mamoudou Setamou
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

For this quarter, we continue data collection on the trial set-up in February 2010 to evaluate the interaction between nitrogen and hedging date. The field trial was a factorial experiment with 3 nitrogen levels (0, 50 and 100 lb N/ac) and three hedging treatments namely non-hedged trees, early hedging in February and late hedging in April. These 9 treatments were split into subplots with one subplot sprayed with a recommended insecticide at the beginning of the flush cycle for psyllid control and the other subplot left unsprayed. One spray application was done during this quarter with imidacloprid (Provado at 20 oz/ac) just prior to the major flush cycle of early July. We continued the monitoring of various developmental stages of psyllids on flush shoots. During this quarter, all non-hedged trees at different nitrogen levels and no pesticide application harbored significantly more psyllids than the other treatment. Flush production during the July flush cycle was more important in non-hedged trees relative to trees hedged in February and April in contrast to what was observed in the previous flush cycle in May. Relative to non-fertilized trees, trees that received nitrogen had significantly more psyllids. Specifically, the non-hedged trees that received nitrogen had 3 to 5-fold more psyllids than the non-fertilized ones. Application of imidacloprid to trees was very effective at controlling psyllid populations independently of hedging or nitrogen treatment. Hardly any psyllid eggs, nymphs or adults could be collected from all plots that received Provado treatment.

Functional disruption of the NodT outer membrane protein of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus for rootstock-mediated resistance to citrus greening using a phloem-directed, single-chain antibody

Report Date: 05/06/2013   Project: 11-125-424

Functional disruption of the NodT outer membrane protein of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus for rootstock-mediated resistance to citrus greening using a phloem-directed, single-chain antibody

Report Date: 05/06/2013
Project: 11-125-424
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Timothy McNellis
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Several anti-NodT scFv single-chain antibodies are now in hand. The anti-NodT antibody with the highest affinity for the target 30 amino-acid peptide has been selected and has been expressed successfully in E. coli. The plant gene expression construct consisting of the 35S Cauliflower Mosaic Virus promoter driving expression of a fusion of the flowering locus T protein with best-performing anti-NodT scFv protein has been produced. We are now in the process of transferring this 35S::FLT-scFv expression cassette into the pTLAB citrus transformation construct. We have been working on this construct for several months during January – April 2013, but still have not completed this step, which has proven to be unexpectedly difficult. We anticipate that we will be able to complete this step during the next quarter, using some alternate techniques. Once the construct is completed, production of transgenic plants will begin.