
Recovery of Citrus germplasm in Florida

Report Date: 07/14/2009   Project: 119

Recovery of Citrus germplasm in Florida

Report Date: 07/14/2009
Project: 119
Category: Other

The purpose of this project is to preserve citrus germplasm in Florida that is threatened by loss due to huanglongbing (HLB) and citrus canker. A meeting was held at the University of Florida (UF)’s Citrus Research and Education Center, Lake Alfred on June 30, 2009 with the purpose of discussing and identifying what citrus germplasm needs to be rescued from Florida and to prioritize the order of rescue. The participants of the meeting include members of the Crop Germplasm Committee for the USDA ARS National Clonal Germplasm Repository for Citrus and Dates, Riverside with additional participants invited to provide better representation of Florida needs and information as to current status of Florida germplasm. Attending the meeting from Florida: L. Williams, W. Dixon, P. Chaires, F. Gmitter, M. DuBois, W. Castle, E. Stover, N. Jameson, M. Kesinger, J. Grosser, J. Burns, and G. McCollum; from California: R. Lee, R. Krueger, M. Roose (Phone), L. Rose, T. Kahn, M.L. Polek, G. Vidalakis, K. Kosta (phone); G. Wright from Arizona; G. Wisler (USDA ARS), K. Williams (USDA ARS), and E. Rudyj (USDA APHIS) from Maryland. Lists of germplasm already at Chiefland and varieties currently undergoing clean up at Winter Haven were provided by M. Kesinger and P. Sieburth, Florida Citrus Budwood Registration Bureau. The protocol to be used for recovery, therapy, and release from quarantine of the selected germplasm was discussed, as well as the differing needs of the USDA ARS and the UF citrus breeding groups. Preliminary results of L. Williams using standard citrus protocols for thermotherapy (Frison, E.A. and Taher, M.M. (eds.). 1991. FAO/IBPGR Technical Guidelines for the Safe Movement of Citrus Germplasm. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome/International Board for Plant Genetic Resources, Rome.) suggest that maybe only a small percentage, depending on variety, may be recovered free of HLB. Stover and Lee have been developing alterative approaches to therapy by use of heat and antibiotics, and the group encouraged further research in this direction. It was agreed that interested parties would each assemble a list of candidate germplasm to be considered for recovery. This list would include comments on ‘Level of risk of loss’, ‘Is the selection currently protected elsewhere?’, ‘Stage of development’ (as relates to breeding or commercial release), ‘Patented?’, ‘IP protected’, ‘Value to research and industry’, ‘Current disease status’, ‘Allelic diversity’, ‘Positive horticultural characteristics’, ‘Uniqueness’, and the ‘Sponsor’. The lists will be forwarded via e-mail at the end of August, and circulated among the group for consideration and prioritization. The Repository, Riverside, has received 17 accessions from the USHRL, Ft. Pierce, and four from DPI, Winter Haven. These accessions are currently going through therapy and indexing. A follow-up meeting to assess progress and discuss varieties to be prioritized for the coming year will be held in January 2010 in conjunction with the Plant and Animal Genome Workshop in San Diego, CA.

Detecting citrus greening (HLB) using multiple sensors and sensor fusion approach

Report Date: 07/14/2009   Project: 57

Detecting citrus greening (HLB) using multiple sensors and sensor fusion approach

Report Date: 07/14/2009
Project: 57
Category: Other

More field data were collected from HLB infected and healthy trees using the four-band active optic sensor that was developed during last year. Five different classification algorithms (support vector machine, k-nearest neighbors, Neural networks, Logistic regression, and Decision tree) were applied to the data. In the classification each measurement consisted of four reflectance values at 570, 670, 800, and 900 nm. In addition, 12 indices were computed based on these four numbers. Therefore, each measurement was finally represented with 16 different numbers. This was done for all classification methods except for the support vector machines (SVM) method; for SVM, only the original reflectance values were used to represent each measurement and no indices were computed. The best classification methods were support vector machine and k-nearest neighbors. Overall, the best results (less classification error) were obtained when three measurements from each tree were presented to the classifier. In this case, the final prediction was decided on a majority basis, i.e. if the classifier classified two or three of the measurements as HLB, then the final prediction was HLB, otherwise the final prediction was non-HLB. This result indicate that the sensor needed to collect at least three reading from each branch to do a good classification. A paper is written based on this results and is going through internal review. Also another four-band sensor was purchased. An additional four-band sensor will help in covering more area of the canopy during field data collection. A retractable mast was purchased to be installed on a moving plat form for the field data collection. Initial work was started on the collection and identification of volatiles to see if unique chemicals are associated with HLB. A preliminary collection using SPME fibers (pink label) exposed for one hour on the upper surfaces of healthy and HB leaves indicated that there were some differences in the volatile profiles. Tree condition and sampling were not completely controlled so further efforts will be needed. Some possible variants include upper versus lower leaf surface, more gas exchange occurs from the lower surface where the stomata are present, and the time of day, more volatiles are likely produced at higher temperatures but some metabolic pathways may be altered depending on the leaf temperature. These variables will be tested as well as two sources of SPME fibers in order to maximize volatile collection. After this information is obtained, another healthy versus HLB trees test will be run. All data is being compared by gas chromatography and the healthy versus HLB comparisons also will be run on the lab bench volatile detection unit in California.

Development of nanoparticle/nanogel formulation for the prevention of citrus canker disease

Report Date: 07/14/2009   Project: 186

Development of nanoparticle/nanogel formulation for the prevention of citrus canker disease

Report Date: 07/14/2009
Project: 186
Category: Other

The goal of this study is to apply nanotechnology for developing Cu based silica nanoparticle/nanogel (CuSiNP/NG) formulation (nanoformulation) for effectively treating citrus canker. By design, this nanoformulation will be unique and expected to become superior to the traditional Cu based formulation in at least two aspects: sustained Cu release mechanism and better adherence properties, allowing long-term prevention of the citrus canker disease. As proposed, we have accomplished the following tasks. Task 1 (CuSiNP/NG design, synthesis, characterization and protocol optimization): During this quarterly reporting period, we have synthesized a series of CuSiNG formulations by varying three experimental parameters: de-ionized water to 95%ethanol (V/V) ratio, amount of copper sulfate pentahydrate (CuSO4.5H2O) and amount of silane precursor (tetraethylorthosilicate, TEOS). The objective is to maximize the Cu loading per gm of CuSiNG nanomaterial. (i) The amount of water in ethanol was varied from 30% to 70% by volume to determine an optimal mixed solvent composition that spreads the CuSiNG formulation uniformly on to the leaf surface. The DI water to ethanol ratio of 1.2 was found to be the optimal solvent composition. The maximum solubility of Cu-sulfate in this solvent mixture was determined to be 4.55 mg/mL. (ii) Keeping the Cu sulfate concentration fixed at 4.55 mg/mL in water/ethanol mixture, we increased the concentration of TEOS from 0.187 gm/mL to 2.61 gm/mL. The optimal concentration of TEOS was determined on the basis of its adherence property to the leaf surface. The CuSiNG with TEOS concentration of 1.31 mg/mL showed the best adherence property to the leaf surface. We also determined that 1.31 mg/mL TEOS was enough to trap all the Cu ions in the SiNG material. (iii) We have performed characterization of a few CuSiNG samples using UV-VIS, TEM, EDAX, XPS and FTIR techniques. The data is being analyzed. (iv) We have sent some nanoformulation to our collaborator, Dr. James H. Graham (CREC, Lake Alfred, FL) to conduct preliminary field experiments. Future Plan: We will report the data on CuSiNP in the next reporting period. We will also report data on CuSiNG characterization. Task 2 (Assessment of the antimicrobial activity of the nanoformulation): We have performed disk-diffusion assay to evaluate the anti-bacterial efficacy of a series of experimental CuSiNG samples (synthesized in the Task 1) using E. coli as a model system. We used Cu-sulfate and Kocide’ 3000 as controls. We are in the process of analyzing the data. We have also received Xanthomonas Alfalfea (a citrus canker surrogate) from our collaborator, Dr. James H. Graham (CREC, Lake Alfred, FL). We have plans to perform similar experiments on Xanthomonas Alfalfea in the near future. Future Plan: We will report the disk diffusion assay data on CuSiNP in the next reporting period. Task 3 (Develop large-scale nanoformulation production set-up): We are in the process of setting up 20 gallon batch synthesis setup for the CuSiNP/NG formulation.

Combating symptom development in fruit from Huanglongbing-infected citrus trees: a sensory, metabolite and physiological approach

Report Date: 07/09/2009   Project: 14661

Combating symptom development in fruit from Huanglongbing-infected citrus trees: a sensory, metabolite and physiological approach

Report Date: 07/09/2009
Project: 14661
Category: Other

Sensory impacts and flavor and aroma changes in HLB fruit: Two Valencia fruit samples (early April and late May), including symptomatic, asymptomatic and control fruit, were used. A fruit subsample was obtained for juicing. Juice was strained and half of each sample pasteurized, resulting in six test groups for each sampling date. Juice analysis included Brix, color and ratio determination. No significant differences were seen between pasteurized and fresh juice, or between juices collected in early April, while ratios from symptomatic fruit were significantly lower than asymptomatic or control juice collected in late May. Most pasteurized juices were analyzed using headspace SPME GC-MS. Ninety-eight volatile component peak areas were quantified using internal standards. All samples will be analyzed in triplicate and about 50 major volatiles will be identified and employed in the final data set for statistical evaluation. Consumer panel analysis of the corresponding juices will be conducted in summer 2009 and will evaluate hedonic ratings of overall acceptance, sweetness, fresh orange intensity and bitterness across each sample set for each harvest date. Difference testing will be performed on matched samples to determine if differences exist between pasteurized and non-pasteurized juices if stored frozen. Phytohormone changes in HLB fruit: Fruit subsamples both harvest dates were used for ethylene, auxin (IAA) and abscisic acid (ABA) determination. Ethylene production was more than two times lower in symptomatic fruit as compared with healthy fruit. Asymptomatic fruit ethylene production was intermediate between healthy and symptomatic fruit. ACC content followed similar trends. Likewise, similar trends in fruit flavedo ACS1, ACS2, and ACO gene expression were found; ACS genes encode protein products that are key rate controlling steps in ethylene biosynthesis. Expression of ethylene perception genes is being determined. IAA content was twice as high in flavedo from symptomatic fruit when compared with healthy or asymptomatic fruit. No difference in IAA content was measured in juice vesicles from healthy, symptomatic or asymptomatic fruit. ABA content in flavedo and juice vesicle from symptomatic Valencia fruit were significantly higher than in healthy and asymptomatic tissues. Yield, peel color, fruit size and seed abortion in HLB fruit: Fruit collected for yield and size determination were cut in half, and juice from half oranges was collected. Juice was analyzed for Brix, color and ratio determination. Ten HLB symptomatic trees and 10 healthy trees were harvested from four commercial citrus groves (2 Hamlin, 2 Valencia) to characterize and quantify yield changes (pieces of fruit, fresh weight and fruit size) due to HLB infection. Subsamples of fruit from each tree harvested were taken for standard juice analysis. HLB symptomatic trees have significantly smaller average fruit size and fewer fruit per tree than healthy trees. Juice analysis has indicated that only symptomatic fruit from infected trees have altered juice quality, asymptomatic fruit from infected trees have similar juice quality to fruit from healthy trees. Minolta color analysis indicated that symptomatic Valencia fruit had significantly lower a/b ratio (greener), weight and equatorial diameter compared to healthy and asymptomatic fruit. Seed abortion percentage was higher in symptomatic Valencia fruit (12%) than in healthy or asymptomatic fruit (3 and 5%, respectively). Extension and education: Four PI’s (Burns, Rouseff, Sims and Spann) will present work related to this funding at the 2009 International Citrus and Beverage Conference (ICBC) in September 2009. The ICBC generally has an audience of 375-425 technical and managerial personnel from major juice and beverage companies, and businesses that support them, and provides an excellent forum to disseminate information to the citrus industry. Spann, Oswalt, Schumann, Danyluk. 2009. Fruit Size, Yield and Quality in HLB Infected Trees. 2009 FL Citrus Growers Institute Greening Symposium, Bartow, FL

Efficacy of citrus canker control strategies, leafminer interactions, and bacterial survival.

Report Date: 07/02/2009  

Efficacy of citrus canker control strategies, leafminer interactions, and bacterial survival.

Report Date: 07/02/2009
Category: Other

The intent of this study is to examine the effect of windbreaks, copper sprays to reduce infection, and leafminer treatments to determine there individual and combined effects on control of citrus canker in Brazilian commercial citrus and the applicability of this strategy to the US commercial citrus industry. Earlier this year we have established replicated field plots in a commercial orchard located at Ourizona, western Paran‡, about 100 km south of S‹o Paulo state, Brazil in commercial citrus. The cultivar used is Pra on Rangpur lime, two years of age at the beginning of the experiment. We are currently working on establishing windbreaks. A specific cooperative agreement has now been established with the Brazilian cooperator, and the funds transferred there. Windbreaks and citrus trees have now been purchased and are being installed. Once the plots are completed, treatments will be 1) no sprays (control), 2) Cu++ sprays to reduce citrus canker incidence, and 3) insecticide sprays to inhibit infestations of Asian leafminer (secondary effects). Main effects are windbreak versus no windbreaks. Citrus canker incidence will be estimated on multiple branches on each tree treated as the number of leaves per branch infected. We anticipate running these plots fro 2-3 more years. The development of the Programmable leaf wetness controller (PLWC) is nearing completion. The hardware issues that have plagued the initial stages of development have been corrected, and the software that will collect and analyze the data while also controlling the external fans and sprinklers is coming along. There were some issues with calibration procedures for the different sensors (temperature, light, RH and leaf wetness), but most of these have been overcome. Testing was concluded and the best material and arrangement for the leaf wetness sensors, as well as a method to calibrate the light sensors was determined. The base software (control) is complete, and a user interface control has been added. The system should be ready for field trials in 1-3 months to examine the survival characteristics of bacterial pathogens under field conditions.

The importance of legions of citrus canker on fruit.

Report Date: 07/02/2009  

The importance of legions of citrus canker on fruit.

Report Date: 07/02/2009
Category: Other

To determine the effect of prewashing on Xcc survival on asymptomatic lemons, apparently healthy fruit were harvested from infected trees in an affected orchard in Tucum‡n, Argentina, and grapefruit from Florida. Replications of 5 fruit were harvested for each of the following treatments: 1) non-treated check, 2) chlorine for 2 min, 3) chlorine for 2 min followed by detergent (Neutro Deter N Sinner) for 20 seconds, 4) prewash with water followed by chlorine for 2 min, 5) prewash with water followed by chlorine for 2 min followed by detergent for 20 seconds. To determine the population of canker bacteria (Xcc) on fruit, the wash solution was assayed by injection-infiltration of the suspension into two immature leaves on greenhouse grown grapefruit seedlings via needle-less syringe into 8 sites on the surface of each leaf. The seedlings were returned to the greenhouse and the inoculated foliage covered with a plastic bag for 48h. At 14 days after inoculation, the total number lesions per leaf were counted from all injection sites. There were no significant differences among the treatments, but the lesion counts were low (maximum of 3) and the frequency of zero lesions relatively high across all treatments. Nonetheless, there was a trend suggesting that chlorine treatment slightly reduced the number of lesions recovered, and chlorine treatment after prewashing the fruit, with or without detergent was beneficial in reducing the number of Xcc recovered from the fruit. The effectiveness of prewashing fruit with detergent at the same time or immediately after chlorine appears to be beneficial. Results from the two prewash trials, showed that chlorine as a disinfestant alone did not greatly reduce surface bacterial populations. However when chlorine, detergent, or detergent plus chlorine was added as a prewash, followed by a wash usually with SOPP (a disinfestant with detergent activity), there was a reduction in surface bacterial populations. The effect of a prewash was most apparent when SOPP/detergent was included. Prewashing of the fruit, especially with detergent, effectively wets the surface by lowering surface tension, which in turn allows the chlorine greater access to surface Xcc, as well as removing debris such as dirt, sooty mold, and scale insects from the fruit surface that could tie up the chlorine and/or SOPP which potentially reduce the effectiveness of the disinfestation treatment. By removing surface contaminants, the fruit surface was more exposed and, therefore, more effectively disinfested by the chlorine and/or SOPP that followed in the subsequent fruit wash. Currently, in citrus packing lines, the normal procedure is to use a prewash of water, or water plus chlorine, followed by a second wash with SOPP. A simple and low-cost recommendation resulting from these studies would be to reverse the procedure and prewash the fruit with detergent (such as SOPP), and follow this by a wash of chlorine with approximately 45 second contact time on the fruit. Based on the results of these experiments this process will more effectively reduce survival of Xcc and other contaminants on fruit after passing through the packing line. USDA APHIS has written a new Pest Risk Assessment based on this work and subsequently a new proposed rule for shipping fruit potentially infected Xcc. The rule is presently in the comment period. If it become regulation, it would potentially greatly expand markets for Florida citrus and other citrus infected areas worldwide.

Novel Immunocapture Technology for Field Deployable Nucleic Acid-Based Detection of Plant Pathogens

Report Date: 07/01/2009   Project: NA

Novel Immunocapture Technology for Field Deployable Nucleic Acid-Based Detection of Plant Pathogens

Report Date: 07/01/2009
Project: NA
Category: Other

The primary hypothesis guiding this project is that a highly simplified and field deployable nucleic acid sample preparation system can be realized using low cost and easily used lateral flow chromatography technologies. The proposed device will enable highly sensitive and accurate pathogen detection and identification under field conditions. Toward this end we are developing and testing lateral flow chromatographic immuno-capture methods, novel passive fluid exchange systems, and integration of these systems to form the basis of a field deployable diagnostic platform for citrus pathogen detection in trees and insect vectors. In this period of performance, we have demonstrated methods for the affinity isolation of nucleic acids from crude plant tissue extracts using a proprietary thin layer chromatography method. These studies have shown: 1) that integration of our passive buffer exchange method with a nucleic acid (NA) affinity matrix enables washing and buffer replacement to attain NA in amplification compatible buffers, and 2) that the isolated NAs are suitable for polymerase chain reaction and isothermal amplification of target sequences. Taken together with our prior work demonstrating immuno-affinity capture of pathogens for enrichment from complex sample matrices, these more recent findings suggest that integration of immuno-affinity enrichment with a subsequent bulk nucleic acid isolation will allow efficient sample processing under field conditions with minimal user intervention. Additionally, the ability to directly isolate NA without reliance upon immuno-affinity enrichment ligands will enable the use of the test device for the detection of pathogens for which immuno-affinity reagents are unavailable. Concomitant with the development and optimization of nucleic acid isolation methods, we are developing approaches to the integration of sample preparation, isothermal amplification and detection that are consistent with the realization of a low cost, easily used field deployable test device. Toward this end, we have initiated an engineering effort to prototype and test varying integration approaches. These efforts are now focused on two integration approaches that will be subjected to laboratory testing and comparative analysis. As these efforts mature, we anticipate the development of a first generation prototype that will allow NA isolation and amplification to take place without user intervention following the initial introduction of crude sample.

Characterization of canker resistance in citrus plants created by Somatic Cybridization without citrus transformation

Report Date: 06/30/2009   Project: 73015

Characterization of canker resistance in citrus plants created by Somatic Cybridization without citrus transformation

Report Date: 06/30/2009
Project: 73015
Category: Other

Under Objective 1 (Characterization of hypersensitive resistance in kumquat and the cybrid of rough lemon 8166 with maternal ‘Meiwa’ kumquat.), a comparative study of grapefruit (C. paradisi) cv. Duncan, a very susceptible host, and two resistant cultivars of kumquat (Fortunella spp.), ‘Meiwa’ and ‘Nagami’, evaluated the mechanisms involved in the resistance of kumquat to the citrus canker. Xcc inoculum densities of 104 to 108 cfu/ml were infiltrated into immature leaves in the greenhouse (in planta) and into detached leaves incubated on water agar plates (in vitro). At higher bacterial inoculum density, kumquat cultivars developed a hypersensitive (HR)-like reaction in the infiltrated area, within a period of 72 h in vitro, and 96-168 h in planta. No symptoms or a few small necrotic spots developed in kumquats at the lower inoculum density. Susceptible grapefruit infiltrated with the same inoculum densities produced no visible tissue alterations at 72 h after inoculation and required 120 h or longer to develop water-soaking, hypertrophy and hyperplasia typical of canker lesions in compatible hosts. Phenotype of the lesions, bacterial population growth, anatomical changes in the infiltrated tissue and early expression of genes related to programmed cell death are indicative of HR that reduces growth of Xcc in the inoculation site and the further development of disease. A study is underway to characterize the responses in the somatic cybrid of rough lemon 8166 with maternal ‘Meiwa’ kumquat.

Survival of Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri (Xcc) to estimate risk of citrus canker transmission by infected fruit

Report Date: 06/30/2009   Project: 72633

Survival of Xanthomonas citri ssp. citri (Xcc) to estimate risk of citrus canker transmission by infected fruit

Report Date: 06/30/2009
Project: 72633
Category: Other

Under Objective 1 (Confirm biofilm formation by X. citri subsp citri [Xcc] in comparison with other bacteria that are well known to form biofilms) the following strains were compared for their ability to form biofilm: Xcc stain A (X306 Brazil), Xcc strain A* (X407 Iran), X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain B (X69 Argentina), X. fuscans subsp. aurantifolii strain C (X341 Brazil), X. campestris pv. campestris (1469 Spain). Preliminary results show differences in biofilm formation on abiotic surfaces among the Xanthomonas strains analyzed as well as effects of different growth media: Nutrient Broth (NB), Yeast Medium (Y) and Luria-Bertani (LB), supplemented with or without 2% glucose. X. campestris has the greatest and most rapid biofilm formation. Among canker bacteria, C strain produces more biofilm than the A or B strains. Differences in production depending on the medium confirms that nutrient environment plays a role in biofilm formation. Addition of glucose to the medium does not generally increase biofilm formation but sometimes reduces it.

Identification and characterization of critical virulence and copper resistance genes of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri & related species

Report Date: 06/27/2009   Project: 233

Identification and characterization of critical virulence and copper resistance genes of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri & related species

Report Date: 06/27/2009
Project: 233
Category: Other

Citrus canker is a serious disease of most commercial citrus cultivars in Florida. Citrus canker is considered a quarantine pest due to the potential threat to citrus production in citrus producing areas without this disease. Thus, citrus canker has a significant impact on national and international agricultural markets and trade. The goal of the proposed research is to identify and characterize novel and critical genes involved in pathogenicity and copper resistance present in Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri (Xac) and related strains. Identification of critical virulence factors is a crucial step toward a comprehensive understanding of bacterial pathogenesis, host-species specificity, and invasion of different tissues thus to design new management strategies for long term control. Treatment of citrus with copper-based bactericides is one of the most common practices used for control. However, there is potential for horizontal gene transfer of copper resistance genes from other closely and distantly related bacterial strains, which will drastically reduce the efficacy of copper bactericides. Currently, copper resistant strains of other xanthomonads, including X. a. pv. citrumelo, the citrus bacterial spot pathogen, have been isolated from fields in Florida. Understanding the potential mechanisms of copper resistance in Xac and potential horizontal gene transfer of this resistance to Xac is also important for the long-term management of citrus canker. Major achievements: Currently, five Xac related strains are being sequenced, which includes Xac Aw and A* strains which have restricted host range compared to the A type strain, X. axonopodis pv. citrumelo strains (copper resistant and non-copper resistant), and Argentinian strain (copper resistant). Both 454 Titanium and illumina (solexa) methods are being used. Currently, a draft genome sequence is done for Xac Aw strain. Titration run was performed for the rest four strains. Comparative genomics analysis is being performed to identify novel genes which may contribute to host-species specificity and copper resistance. In order to identify potential virulence factors, a X. axonopodis pv. citri mutant library mutant library constructed using EZ-Tn5ª Tnp Transposomeª kit is been screened for mutants affecting virulence. So far, 5600 mutants have been screened and 83 mutants were selected for their phenotype changes in pathogenicity and virulence. The mutants are being characterized further. Two non-mucoid mutants of Xac (F6 and D12), were identified from the Xac EZ-Tn5 Tnp transposon library. Rescue cloning and sequence analysis indicated that two mutants had transposon insertion in the galU gene. Southern blot analysis showed that one single copy of EZ-Tn5 transposon inserted into the galU gene on Xac chromosome for both mutants. Further study showed that the galU gene was required for biosynthesis of extracellular polysaccharides (EPS), capsular polysaccharide (CPS) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) as well as biofilm formation. Mutation of the galU gene caused loss of pathogenicity on grapefruit. Although D12 showed similar growth rate as the wild type strain 306 in nutrient broth medium, its population failed to establish in the intercellular space and on leaf surface. Co-inoculation of a galU mutant with wild type strain did not promote the growth of the galU mutant in planta. Defects of EPS and CPS production, mucoid phenotype, pathogenicity, and growth of the galU mutant in planta were complemented to wild phenotype using plasmid pCGU2.1 containing an intact galU gene. These data indicated that the galU gene contributes to Xac survival in the intercellular spaces and on leaf surface possibly by affecting LPS, EPS, and CPS synthesis as well as biofilm formation. The loss of growth of the galU mutants indicates that the galU gene could be a potential target to develop bactericide.

Development of effective citrus leafminer control with pheromone mating disruption

Report Date: 06/25/2009   Project: 73062

Development of effective citrus leafminer control with pheromone mating disruption

Report Date: 06/25/2009
Project: 73062
Category: Other

The citrus leafminer, (CLM), is a worldwide pest of citrus crops and is responsible for proliferation of citrus bacterial canker, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri. The purpose of this project is to develop pheromone based control strategies for this pest that will serve as alternatives to insecticides and that should be comparable or better than insecticides in terms of efficacy and cost. Most recently, we developed and evaluated an attracticide formulation, termed MalEx, for control of CLM. MalEx is a viscous paste with UV-protective properties that is dispensed as 50 .l droplets using custom-made calibrated pumps. A formulation containing 0.016% CLM pheromone (3 : 1 blend of (Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal and (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal) and 6% permethrin was found to suppress male response to pheromone in the field superior to formulations containing 10 fold less pheromone. Although formulations without permethrin showed some suppression of male activity due to mating disruption, addition of 6% permethrin was required for optimal efficacy. When MalEx, containing 0.016% pheromone and 6% permethrin, was applied as 3,000 point sources per ha, the height of application did not influence efficacy of male CLM suppression within mature 4 m tall citrus trees. Decreasing the rate of MalEx from 3,000 to 1,500 droplets per ha reduced efficacy as measured by both male CLM activity and larval infestation. Although 4,500 droplets per ha did not result in statistically better efficacy than 3,000 droplets per ha, there was a noticeable trend for higher efficacy as droplet density was increased. Continuous treatment of 0.5 ha blocks of citrus with MalEx over the course of 112 d reduced larval infestation of new leaf flush by 3.6-7.2 fold, depending on droplet application density. In laboratory behavioral bioassays, we determined that attractiveness of MalEx droplets to male CLM was drastically reduced after 21 d of field aging. However, our laboratory investigation confirmed that 100% of males contacting MalEx droplets, aged up to 35 d in the field, were killed within 24 h. Direct observation of male CLM behavior in the field confirmed that attracted males made contact with droplets. Control of CLM with MalEx should reduce the number of required broad spectrum sprays for leafminer management in both field and citrus nursery settings. For our ongoing mating disruption studies, we have employed geometric designs to systematically and efficiently determine the most effective dosage of pheromone and blend of pheromone components for CLM control. This work has been conducted with an industry collaborator (ISCA Technologies, Inc.) who is developing and registering a pheromone product named SPLATª for CLM management in Florida. We have recently determined that deployment of single pheromone components, either (Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal or (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal in SPLATª (ISCA Technologies, Inc.) in citrus groves resulted in a high degree of disruption of male CLM’s ability to find and mate with females. While either individual component was effective at disrupting mating in field trials, (Z,Z,E)-7,11,13-hexadecatrienal was approximately 13 times more effective compared with (Z,Z)-7,11-hexadecadienal alone. Application in SPLAT of a third component isolated from the pheromone glands of CLM, (Z)-7-hexadecenal, did not affect male CLM’s ability to find females. Collectively, our results demonstrate that an attracticide formulation combining pheromone and permethrin robustly suppressed flight activity of male CLM to synthetic point sources of pheromone and reduced larval infestation of leaves. Highly effective mating disruption of male CLM (98 %) and associated reduction of leaf infestation has been documented for up to 221 days with two deployments of 1.5 g pheromone AI / ha. A single deployment of 3,000 droplets of MalEx, containing 0.016% pheromone by weight, amounts to deploying approximately 24 mg of pheromone per ha. To achieve 221 d of comparable efficacy, approximately 10.5 deployments of this MalEx formulation would be required. Our ongoing investigations will continue to optimize both technologies and develop mechanized sprayers.

Canker Management in Florida Citrus Groves: Control on Highly Susceptible Early Orange Varieties

Report Date: 09/30/2008   Project: 67667   Year: 2008

Canker Management in Florida Citrus Groves: Control on Highly Susceptible Early Orange Varieties

Report Date: 09/30/2008
Project: 67667   Year: 2008
Category: Other

The establishment of canker (caused by Xanthomonas citri spp. citri) in Florida, the end of the eradication program in January 2006, and the interim rule on August 1, 2006 that quarantined the entire state of Florida for canker has allowed canker to become epidemic and now endemic in the southern half of the citrus industry. Hamlin and varieties of early oranges for increased juice color score (Early Gold, Ruby, Westin, Itabori, Vernia) are among the most canker susceptible citrus varieties grown in Florida and are showing heavy disease loss in certain locations due to early to midseason infection and premature fruit drop. Trees are most susceptible to canker from time of planting through early fruit bearing age (yr 5-6). The major concern with the new early orange varieties is that young trees of the these varieties are showing significant juvenility, i.e. upright and vigorous growth of shoots. This vigor contributes to the susceptibility of the foliage and creates a high level of inoculum available for fruit infection. The objectives of this research are to conduct chemical control trials: 1) To determine the period of fruit susceptibility of early oranges to canker; 2) To evaluate the systemic acquired resistance (SAR) activity of soil-applied imidacloprid (Admire Pro, Bayer Crop Science) and other resistance inducers for control of canker on young trees alone and in combination with copper sprays. Field trials to address each objective began in spring 2008 and assessments of foliar and fruit disease will be completed in November-December. The current status of each trial is as follows: In Hardee Co., Hamlin orange trees are receiving treatments of copper formulations and different durations of copper sprays through the fruit growth period in two separate trials. Sprays were initiated at 3/4 inch diameter fruit to protect them against infection during the most susceptible period of fruit growth. Rains in early April before the fruit reached 3/4 inch diameter caused infection of fruit from 1/4 to 1/2 inches in size. The initial fruit drop due to canker from the early season fruit infection ranged from 20-50% and has continued through the spring and summer. In August 2008,Tropical Storm Fay created added risk of later season infection when fruit are thought to be more resistant to infection. The efficacy of copper applied at 21 day intervals for control of mid and late season fruit infection and canker induced fruit drop will be estimated. In Manatee Co., Early Gold orange is receiving different durations of copper sprays throughout the fruit growth period. Last season the trial block experienced heavy fruit drop due to canker before harvest and almost total defoliation this past winter. For this reason, copper sprays were initiated in February 2008 to protect the new leaf flush after the defoliation. Sprays applied every 21 days have been effective for protection of fruit, but less effective for protection of leaves. No premature fruit drop was observed in August before Tropical storm Fay impacted the area. The efficacy of additional sprays of copper on late season fruit infection and canker induced fruit drop will be estimated in November. In St. Lucie Co. soil drenches of SAR inducers and neonicotinoids insecticides are being evaluated in a young grapefruit trees for activity against canker. Treatments include: imidacloprid (Admire Pro), acibenzolar-S-methyl (Actigard, Syngenta Crop Protection), thiamethoxam (Platinum, Syngenta) and 2,6 dichloronicotinic acid (INA). Trees receive foliar sprays with insecticides to control citrus leafminer to evaluate the direct activity of SAR inducers for disease control in the absence of leafminer wounding interaction with canker. Canker incidence and severity is evaluated every 45 days during the growing season. Sprays treatments of copper and copper plus Admire are included to compare contact activities with systemic activity and assess the potential for complementation of the two types of activity: contact vs. systemic.

Support for the Southern Gardens Diagnostic Laboratory

Report Date: 09/29/2008   Project: 13643, 13978, 13230

Support for the Southern Gardens Diagnostic Laboratory

Report Date: 09/29/2008
Project: 13643, 13978, 13230
Category: Other

For the 12 months, Jul 1, 2007 to Jun 30, 2008, SGDL has run 35,006 grower samples for an average of 2,917 samples a month Essentially SGDL processed between 2,500 and 4,000 per month for all months except Jun and Jul (bad time of the year for symptoms) and Dec which is shortened due to holidays. Samples have been received from 1126 different groves and 192 different submitters. Since Oct 31, 2006, SDGL has run 50,471 grower samples. In addition, 13,389 samples were processed for Southern Gardens for a total of 63,860 samples (through June 30, 2008). HLB Panel Study A total of 276 DNA samples were sent to several labs in FL, CA, TX and MD. Included were samples from California, the DPI Budwood Bureau, SWFREC, the USDA lab in Ft. Pierce, and samples from multiple counties in Florida. Some of the samples were blind samples to all groups (that is to say, no one person knows the infection status of all of the samples), some were samples that are clear positives, some samples were clear negatives ( e.g. from screened and tested budwood trees), some samples fell in the questionable range (based on our standards), and some samples were from citrus-relatives. Partcipating labs: Southern Gardens (Irey), three from CREC (Rogers, Brlansky, Wang), SWFREC (Roberts), DPI-Gainesville (Sun), ARS Fort Pierce (Hilf/Poole, Shatters), ARS California (Manjunath), ARS Maryland (Hartung), ARS CA (Hong Lin), DPI-Budwood Bureau (Sieburth), and Texas A & M (DaGraca). The participating labs represent several different kinds of PCR (conventional and real time), different types of real time PCR (taqman and sybrgreen), multiplex vs single primer sets for PCR, different master mixes, several different primer sets, different machines, and different threshold systems. Results of the panel testing are being compiled and are being analyzed. Areas where progress met or exceeded expectations: 1) The industry’s demand for HLB sample processing is being met by SGDL; 2) The sample throughput capacity was increased when an FCPRAC supported technician was funded by FCPRAC and recruited; 2) The lab has tested Immokalee foundation budwood multiple times and tested other budwood sources until the DPI testing lab came on-line in February 2008. 3) Mike Irey, Lab Director, made presentations at HLB meetings in Washington, DC, Texas, California, Costa Rica, and Mexico and assisted in the establishment of multiple PCR-based HLB testing laboratories. In Florida, he gave a status report at the Greening Summit in Avon Park, April, 10, 2008 Impact of accomplishments towards overall goals: 1) SGDL is recognized as the principal lab for HLB diagnostic lab testing; 2) In recognition of this and to maintain capacity, FCPRAC augmented the SGDL budget with funding for a centrifuge ($10,000), 1 FTE lab technician ($12,000) and additional PCR supplies ($10,000)

Management of citrus and bean thrips

Report Date: 05/11/2006   Project: 5500-118

Management of citrus and bean thrips

Report Date: 05/11/2006
Project: 5500-118
Category: Other
Author: Joseph Morse
Sponsor: California Citrus Research Board

Under this project, we are conducting research on citrus thrips, bean thrips, Fuller rose beetle, and other pest management issues on CA citrus (exclusive of ACP which is covered by a separate project). Fuller rose beetle (FRB) has re-emerged as a possible issue for California citrus exported to Korea, Thailand, and China. We don’t consider FRB to be a significant pest on CA citrus but export partners are cautious based on dated published research. Morse contributed a talk and moderated a panel discussion at the FRB workshop organized by CCQC in Tulare on March 2, 2011; gave a talk on this and other citrus export issues at the Santa Barbara Postharvest Pest Control meeting April 4; and spoke on similar issues at a Bakersfield meeting April 8. Research plans are still under discussion (significant adult emergence out of the soil will not start until July) but research is planned looking at egg parasitism and using trunk sprays modeled after those developed by Australian researchers who face similar FRB export issues. Research on Diaprepes root weevil is funded by a CDFA Specialty Crop Block grant but it fits in synergistically with FRB research. An interesting question we hope to settle as soon as FRB eggs are available is whether or not the native FRB egg parasitoid (Fidiobia citri) will attack Diaprepes eggs and whether the species we are importing from Florida and releasing for Diaprepes control will attack FRB. Diaprepes researchers met together and presented four research updates to growers and the public in Encinitas on March 16, held a conference call with our advisory committee April 18, and hosted a site visit in Riverside for CDFA on April 26. We are in the planning stages for a July or August sweat room bean thrips trial evaluating postharvest use of Evergreen applied with novel application device. A citrus thrips screening trial is planned for the next several weeks with a new experimental compound from Dow AgroSciences. We are concerned about a report of possible field failures with Delegate applied during spring 2011 for control of citrus thrips in one area of the San Joaquin Valley. The Success/Delegate chemistry has been the mainstay of citrus thrips control for the past 14 years and one hopes that resistance is not appearing but expects that eventually this is likely. We plan to investigate this report in July as soon as thrips levels have recovered from the 3 treatments (not all Delegate) that were applied to protect the fruit from scarring. This will be done by collecting adult females for laboratory bioassays using standard protocols and by comparing results to baseline susceptibility data collected in past years. Research funded by the California Avocado Commission is focusing on 7 species of exotic armored scales, which are entering California on Mexican avocados. USDA APHIS does not believe that new populations of these scales can establish in CA due to commercial fruit shipments but we are quite concerned about this possibility as some of the scale species have broad host ranges and would likely not confine themselves to avocados. Working with Dr. Grafton-Cardwell we plan to soon initiate a study determining whether Aphytis melinus will attack one of these species, Acutaspis albopicta, that we have in culture inside UCR’s Quarantine facility.

Citrus Research Board Core Entomology Research - Morse Subproject

Report Date: 07/12/2004   Project: 5500-501b

Citrus Research Board Core Entomology Research - Morse Subproject

Report Date: 07/12/2004
Project: 5500-501b
Category: Other
Author: Joseph Morse
Sponsor: California Citrus Research Board

At the request of the CRB, as of 2011-12, Grafton-Cardwell and Morse merged their core entomology research efforts under a single project, 5500-501 (Morse’s portion of the project is 5500-501b and was funded in the amount of $89,795 replacing his previous CRB project 5500-118). We have always coordinated our research efforts but this arrangement formalizes the situation. This report summarizes the Morse lab’s recent research within this coordinated project. Much of our research over the past 6 months has focused on Fuller rose beetle (FRB). This insect has re-emerged as an export concern due to egg masses being found on shipments of citrus destined for Korea. The CRB funded research on this insect for 6 years, 1985-1991, in relation to shipments of citrus to Japan but this became a non-issue when it was acknowledged that the insect was present in commercial citrus groves in Japan. Our research on this insect has focussed on the following approaches: 1. Post-harvest control — Morse and Grafton-Cardwell have provided assistance to Spencer Walse and Beth Mitcham in their studies on various post-harvest treatments that might be used against FRB eggs. 2. Offer to collaborate with Australian researchers — Australia also has export problems related to FRB and very soon, we will be sending Australian researchers a summary of our 2011 field studies with an offer to collaborate on additional field work (their season is 6 months out of phase with CA so such collaboration might allow 2 series of field trials per year). 3. A series of trunk spray trials have been run to see if any treatments on skirt pruned trees might kill the flightless adult beetles as they crawl up the trunk. The only material showing promise is Brigade. We have limited data with this product but what we have is encouraging and additional studies are planned. 4. With the assistance of PCA Joe Barcinas, we found a field site in Pauma Valley which has substantial numbers of Fidiobia citri, an egg parasitoid of FRB. The parasitoids appear to build up in the field later than one might expect — high numbers were detected in Jan. and Feb. 2012. We have initiated lab research on this parasitoid. 5. Attempts to rear FRB larvae on artificial diet have not been successful and we have switched to attempting rearing on the roots of 5 possible host plants (evaluation of larval survival after 5 months on the plants will be done in May). 6. Adult FRB that had recently emerged out of the soil were collected and held without food (live 11.5 days on average), with water (16.4), or with grapefruit leaves + water (109.7 days, laid an average of 88.5 eggs; one adult still alive at 220 days). The Success/Delegate chemistry has been the dominant method of citrus thrips control used since Success was registered for use on CA citrus in 1998. 2011 field studies have confirmed localized citrus thrips resistance to Delegate and a Citrograph article was published in April alerting growers and PCAs to this fact and suggesting strategies for slowing the evolution of resistance. In addition, we have ramped up field and laboratory trials evaluating alternative chemistries which might be used in citrus thrips control (two products which have looked fairly good in laboratory trials are nearing registration and will be evaluated in a spring 2012 field study).