Plant Improvement

Production of Transgenic Commercial Scion Cultivars Resistant to HLB and Canker: Continued AMP Approaches and Novel Transgenic Strategies

Report Date: 04/15/2015   Project: 606   Year: 2015

Production of Transgenic Commercial Scion Cultivars Resistant to HLB and Canker: Continued AMP Approaches and Novel Transgenic Strategies

Report Date: 04/15/2015
Project: 606   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Ed Stover
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

A chimeral construct that should enhance AMP effectiveness (designed by Goutam Gupta of Los Alamos National Lab) is being tested. Many transformed Carrizo with the chimera AMP were obtained. Exposure to canker inoculum showed remarkable resistance in chimera compared to control. RNA was isolated from 16 transgenic Hamlin containing Chimera. RT-qPCR showed 50% of them have relative high gene expression. One of them showed over hundred times higher expression compare to plant expressing the lowest level of chimera. These promising transgenic lines were replicated by grafting for HLB challenge. About 30 Hamlin transformed with thionin also were obtained. Twenty transgenic lines were confirmed containing thionin gene by PCR. RNA was isolated from 16 transgenic Hamlin containing thionin. Six of them have relative high gene expression by RT-qPCR. These transgenic lines will be replicated for HLB challenge. Two new chimeral peptide have been developed and is used to transform citrus. Many transformed Carrizo shoots with new chimera construct were obtained. Some were transferred to the rooting medium. Replicated trangenic lines expressing chimera, thionin and D4E1were grafted with HLB infected rough lemon. Las tilter will be checked by qPCR periodically. To explore broad spectrum resistance, a flagellin receptor gene FLS2 from tobacco was cloned into pBinARSplus vector Flagellins are frequently PAMPS (pathogenesis associated molecular patterns) in disease systems and CLas has a full flagellin gene despite having no flagella detected to date. The consensus FLS2 clone was obtained and used to transform Hamlin and Carrizo so that resistance transduction may be enhanced in citrus for HLB and other diseases. Many putative transformants were generated on the selective media. DNA was isolated from 80 of them: 38 Carrizo and 7 Hamlin are positive by PCR test. Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS) assay showed typical ROS reaction in three of transgenic Hamlin which suggest nbFLS is functional in citrus PAMP-triggered immunity. However, there is only slight canker resistance by infiltration test. Spray inoculation was tried and some of them show obvious canker resistance. To confirm that high ROS production was not due to variability in Hamlin, we examined 40 Hamlin seedlings and no or very low level ROS production was detected. In contrast, relatively higher ROS production was detected from wild-type Carrizo seedings compared to Hamlin seedlings. Two potential FLS2 orthologues were identified in Hamlin and their expression was shown much lower compare to nbFLS2. Replicated trangenic Carrizo lines expressing nbFLS2 were challenge with ACP. Las titer will be checked by qPCR periodically. To disrupt HLB development by manipulating Las pathogenesis, a luxI homolog potentially producing a ligand to bind LuxR in Las was cloned into binary vector and transformed citrus. Both transformed Carrizo and Hamlin were obtained. Further investigation are underway. A series of transgenics scions produced in the last several years continue to move forward in the testing pipeline. Several D35S::D4E1 sweet oranges show initial growth in the field which exceeds that of controls. A large number of ubiquitin::D4E1 and WDV::D4E1 plants and smaller numbers with other AMPs are replicated and in early stages of testing. In collaboration with Bill Belknap two new citrus-derived promoters have been tested using a GUS reporter gene and have been shown to have extraordinarily high levels of tissue-specific expression. The phloem-specific promoter is being used to create a construct for highly phloem specific expression of the chimeral peptide using citrus genes only.

Development of Promising New Scions for Florida Citrus: Exploiting HLB Resistance and Tolerance

Report Date: 04/14/2015   Project: 605   Year: 2015

Development of Promising New Scions for Florida Citrus: Exploiting HLB Resistance and Tolerance

Report Date: 04/14/2015
Project: 605   Year: 2015
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Ed Stover
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Trees of seemingly HLB resistant/tolerant sweet orange-like hybrids and mandarin -types have been propagated on x639. Replicated trials with standards will be established. Six locations each of all sweet orange-like together and 4 with all mandarins will be established with 6-8 trees of each cultivar at each site. We have identified cooperators (in Ridge, IR and Gulf coast) for complete replicated block plantings at each site. In October 2013, 34 unique genotypes (USDA hybrids) some of which appear to have tolerance to HLB, and 16 standard commercial varieties were exposed to an ACP no-choice feeding trial and have been transferred to the field at Ft. Pierce Fl. Standard growth measurements and disease ratings were initiated in July 2014 and will continue on a monthly basis. As of December 2014, the first HLB symptoms are apparent. Evaluation of existing standard and non-standard cultivars (‘Hamlin’, ‘Temple’, ‘Fallglo’, ‘Sugar Belle’, ‘Tango’, and ‘Ruby Red’) for HLB resistance/tolerance is complete. In August 2010, the plants were established at Pico’s farm in Ft. Pierce Fl. Data on the growth rate, disease severity, and Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas) titer levels have been collected since April 2012. During the 4-year period, there were significant differences in disease severity, stem diameter, and CLas levels among the varieties. All trees exhibited symptoms of HLB and tested positive for CLas, with similar titers measured at most recent sample dates.’Fallglo’ had the lowest incidence of HLB symptoms, whereas ‘Ruby Red’ had the highest incidence. ‘Ruby Red’ also appears to be in significant decline. Despite the high initial titer levels found in ‘SugarBelle’, it had the greatest overall increase in diameter and was the healthiest in overall appearance. In Nov. 2014 ‘Temple’ trees had significantly greater fruitload, with 26 fruit/tree, followed by ‘Tango’ with 10 fruit /tree, ‘Hamlin/Kinkoji’ with 5 fruit/tree and all others with 0-1.4 fruit/tree. Production was compromised in all varieties by the severe HLB pressure at this site, and commercial value of the observed tolerance remains uncertain. Progress has been made on the antibiotic treatment of HLB infected bud-wood to compare growth at different levels of CLas infection. Bud-wood of nine HLB symptomatic varieties, 3 fairly resistant (‘Temple’, GnarlyGlo’, and ‘Nova’) 3 tolerant (‘Jackson’, FF-5-51-2, and Ftp 6-17-48), and 3 susceptible (‘Flame’, ‘Valencia’, and ‘Murcott’). In November 2013 and May 2014, HLB positive bud-wood was treated with various concentrations of penicillin and streptomycin and grafted on sour orange rootstock. Standard growth measurements (stem diameter and height), disease severity were evaluated and leaves were sampled for qPCR analysis. Evaluations and sampling will continue on quarterly basis. Development of periclinal chimeras with resistant vascular tissue from Poncirus and remaining layers from sweet orange is currently underway. One hundred and fifty etiolated seedlings of the trifoliate ‘Rubidoux’ and the sweet orange ‘Hamlin’ have been approach grafted together. Generation of new chimeras has been difficult. Several adventitious buds have emerged from the treated graft region, with several appearing to be chimeral. The newly emerged plants will be tested using LC/MS to determine the origin of the three layers. To increase the success rate, additional plants will be grafted over the next twelve months. A method for the rapid identification of potential sources of HLB resistance is also being developed. This project involves the screening of citrus seedlings at the 3 to 5 leaf stage, or very small micrografted trees, that are exposed to HLB infect ACP feeding. CLas titer levels, using real time PCR, are evaluated at 3, 6, and 9 weeks Seedlings of Hamlin and Dancy show early CLas proliferation and systemic movement. Only very low levels of CLas have been observed in Carrizo.

A secure site for testing transgenic and conventional citrus for HLB and psyllid resistance

Report Date: 04/14/2015   Project: 607   Year: 2015

A secure site for testing transgenic and conventional citrus for HLB and psyllid resistance

Report Date: 04/14/2015
Project: 607   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Ed Stover
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

A transgenic test site at the USDA/ARS USHRL Picos Farm in Ft. Pierce supports HLB/ACP/Citrus Canker resistance screening for the citrus research community. There are numerous experiments in place at this site where HLB, ACP, and citrus canker are widespread. The first trees have been in place for over five years. A number of successes have already been documented at the Picos Test Site funded through the CRDF. The UF Grosser transgenic effort has identified promising material, eliminated failures, continues to replant with new advanced material, with ~200 new trees in April 2015 (Grosser, personal comm.). The ARS Stover transgenic program has trees from many constructs at the test site and is seeing some modest differences so far, but new material is being planted this spring that has shown great promise in the greenhouse (unpublished). A trial of more than 85 seedling populations from accessions of Citrus and citrus relatives (provided as seeds from the US National Clonal Germplasm Repository in Riverside, CA) has been underway for 5 years in the Picos Test Site. P. trifoliata, Microcitrus, and Eremocitrus are among the few genotypes in the citrus gene pool that continue to show substantial resistance to HLB (Lee et al., in preparation), and P. trifoliata also displayed reduced colonization by ACP (Westbrook et al., 2011). A new UF-Gmitter led association mapping study has just been initiated using the same planting, to identify genes associated with HLB- and ACP-resistance. A collaboration between UF, UCRiverside and ARS is well-underway with more than 1000 Poncirus-hybrid trees (including 100 citranges replicated) being evaluated to map genes for HLB/ACP resistance. Marked differences in initial HLB symptoms and Las titer were presented at the 2015 International HLB conference (Gmitter et al., unpublished) and David Hall is now assessing ACP colonization. Several USDA citrus hybrids/genotypes with Poncirus in the pedigree have fruit that approach commercial quality, were planted within the citrange site. As of April 2014 at the Picos Test Site, several of these USDA hybrids had grown to a height of seven ft, with dense canopies and good fruit set, while sweet oranges are stunted (3 ft) with very low vigor (Stover et al., unpublished). A Fairchild x Fortune mapping population will be planted at the Picos Test Site this spring in an effort led by Mike Roose to identify genes associated with tolerance. This replicated planting will also include a number of related hybrids (among them our easy peeling remarkably HLB-tolerant 5-51-2) and released cultivars. Valencia on UF Grosser tertazyg rootstocks have been at the Picos Test Site for several years, having been Las-inoculated before planting, and several continue to show excellent growth compared to standard controls (Grosser, personal comm.).

Mature Citrus Transformation to Survive Greening and Canker

Report Date: 04/14/2015   Project: 583   Year: 2015

Mature Citrus Transformation to Survive Greening and Canker

Report Date: 04/14/2015
Project: 583   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Janice Zale
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

We continue to conduct the weekly Agrobacterium-mediated transformations and screen putatively transformed mature scion and rootstock shoots for clients. The total number of transgenics produced and detected thus far (excluding the 157 reported earlier) is ~100, and ~ half of these survived primary and secondary grafting (excluding the 66 reported earlier). The transformation efficiency for a plasmid with no reporter gene and a weak promoter driving the npt11 selectable marker was 2.8% for mature scion and rootstock. As expected, mature rootstock gave a higher transformation efficiency than mature scion. As previously mentioned, the weaknesses of this protocol are the high number of escapes particularly with constructs having weak promoters driving the npt11 selectable marker, difficulties with micro-grafting, and for certain constructs with no reporter genes, the difficulties in screening by PCR. PCR is expensive, time-consuming, labor intensive and prone to error. After the standard tissue culture protocol, growth in selective liquid media has assisted in identifying 4 transgenic events, which indicates that better selection is important. GFP expressing transgenic shoots were regenerated from mature citrus after biolistics, but subsequently died after micro-grafting. We will consider purchasing mature scion from nurseries solely for biolistics because we cannot produce enough in the growth room to facilitate the weekly Agrobacterium transformations and optimize biolistics. This mature scion will not enter the growth facility unless it has been cleaned through shoot-tip grafting. Parameters still to be optimized include use of the hepta adapter, the number of bombardments per treatment, growth stages (days after culture initiation) of target explants, and osmotic treatment on medium containing sorbitol and mannitol (hours and concentrations). We have had to find an alternate California seed source because certain varieties that we regularly use in tissue culture are contaminated by a fungus. Spraying fungicide does not eliminate this seed borne fungus. A manuscript entitled, “Genetic Transformation of Commercially Important Mature Citrus Scions” authored by Hao Wu, Yosvanis Acanda, Alka Shankar, Michael Peeples, Calvin Hubbard, Vladimir Orbovi. and Janice Zale has been accepted for publication in Crop Science.

Engineering PAMP-receptor mediated broad spectrum resistance to HLB and canker

Report Date: 04/12/2015   Project: 556   Year: 2015

Engineering PAMP-receptor mediated broad spectrum resistance to HLB and canker

Report Date: 04/12/2015
Project: 556   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Diana Horvath
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Objective 1: Generate functional EFR variants (EFR+) recognizing both elf18-Xac and elf18-CLas A number of strategies to engineer an EFR variant that recognized elf18-Clas were tested over the grant period, but none were successful. These strategies included PCR mutagenesis of EFR, screening of natural variants in an extensive Arabidopsis accession collection, creating targeted mutations based on the modeled interactions among elf18, EFR, and BAK1, and testing high-throughput selection strategies such as phage display and fluorescence activated cell sorting. Funding for this activity has ended and effort toward this objective has ceased. Objective 2. Generate functional XA21-EFR chimera (XA21-EFRchim) recognizing axYS22-Xac. This objective was completed and a manuscript describing the XA21-EFR chimera and the complementary EFR-XA21 chimera has been published (Holton et al., 2015, PLoS Pathogens 11, e1004602). Objective 3: Generate transgenic citrus plants expressing both EFR+ and XA21-EFRchim. Putative transgenic citrus plants have been generated for four constructs: EFR, EFR plus XA21, EFR plus XA21-EFRchim, and the empty vector pCAMBIA2201. To date, 174 Duncan grapefruit, 20 sweet orange, and 5 Carrizo citrange plants have been tranferred to soil, and PCR analysis is beginning to determine whether the intact transgenes are present.

Citrus Core Transformation Facility as a platform for testing of different genes and/or sequences that have potential to render Citrus plants tolerant or resistant to diseases

Report Date: 04/10/2015   Project: 579   Year: 2015

Citrus Core Transformation Facility as a platform for testing of different genes and/or sequences that have potential to render Citrus plants tolerant or resistant to diseases

Report Date: 04/10/2015
Project: 579   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Vladimir Orbovic
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The interest for transgenic Citrus material remains strong which keeps Core Citrus Transformation Facility (CCTF) busy at all times. This interest is exemplified by the fact that eight more orders were received in the last three months. Due to the availability of appropriate starting material needed for these orders, the work on some of them started almost immediately. CCTF also continued to service the old orders. Within this period, CCTF performed tasks associated with the production of transgenic plants within the lab and also took care of plants from different orders growing in the greenhouse. In the last three months more than 80 plants were produced and are result of work on 12 different orders (NPR1, NPR1-G, ELP3-G, ELP4-G, PR-2, MG113, MG36, X7-2, HGJ31, HGJ32, HGJ33, and HGJ34). These plants belonged to only two cultivars: Carrizo and Duncan. Most recent group of orders had to do with the ‘proof-of-concept’ experiments and the T-DNA in binary vectors contained GFP gene which reflected positively on the productivity of CCTF in this quarter. Another factor affecting productivity was that involvement of EM lab staff resulted in definition of methodology for detection of fluorescence in transgenic plants that belong to two orders. CCTF temporarily lost contact with the grower who supplied Duncan grapefruit as a source of seeds and as a result planting for new orders is not going as planned. Intense effort is under way to find another source of Duncan fruit. Initial contact was established with the employee at the Southern Gardens farm to get supply of Valencia seeds. Shipment of Carrizo seeds was received from nursery in California. Five more plants were produced for the CRDF order bringing total to more than 50. In the early phases of this project, there were regular bi-weekly meetings between Jackie Burns, and managers of both transformation facilities to discuss the on-going activities. In that period, rate of production of transgenic plants was discussed as well as choice of cultivars. There was a general understanding that there would be more transgenic rootstock cultivars produced by juvenile method than scion cultivars produced from mature tissue. Within the first 7-8 months of the project that is exactly what happened. Although initial projection was that first group of most promising transgenic rootstock plants would be propagated already, they were not. The first reason is that plants did not grow well this winter. The second reason is that according to previous agreement only a highest expressors of NPR1 should be multiplied but those plants have not been selected yet. Considering early recognition of higher rate of production of transgenic plants in CCTF, it was presumed that the work on search for high NPR1 expressors (both rootstocks and scions) would be done by mature tissue lab. This type of work involves isolation of RNA and the use of RT-PCR machine, and the members of the mature lab may be better skilled for this type of work than employees in the CCTF. Due to personnel structure in CCTF, there are some limitations on what can be accomplished there at the moment. Manager of mature tissue lab was told that her employees could use RT-PCR machine that is available in CCTF at any time. Consultations are continuing on where this work will be done. Recently, information was requested from the CCTF manager about what space would be needed (in square feet) for propagation of rootstock plants with NPR1 gene. Once selection of plants that are high NPR1 expressors is complete such information will be available.

Accelerating Citrus Gene Discovery for HLB Tolerance/Resistance

Report Date: 03/31/2015   Project: 724   Year: 2015

Accelerating Citrus Gene Discovery for HLB Tolerance/Resistance

Report Date: 03/31/2015
Project: 724   Year: 2015
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most serious threat to the U.S. citrus industry. Although no known HLB-resistant citrus plants have been identified, some citrus relatives are substantially more tolerant, such as Citrus jambhiri (rough lemon) and Poncirus trifoliata. Genome analysis will improve our understanding of the HLB tolerance mechanisms. Genomic DNA from Citrus jambhiri was used to generate more than 235 M reads (2 X 100) representing about 34-fold physical coverage of the rough lemon genome. A reference-guided method was used to assemble the rough lemon genome. Compared with the haploid Clementine reference genome sequence, there were more than 2.5 million single-base differences and about 0.7 million insertion/deletion polymorphisms. The effect of these SNPs were annotated based on their position. Most of the identified SNPs were located outside of the known gene. RNA-sequencing data are being used for gene annotation. The genomes of Poncirus trifoliata and Citrus clementina, along with rough lemon, are being utilized to design the Agilent’s SureSelect probes, which will be used for target enrichment. Leaf samples of a diverse group of citrus accessions were collected, including mandarin, sweet orange, pumelo, rough lemon, and Poncirus. The methods for high throughput nuclear DNA extraction method is being tested to extract high-quality DNA for target enrichment and next generation sequencing. Poncirus trifoliata genomic sequence reads that match the nucleotide-site leucine-rich repeat (NBS-LRR) class disease resistance genes of Citrus clementina were obtained. These Poncirus sequence reads will be assembled to identify NBS-LRR genes those are homologous to C.clementina and C.sinensis. Aligned NBS-LRR gene sequences of Poncirus will be used as resistant resource pool to identify sequence variations associated with HLB disease.

Rapid testing of next generation chimeric antimicrobial protein components for broad spectrum citrus disease control

Report Date: 03/31/2015   Project: 898   Year: 2015

Rapid testing of next generation chimeric antimicrobial protein components for broad spectrum citrus disease control

Report Date: 03/31/2015
Project: 898   Year: 2015
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Abhaya Dandekar
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

We have concluded the activities of objective 1 of our proposal which have focused around finding a native citrus protein replacement for cecropin B the C-terminal component of the chimeric antimicrobial (CAP) protein. We had identified CsHAT52 using one set of bioinformatics tools and confirmed antimicrobial activity with a portion of this protein that we designated CsHAT22. Bioassay of CsHAT22 revealed a minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of 50 uM with Xanthomonas, 100 uM with Xylella and 300 uM with Liberibacteria crescens (Lc). Using two additional bioinformatics programs, PAGAL and SCAPEL and have successfully identified and tested 2 additional proteins, CsPPC20 and CsCHITI25 that were compared to CB and the N-terminal 21 amino acids of CB designated CBNT-21. Among the test strains used Xanthomonas was most susceptible to the peptides with CB and CBNT21 showing and MIC values 25 uM and the MIC values for CsPPC20 and CsCHITI25 were 50uM and 100uM respectively. Both Xylella and the BT-1 strain of Lc gave MIC values of 200 uM for CBNT21 against both Xylella and Lc BT-1. CsPPC20 was more active than BNT21 against Xylella giving an MIC value of150 uM and as active against Lc BT-1 giving an MIC value of 200uM. CsCHITI25 was as active as CsPPC20 against Xylella but not as active against Lc. Based on these results we have included CsPPC20 as an additional construct for testing in planta and excluded CHITI25. CTV vectors for expressing CsP14a, CsP14a-CB and CsP14a-CsHAT52 have been constructed and evaluation and testing of the efficacy of these vectors is underway. The construction of a CTV vector to express CsP14a-CsPPC20 is underway. Binary vectors for Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of CsP14a, CsP14a-CB, CsP14a-CsHAT52 and CsP14a-CsPPC20 have been completed and the transformation process of tobacco and Charrizo tissues is underway for the isolation of transgenic plants. This is being done at the plant transformation facility at UCDavis. We obtained transgenic Carrizo citrus transformed with NE-CB as a positive control. These plants are in the CRF and last week they were exposed to infected psyllids. Once transgenic Carrizo are obtained with the 4 vectors they will be transferred to the CRF for testing with infected psyllids for resistance against HLB.

Accelerating Citrus Gene Discovery for HLB Tolerance/Resistance

Report Date: 03/02/2015   Project: 724   Year: 2014

Accelerating Citrus Gene Discovery for HLB Tolerance/Resistance

Report Date: 03/02/2015
Project: 724   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Fred Gmitter
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Huanglongbing (HLB) is the most serious threat to the U.S. citrus industry. Although no known HLB-resistant citrus plants have been identified, some citrus relatives are substantially more tolerant, such as Citrus jambhiri (rough lemon) and Poncirus trifoliata. Genome analysis will improve our understanding of the HLB tolerance mechanisms. Genomic DNA from Citrus jambhiri was used to generate more than 235 M reads (2 X 100) representing about 34-fold physical coverage of the rough lemon genome. A reference-guided method was used to assemble the rough lemon genome. Compared with the haploid Clementine reference genome sequence, there were more than 2.5 million single-base differences and about 0.7 million insertion/deletion polymorphisms. RNA-sequencing data are being used for gene annotation. The genomes of Poncirus trifoliata and Citrus clementina, along with rough lemon, are being utilized to design the Agilent’s SureSelect probes, which will be used for target enrichment.

Applying the Advances of Juvenile Citrus Transformation Technology

Report Date: 02/18/2015   Project: 547   Year: 2014

Applying the Advances of Juvenile Citrus Transformation Technology

Report Date: 02/18/2015
Project: 547   Year: 2014
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Jude Grosser
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Improving Consumer Acceptance: 1. In efforts to reduce juvenility in citrus, transgenic Carrizo citrange have been successfully produced expressing the clementine CFT3 gene. We have very small micrografted plants flowering in the greenhouse and these plants have been evaluated by PCR to confirm presence of the CFT3 gene. A few micrografted trees flowered immediately. 2. Following the successful demonstration of the inducible cre-lox gene system, the plant transformation vector has been modified to contain our NPR1 gene and Agrobacterium mediated citrus transformation is underway to incorporate this gene. 3. Transgenic plants containing our stacked transgenes are being clonally propagated for disease resistance evaluation and the first trees will be challenged for HLB resistance in spring 2015. 4. Plants in our Indoor RES structure have not flowered this year. It is possible greenhouse temperature may have played a role in the flowering process. We will attempt to keep the greenhouse unheated this fall in hopes of initiating flowering in spring 2015 Additional Resistance Gene candidates: 1. Transgenic plants containing antimicrobial gene LIMA-B were propagated for field challenge. 2. OLL-8 sweet orange and W. Murcott were transformed with the CtNH1 gene (NPR1-like), using our protoplast/GFP transformation system. Small colonies and embryos were regenerated from OLL-8 with GFP expression.

Understanding and Manipulating the Interaction of Complex Rootstock Genetics and Constant Nutrition to Enhance the Establishment, Longevity and Profitability of New Citrus Plantings in HLB-Endemic Areas

Report Date: 02/18/2015   Project: 548   Year: 2014

Understanding and Manipulating the Interaction of Complex Rootstock Genetics and Constant Nutrition to Enhance the Establishment, Longevity and Profitability of New Citrus Plantings in HLB-Endemic Areas

Report Date: 02/18/2015
Project: 548   Year: 2014
Category: Plant Improvement
Author: Jude Grosser
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

St. Helena trial (20 acre trial of more than 70 rootstocks, Vernia and Valquarius sweet orange scions, 12 acres of 6.5 year old trees, Harrell’s UF mix slow release fertilizer and daily irrigation). Field Day was held, approximately 168 people attended. Data was collected on % of trees removed per rootstock due to poor performance. Several diploid and tetraploid rootstocks had few trees removed after 6.5 years (0-10%). CREC scouts determined that the trial is now 92% infected, so it is now a contest to see which rootstocks can grow trees through the infection and remain productive. Several attendees commented that the trees in general looked better than last year, and that there was more fruit than last year. Greenhouse Experiments – Nutritional study: highly symptomatic trees on various rootstocks were treated with the 3x overdose of TigerSul manganese and polymer-coated sodium borate (Florikan); most trees are putting out normal healthy flush and continue to show recovery. The nutrient overdose experiment was broken down. Data is now being collected on the following parameters: New Flush (Y or N),HLB symptoms (0-7),Stem dia. (mm),Tree Height (cm),# of Leaves,PCR ‘ roots,PCR ‘ leaves, nutritional analysis ‘leaves,nutritional analysis -roots,starch content ‘ leaves,Spad Avg.,Scion Leaves Fr. wt. g,Rootstock Leaves Fr. Wt. g,Scion Leaves Surface Area,Rootstock Leaves Surface Area,Total Leaf Surface Area,Root FWt. g,Stems FWt. g,Soil pH,Young Scion Leaves Dry Wt.,Mature Scion Leaves Dry Wt. Rootstock Leaves Dry Wt.,Total Leaf Dry Wt.,Stems Dry Wt.,Feeder Roots Dry Wt.,Tap and Scaffold Root Dry wt.,and Total Root Dry Wt. Nutritional samples were sent to Waters lab for analysis. PCR is being run by Tripti Vashisth. Clear differences in growth and tree health were observed with the 3xTigerSul manganese and the 3xFlorikan Sodium Borate treatments over the controls and other treatments.

Functional disruption of the NodT outer membrane protein of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus for rootstock-mediated resistance to citrus greening using a phloem-directed, single-chain antibody

Report Date: 02/18/2015   Project: 424

Functional disruption of the NodT outer membrane protein of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus for rootstock-mediated resistance to citrus greening using a phloem-directed, single-chain antibody

Report Date: 02/18/2015
Project: 424
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Timothy McNellis
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The transgenic plants to be developed for this project are now growing in two different locations in secure greenhouses and growth chambers. Seven independently-transformed citrus plants carrying the FLT-antiNodT fusion protein expression construct were shipped from the Citrus Transformation Facility at the University of Florida Citrus Research and Education Center at Lake Alfred, FL, to Dr. McNellis’ lab at the Pennsylvania State University at University Park, PA, in early October, 2014. An additional eight independently-transformed citrus plants carrying the FLT-antiNodT fusion protein expression construct were shipped to Dr. Tim Gottwald’s lab at the United States Horticultural Laboratory in Fort Pierce, Florida. The plants at both locations are growing well. In summary, a total of 15 independent transgenic lines now exist for the FLT-antiNodT fusion protein expression construct. These plants are now growing well and cuttings are being taken and rooted to produce multiple vegetatively-propagated plants for each line. This is essential to run multiple tests for the gene expression patterns and HLB resistance levels of each line.

Diaprepes control using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach

Report Date: 02/16/2015   Project: 925   Year: 2014

Diaprepes control using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach

Report Date: 02/16/2015
Project: 925   Year: 2014
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Manjul Dutt
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Our project aims to provide durable long term resistance to Diaprepes using a plant based insecticidal transgene approach. In this quarter, as proof of concept to determine the root specific nature of the promoters (RB7, C1867 or SLREO), we have incorporated the promoter-gus sequences into N. benthamiana and Carrizo citrange and several plantlets have been regenerated. Testing of these plants to confirm the root specific activity of our promoters will be performed as they become available. In addition, we have initiated experiments to incorporate the plant transformation vectors containing the GNA, APA and ASAL genes driven by either the root specific RB7 promoter or the citrus derived C1867 promoter into Carrizo citrange. Stacked constructs, each containing the GNA, APA or ASAL genes with the CpTI gene driven by the SLREO promoter have been produced and are also being incorporated into Carrizo citrange.

Application of a natural inducer of systemic acquired resistance and engineering non-host resistance in citrus for controlling citrus diseases

Report Date: 02/13/2015   Project: 754   Year: 2014

Application of a natural inducer of systemic acquired resistance and engineering non-host resistance in citrus for controlling citrus diseases

Report Date: 02/13/2015
Project: 754   Year: 2014
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Zhonglin Mou
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The project has two objectives: (1) Increase citrus disease resistance by activating the NAD+-mediated defense-signaling pathway. (2) Engineer non-host resistance in citrus to control citrus canker and HLB. For objective 1, we have repeated NAD+ treatment experiment. Again, both soil drench and foliar spraying of NAD+ have been conducted. The plant defense activator Actogard, which is highly effective against citrus canker was included in the experiment as a control. We found that while foliar spraying did not provide significant protection against citrus canker, soil drench induced strong resistance against the pathogen. Interestingly, we observed strong systemic protection against canker by NAD+ one month after the treatment in upper new flushes. We are planning to repeat the experiment to confirm the systemic effects. Meanwhile, we are still trying to find the best approach for NAD+ application. NAD+ analogs are under test for identifying potential chemicals to control citrus canker. For objective 2, 30 transgenic lines expressing ELP3 and 22 lines expressing ELP4 have been generated. The transgenic lines have been molecularly characterized to confirm the presence and expression of the transgenes. The transgenic plants are growing in greenhouse and will be tested for canker resistance. Citrus homologs of ELP3 and ELP4 have been cloned and sequenced. We are cloning the two genes into T-DNA vector and will be transformed into the Arabidopsis elp3 and elp4 mutants, respectively, to confirm their functionality.

Application of a natural inducer of systemic acquired resistance and engineering non-host resistance in citrus for controlling citrus diseases

Report Date: 02/13/2015   Project: 754   Year: 2014

Application of a natural inducer of systemic acquired resistance and engineering non-host resistance in citrus for controlling citrus diseases

Report Date: 02/13/2015
Project: 754   Year: 2014
Category: Horticultural & Management
Author: Zhonglin Mou
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The project has two objectives: (1) Increase citrus disease resistance by activating the NAD+-mediated defense-signaling pathway. (2) Engineer non-host resistance in citrus to control citrus canker and HLB. For objective 1, we have repeated NAD+ treatment experiment. Again, both soil drench and foliar spraying of NAD+ have been conducted. The plant defense activator Actogard, which is highly effective against citrus canker was included in the experiment as a control. We found that while foliar spraying did not provide significant protection against citrus canker, soil drench induced strong resistance against the pathogen. Interestingly, we observed strong systemic protection against canker by NAD+ one month after the treatment in upper new flushes. We are planning to repeat the experiment to confirm the systemic effects. Meanwhile, we are still trying to find the best approach for NAD+ application. NAD+ analogs are under test for identifying potential chemicals to control citrus canker. For objective 2, 30 transgenic lines expressing ELP3 and 22 lines expressing ELP4 have been generated. The transgenic lines have been molecularly characterized to confirm the presence and expression of the transgenes. The transgenic plants are growing in greenhouse and will be tested for canker resistance. Citrus homologs of ELP3 and ELP4 have been cloned and sequenced. We are cloning the two genes into T-DNA vector and will be transformed into the Arabidopsis elp3 and elp4 mutants, respectively, to confirm their functionality.