ACP Vector

Large-scale mating disruption of citrus leafminer for validation and product launch

Report Date: 09/30/2014   Project: 926

Large-scale mating disruption of citrus leafminer for validation and product launch

Report Date: 09/30/2014
Project: 926
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Stephen LaPointe

This project is in furtherance of the commercial release of a new product for control of the citrus leafminer and associated spread of citrus canker disease based on a deployment device for the sex pheromone of the leafminer, DCEPT CLM™ (ISCA Technologies, Inc.). Under an agreement with the Commercial Product Delivery Committee of the CRDF, funds are provided to ISCA to subsidize two years of production of DCEPT CLM sufficient to treat 3,000 acres of citrus, mostly grapefruit, at three locations in St. Lucie and Charlotte counties in April/May of this year. The remaining cost of the product is provided by the growers. Funds are also provide to ARS and University of Florida to support monitoring and analysis of the experiments at the three locations. Disruption of trap catch is being monitored weekly throughout the growing season at the three sites. At the Emerald Grove location (NW St. Lucie County), adjacent blocks of grapefruit untreated with pheromone to the north, east and south of the treated blocks are being monitored as controls. At the SW St. Lucie County location, the entire grove has been treated. At the Charlotte county location, the effect of skip rows will be evaluated. All evaluations will be done at the end of the season as we are able to collect and collate grower practices along with estimates of mining damage in treated and untreated areas.

Application of an aggregation pheromone for management of the Diaprepes root weevil

Report Date: 09/25/2014   Project: 560

Application of an aggregation pheromone for management of the Diaprepes root weevil

Report Date: 09/25/2014
Project: 560
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Stephen Lapointe
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Potted plants of Corymbia (Eucalyptus) torreliana (a widely used wind break in citrus) and Pongamia pinnata (a leguminous tree under development for biofuel) were infested with Diaprepes larvae and evaluated after 4 weeks to assess the relative susceptibility of these trees compared with that of a known susceptible host, Citrus macrophylla. Survival on C. macrophylla (7.4 +/- 0.4 larvae recovered from pots (n = 10) infested with 10 larvae each) was significantly greater than that on either Pongamia (5.3 +/- 0.6) or Corymbia (3.7 +/- 0.7). Weight gain of larvae was greatest on C. macrophylla as well. Mean +/- SEM fresh weight of larvae after 4 weeks was 229 +/- 6.3 (n=74) on C. macrophylla, 165 +/- 7.5 (n=53) on Pongamia and 74 +/- 9.0 (n=39) on Corymbia. Root damage was assessed by weighing the root mass of infested plants and expressing root loss as a percent of noninfested plants (n=10). Root loss for C. macrophylla was 71% and significantly greater than either Pongamia (53 +/- 4%) or Corymbia (44 +/- 4%). These results suggest that both P. pinnata and C. torreliana are susceptible to feeding damage by Diaprepes abbreviatus and may serve as complete hosts albeit to a much smaller extent compared with Citrus. We have observed adults feeding, mating and ovipositing on both species in the field near Fort Pierce. We are currently conducting adult feeding assays to complete the assessment of relative susceptibility in these species. A heavily infested planting of young Pongamia is currently being used to study movement of adult Diaprepes and response to known male and putative females-produced pheromones. This will be described in future reports

Application of an aggregation pheromone for management of the Diaprepes root weevil

Report Date: 09/25/2014   Project: 560

Application of an aggregation pheromone for management of the Diaprepes root weevil

Report Date: 09/25/2014
Project: 560
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Stephen Lapointe
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

After discovery, identification and successful synthesis of methyl (.)-3-(2-hydroxyethyl)-4 methyl-2-pentanoate, laboratory behavioral assays confirmed it as a male-produced aggregation pheromone in Diaprepes abbreviatus. Colony-reared DRW used in choice assays confirmed that females are attracted to synthetic pheromone when given a choice between pheromone and clean air. Because the pheromone is developed in the male hind gut and released from frass, validation of the presence and attraction of the pheromone in the frass was tested with frass from locally collected wild-type males in the same type of choice assay using wild-type females. Wild-type females preffered male frass over humidified air. Identification of specific plant volatiles (kairomones) that serve as attractants to DRW and the ability to produce the synthetic pheromone led to a small field trial that attempted to attract DRW to traps baited with log doses of synthetic pheromonne. The baited rubber stoppers failed to attract any DRW. Further validation of the naturally produced male pheromone and kariomones (carvacrol and linalool) in laboratory behavioral assay trials took precedence throughout the remainder of 2013 and much of 2014. Early evidence of colony-reared female attraction to one batch of carvacrol (CAS# 499-75-2) at rates of 0.1.L ‘ 1.0.L elicited interest as a possible attractant. An assay conducted at that time that used 50.L of carvacrol obtained from a newly purchased bottle (also CAS# 499-75-2) deterred DRW in the olfactometer: 83% chose humidified air. Choice trials conducted in 2013 and 2014 focused on locally collected wild-type male and female DRW’starved for 24 hours with each sex separated from the other for the duration of the starvation period’response to previously untested component blends to develop a better understanding of the relationship of the male-produced aggregation pheromone and other naturally produced stimuli. All assays were conducted using frass collected from the colony cage housing either females only or males only. Assays conducted to date that produced response choices with a significant difference (G-test with Yates Correction, .=0.05): 85% of females chose male frass vs. air; 75% of females chose air vs. male frass + ‘new’ carvacrol + linalool; 80 and 90% of males and females, respectively, chose male frass vs. male frass + ‘new’ carvacrol + linalool. In these tests, carvacrol was clearly a repellent to both sexes of DRW.

Using a novel psyllid trap that captures and preserves psyllids and Candidatus bacteria for DNA analyses: understand vector-greening population dynamics and entomopathogens and the enhancement grant

Report Date: 09/24/2014   Project: 570   Year: 2014

Using a novel psyllid trap that captures and preserves psyllids and Candidatus bacteria for DNA analyses: understand vector-greening population dynamics and entomopathogens and the enhancement grant

Report Date: 09/24/2014
Project: 570   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Russell Mizell
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

This proposal aims to continue improvement to a novel psyllid trap and to use the trap to gather new information on the behavior, biology, population dynamics and biological control of ACP/Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus. Lab and field testing was and continues to be conducted to increase trap efficiency by exploiting unique vector behaviors in response to traps and behaviorally active components. 570 – Grant Obj. 1: We continued to conduct field and laboratory studies toward obtaining an understanding of ACP trap response behavior by manipulations of visual cues as well as trap physical components and component orientation. This within Florida research component is continuing and we now added several new locations in Puerto Rico to exploit the significantly higher ACP populations there that make the research easier. Doing this quarter we have successfully tested, winnowed out inferior traps and retested trap prototype configurations in Puerto Rico and Florida in cooperation with Dr. David Jenkins and have now eliminated a number of configurations that are inferior as well as identified the most successful trap under field conditions. We have had no success with trap additions related to odor cues used as reported to be potential attractants in the literature. We are continuing this research with new ideas but now have a trap identified a “standard trap” that can be used to capture and preserve the DNA of the psyllids and their associates in situ. We also initiated a sampling regime to try to delineate the northern most established populations of ACP. Our sample locations toward this end have been Gainesville, Live Oak, Quincy and Marianna, FL. To date we have not detected ACP at any sampling location except in Gainesville. Captured ACP (n=100) from the Gainesville captured monthly were analyzed for the causal CLas bacteria of greening. Interestingly, to date none of the psyllids analyzed have been infected with CLas. Obj. 2: We have initiated the areawide psyllid sampling objective to detect and develop new biological controls for use against ACP. We are continuing the sampling in the northern most citrus populations in Alachua County and around Ft. Pierce within Florida and in Puerto Rico. The standard trap is being used for this work and performs well enough to complete this effort, i.e., where ACP occur, the trap captures and preserves them in proportion to their populations. We also begun to supplement the trapping effort by also collecting psyllids in “out-of-the -way” places that may hold relic citrus trees and relatively isolated ACP populations. So far several new pathogens have been identified. We have obtained cooperation with other USDA-ARS research personnel with expertise in the identification and rearing of entomopathogenic fungi and they have evaluated samples toward this end from Florida and Puerto Rico. This effort will be continued. Project Enhancement Grant: given the investment by CRDF and the shortened period of time to execute the objectives of the enhancement grant with the objective of developing and testing sentinel plants, this research was also continued in conjunction with other trapping improvement efforts. As a result of these studies we have found that sentinel citrus plants that are flushing are just as attractive as established flushing plants and highly attractive to ACP when nearby established citrus plants are not flushing. This work will be continued.

Optical and physical deterrent for preventing ACP vector attack on citrus

Report Date: 09/23/2014   Project: 860   Year: 2014

Optical and physical deterrent for preventing ACP vector attack on citrus

Report Date: 09/23/2014
Project: 860   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Parvesh Sharma
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The CATP13 Proposal #860 titled, ‘Optical and physical deterrent for preventing ACP vector attack on citrus’was selected for funding earlier this year. However as one of the co-PIs moved to another University a revision to the project with subcontract in budget was submitted. The sub-contract was cleared by June and project started in July. No experiments could be performed before the official start of the project.

The leaf litter cycle of citrus black spot and improvements to current management practices

Report Date: 09/19/2014   Project: 715   Year: 2014

The leaf litter cycle of citrus black spot and improvements to current management practices

Report Date: 09/19/2014
Project: 715   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Sept 2014 The objectives of this proposal are 1) to determine if a) leaf litter biodegradation treatments reduce Guignardia spp. pseudothecia and improve control afforded by routine fungicide applications; b) if biodegradation is affected by the current fungicide application practices; and c) whether the biodegradation treatments will affect current citrus best management practices (BMP); 2) to determine the seasonal dynamics of leaf litter inoculum load in varying management regime intensities and how environment affects pseudothecia production in the leaf litter; 3.) to test if the resistance to black spot in the leaves and fruit in sour orange is correlated and under simple genetic control through laboratory and field testing of progeny of sour orange crosses in both Florida and Australia. The small plot work of the leaf litter was completed and the data processing has begun. The field site for the large trial with 3 treatments was mapped for disease incidence and laid out. To look at the effect of bagasse, a controlled experiment portion was conducted twice. It involved an in vitro study of the decomposition of citrus leaves and inactivation of G. citricarpa by various amendments including bagasse including the microbial consortium of fungal and bacterial strains to aid in the decomposition of bagasse and of citrus leaves. Leaves and other components were collected at time zero and at 10 day intervals. At each collection time, leaves and other components were oven dried and weighed. Soil weight, leaf weight, and then the total weight of each box were recorded. Leaf infection by G. citricarpa was verified by plating and qPCR will also be used. Data collection and analysis is ongoing. Collection of leaf litter material has begun in Florida and is being collected every two weeks from a grove with moderate black spot incidence in the previous season. it is too soon to summarize the data but as predicted we are finding much lower structure numbers and incidence in the leaf litter. This is likely because the disease pressure is much lower and more scattered in Florida than it has been in Australia historically. We expect to find the same trends but since our climate is very wet, there may be differences in leaf litter cycle. Work on characterizing the G. citricarpa collection continues. Analysis of the 2 leaf litter collection site found that the Imperial site had too few ascospres to make solid conclusions but the Valencia site gave good results with a clear trend that pseudothecia proceeded ascospore production by approx. 6 weeks. The relationship between pycnidia and conidia was a little more chaotic. We did need to modify the spore collection somewhat because we were finding more ascospores in our conidia collection than expect but we believe we have solve the problem. Many inoculated fruit prematurely abscised but there were atypical symptoms on several of the remaining fruit. When isolations were done, Guignardia spp. colonies were produced. Work is on-going and many fruit are incubating to see if symptom development progresses in high light and warm temperature conditions.

Improved fungicide control measures for pre- and post-harvest management of citrus black spot (CBS)

Report Date: 09/18/2014   Project: 716   Year: 2014

Improved fungicide control measures for pre- and post-harvest management of citrus black spot (CBS)

Report Date: 09/18/2014
Project: 716   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: Megan Dewdney
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

September 2014 The objectives of this proposal are 1) Determine the base line level of Guignardia citricarpa sensitivity to fungicides registered for disease control in citrus and evaluate new products for efficacy against G. citricarpa in vitro; 2) Conduct and improve implementation of spray trials for efficacy of registered products for citrus and to evaluate novel compounds in the field; 3) Optimize field evaluation of control measures through analysis of the spatiotemporal disease progress utilizing past and current field data of the outbreaks to gain knowledge on the incidence, severity and rate of the epidemic and assess the fungal population to increase the likelihood of successful field research and 4) Evaluate products and treatment conditions for postharvest control of citrus black spot. This quarter we accomplished: Objective 1: Tests with the DMIs are continuing and two compounds look promising. Preliminary data analysis underway Objective 2: Trials have been initiated and treatments are on going Objective 3: Preliminary analysis has been carried out on Groves I through III. Where Grove I shows total infectivity of the rows scouted clustering analysis cannot be done. In Grove with emerging disease (Grove II) and intermediate grove (Grove III) both show clustering according to spatial analysis in R (Ripley’s K, Binomial distribution etc’). We are waiting for color change in fruits to re-map Grove II and III for assessment of spread, and severity. Objective 4: Two sets of in vivo experiments were conducted using large numbers of naturally infected fruit. Fresh Valencia oranges from a block infected with citrus black spot (Guignardia citricarpa) were harvested and evaluated for presence/absence of CBS lesions and equal numbers of randomized fruit were distributed among the different treatments. Fruit were treated with one of seven fungicides at ambient or heated (50 or 56F) temperatures. The fungicides included azoxystrobin, fludioxonil, pyrimethanil, phosphorous acid, Imazalil, thiabendazole, and sodium-o-phenylphenate. Each of these have formulations that are registered for postharvest use on citrus. Control fruit were either left dry or dipped in water alone. After treatments, the fruits were air dried and kept at 25 C, 70% relative humidity, 3 ppm ethylene, and continuous light condition to promote CBS lesion development. The fruit are being assessed for disease incidence and severity but data is incomplete.

Frequent low rate application of 2, 4-D and cytokinin to study plant symptom reduction in HLB affected trees: Grower tests

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 776   Year: 2014

Frequent low rate application of 2, 4-D and cytokinin to study plant symptom reduction in HLB affected trees: Grower tests

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 776   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Three growers are appling1/4th the regular rate of Citrus Fix and MaxCel every 45 days on approximately 1 acre each of Hamlin and Valencia orange trees. Grove locations are Sebring, Babson Park and Ft. Meade. One grower had applied his second application while the other two were making only their first applications. No apparent difference in flush was detected. Tree condition (decline status) is being monitored and will be evaluated at the end of the fall period. Fruit drop will be measured and yields obtained. Flowering will be checked for any difference in timing or intensity.

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Grower trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 777   Year: 2014

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Grower trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 777   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

There was no significant difference between the PGRs, 2, 4-D and Retain, and the Control in any of the 3 trials. Overall preharvest drop rates were 25 to 35, 40 to 45 and 50 to 55 % for the three groves. In two of the groves the treatments had almost 5 % more drop than the control, while at the other location the control had almost 5 % more drop than the treatments.

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Comprehensive PGR trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 778   Year: 2014

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Comprehensive PGR trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 778   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The preharvest drop values at the Lake Alfred site were low on January 25 (5 % drop) but increased to 18-18 to 30 % by harvest on March 25th. The ProGibb and ProGibb + Citrus Fix had the lowest fruit drop, but the values were not significantly different than the control. The other 2 sites had 33 to 37 % drop and 47 to 58 % drop, not significantly different. Consistent with all of the tests run, healthier trees had lower drop rates than more severely declined trees (20 % versus 30 to 34 % for mild and severely declined trees respectively, at Lake Alfred). In another grove the % drop values ranged from 30-50 % for healthier trees and 50 to 70 % for mild and severely declining trees. In all cases differences were not significant probably partly due to tree condition within the plots.

Citrus preharvest drop related to HLB disease–Nature and control

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 809   Year: 2014

Citrus preharvest drop related to HLB disease–Nature and control

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 809   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Low concentrations (1/4 rate) of 2, 4-D and Max-Cel were applied every 45 days to Hamlin and Valencia tree canopies at two locations in central Florida starting in Spring 2014. Concentrations were 12.6 ml Citrus Fix and 480 ml Max-Cel. Every other 45 day period, GA3 (0.04 g ai/tree) was applied in 3 gal of water per each microjet irrigation zone. Treatments were applied from Spring through September. Trees were sampled in late spring for phloem development at three locations in the scaffold system (root flare, trunk, small scoffolds and leaf main veins). Comparable samples will be taken at the end of the growing season to compare phloem development with and without the PGR treatment. We expect to run comprehensive PGR profiles on the treatments with N. Killiny. A root development test was run in the greenhouse using disease free nursery citrus trees ready for planting. GA rates were 0, .00125, .0025, .005, and .0063 g ai/plant. The number of new roots was increased 38 and 31% by the two higher concentrations after 3 weeks. Total and average root length increased by 27 and 28%, respectively, 6 weeks after application and by 21 and 23 % for numbers at the two higher rates after 12 weeks and a second GA3 application at 6 weeks. An attempt to test GA root applications on similar nursery trees that are HLB infected will be done if appropriate plants can be found.

Scheduling ACP spring spray selection based on the Citrus Flowering Monitor System

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 850   Year: 2014

Scheduling ACP spring spray selection based on the Citrus Flowering Monitor System

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 850   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

The person to redo the internet model for flowering evaluation was identified and will start on the new format. Recent years will be analyzed for estimates to improve the model for this winter. Leaf flush and flowering data will be collected this spring for orange (2 or 3), grapefruit (2) and mandarin (3 ) cultivars.

Frequent low rate application of 2, 4-D and cytokinin to study plant symptom reduction in HLB affected trees: Grower tests

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 776   Year: 2012

Frequent low rate application of 2, 4-D and cytokinin to study plant symptom reduction in HLB affected trees: Grower tests

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 776   Year: 2012
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Three growers agreed to apply 1/4th the regular rate of Citrus Fix and MaxCel every 45 days on approximately 1 acre each of Hamlin and Valencia orange trees. Grove locations are Sebring, Babson Park and Ft. Meade. One grower applied an application while the other two growers were waiting until the crop was harvested so that they would not be subject to crop destruct rules for this past year’s crop. Comparable control rows are being monitored two rows from the sprayed trees. Approximately one acre was treated in each cultivar and these trees plus controls were categorized as to tree health.

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Grower trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 777   Year: 2014

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Grower trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 777   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Four growers agreed to treat five one acre Valencia plots with Citrus Fix (2, 4-D) or Retain (AVG). Treatments were applied using 2.8 fl. oz. of 2, 4-D or 100 gm ai/acre of Retain. Two locations were harvested almost immediately after application so that no data was obtained for these locations. The three remaining tests were treated on 2/11 (Lake Placid), 2/13 (east Lake Wales) or 2/19/2014 (Sebring).

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Comprehensive PGR trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014   Project: 778   Year: 2014

Plant growth regulator late winter application for preharvest drop control in Valencia orange-Comprehensive PGR trials

Report Date: 09/16/2014
Project: 778   Year: 2014
Category: ACP Vector
Author: L. Gene Albrigo
Sponsor: Citrus Research and Development Foundation

Two trials were established that included sprays of Citrus Fix (2..8 floz/ac), Retain (100 g ai/ac), S-ABA (100g,ai/ac), 1-MCP (company determined rate) and the Control. These locations were Auburndale and Lake Wales. A third location did not include 1-MCP. The treatments at the first two mentioned tests were applied from February 10 to 12, 2014, while the third location (Lake Alfred) was treated earlier and twice (September and October).